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User ID: 2560



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User ID: 2560

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"300 Colombian mercenaries killed in Ukraine, out of 500 that went there"

This is according to Russia, btw.

" “We have some records, but what the Russian government informed us—and this requires verification—is that about 500 Colombians participated on the Ukrainian side. Of these, around 100 have returned to Colombia, 100 have deserted, and roughly 300 to 310 have been killed,” Murillo said."

I played a boardgame called Dune: Imperium for the first time recently. It's a worker placement game. And it vastly surpassed my expectations. I could see myself getting obsessed with it and sinking a lot of time into it.

I don't think that's a fair representation of what it says on the wikipedia page.

Like what?

Remember to buy assets

What assets specifically do you have in mind?

Everyone likes free money, right? Building houses is good, having kids is good, paying less for life saving medications is good, taking power out of large landlords hands is good. But maybe trying to apply emergency price gouging laws to non-emergency situations is not so good. Maybe write a law that you have to lower prices when things are good as quickly as you raised them when they weren't so good. What are Trump's plans?

Are you familiar with the Econ 101 arguments against price controls?

Everyone knows there are no solutions to the crime and disorder issue that don't involve totalitarian levels of paternalism /social control over blacks, outright genocide whether fast or slow or eugenics, none of which are likely to occur.

I do not actually agree that this is true. There are probably lots of reasonable knobs to turn that would help the problem enormously.

Congratulations! (don't circumcise, his body his choice)

Plus soviet-style controlled economy stuff

Israel assassinated the leader of Hamas, not Hezbollah.

If the Tibetan was a terrorist leader responsible for an October 7th attack then that would be the same. But the US Government would probably never shelter someone who committed an attack like that against China.

Russia can more easily afford to lose men than Ukraine, but the flip side of that is that NATO can more easily afford to spend money on tanks/planes/missile systems/etcetera than Russia.

I don't consider Israel's assassination of the leader of Hamas on Iranian soil a big escalation. It seems like just the normal thing to do with terrorist leaders.

Edit: also, I think the US Government might continue to supply Ukraine indefinitely, as long as the voting public doesn't actively oppose it. It's not like we live in a direct democracy where every voter has to actively re-up on the decision to arm Ukraine once per year, it's more delegated/technocratic/deep-statey than that. Whatever words you want to use to describe it.

As much as I don't trust the unelected bureaucracy about some things, this way of making the decision seems fine to me.

Just cut Social Security. Old people have had their whole lives to get their affairs in order.

I was too busy fighting for my country in Vietnam! (I was a Viet Cong radio operator who immigrated to the US in 1995)

His reward for revolutionizing the sport was inadequate. He should get a two cent royalty every time someone dips a hot dog bun in water.

Edit: Have you seen this?


I do see a lot of blue checks now, that must be some revenue, right?

Mao would either be ashamed by history proving him a monstrous fool or in denial about that. Whether his cognitive dissonance would take the form of anger or unearned pride/boastfulness is an open question.

I don't think Marxists is a perfect analogy, but you make some good points and I can kind of see things playing out in the way you describe.

Right wingers root for Iran in international sporting events? What bubble are you talking about?

Is it some analogue of the patriarchy or institutional racism?

If you want to describe it in those terms, sure! Obviously it's hard to get ahead in a system that is full of people that revile you, there's no mystery.

The natives will be forcibly drafted, since they obviously won’t organize as a community to resist a draft. The immigrants will organize and not be drafted. Natives die off in war and their relative numbers further decline. As draftees they are ejected back at the end of the war, worse off than before. Natives lose again.

Drafts are theoretically compulsory but realistically if people don't want to fight that still makes a big difference. For a lot of reasons.

Well it's not unheard of for depressed people to decide to kill some random people on the way out. There was that kid who flew a small plane into a building (didn't kill anyone) after 9/11 who claimed to be inspired by islam but was probably just bullshitting.

Is the American approach to reporting such events to broadcast things loudly? I just read a manga (Don't Call It Mystery) which claimed that America doesn't broadcast crimes that could invite copycats. Which seemed wrong to me.

I think the world would be a better place if people on all sides were more careful to bring forward all salient points and not just the ones that are most useful.

I agree with you, jkf

At the risk of being rude, I kinda wonder if 100P is thinking about things in terms of status games in a way that doesn't make sense.