Bangkok is kinda known for this sort of thing, so I imagine their are plenty of polyglots in the industry. Also nominative determinism, but I'm sure that's been done to death.
Judo class in college was quite awkward. The men were all bigger than me and surprised by my strength, while the women were feathers and twigs and it felt like doing the moves right might break them. Also judo-pinning women feels rapy and uncomfortable.
Aikido might be a BS martial art, but the women there were athletic lesbians with some sturdiness, and there was no need to throw anyone to the ground and lay on top of them.
Were there a way to mad science up some reproductive capacity without requiring puberty, would opting out then become acceptable?
I half suspect that, between cloning and the Monkey testicular transplant experiment, the mad science could have been there by now, had we been performing the mostly-unethical experiments to master the tech.
Yes this.
But also yes to the "puberty is part of the process" catch 22. Why do you have to die to appreciate who you were/are/will be?
It's embarrassing, really. They just have to acknowledge biology for the 5min it takes to write the definition. Is doublethink that hard, or does doing so threaten their social standing or something?
Well, I got none to lose, so why not?
A woman is a human who fits into a cluster typified by certain traits, such as 2X chromosomes, female reproductive organs (vagina, Ovaries, uterus, etc), breasts shaped to emphasize mammaries, the ability to lactate, conceive gestate and give birth to offspring, or else menstruate when not gestating, and to have achieved physical maturity (maximum height, full development of the mentioned features, etc.
The "cluster [...] typified by" part is how you include XY women, metapausal women, women with mastectemies or hysterectemies, and trans women. We're supposed to be good at word-games; can't we just, IDK, italicize cluster and typified by to make it clear that those are the cheatcode, and so that their friends can see what they're up to instead of canceling them like "OMG you said all women can have babies but what about metapausal XY women with hysterectemies?".
Cause, like, if it's that last thing, fair enough, but you do kinda forfeit the claim to being the smart team under those conditions. But if my experience is anything to go by ... yeah, it's that one. :(
Getting overloaded with low quality info on the state of anti-aging products. What actually works for what? Senolytics? Memory thingies? Else?
This description gives me Wheel of Time vibes, and that is terrifying. Granted, in WoT, it wasn't the women driving the men mad, but it was their failure to work together that tainted Saidin, drove male channelers mad, and led to the Breaking of the World. And if there's a single madman who could break the world ... it'd be the Dragon Elon Musk. ... Wait, what was Ishamael's true name, again? 😱
There are lots of ways to read and write text other than the default font by unaided eye. There are laptops and stuff. If you have access to windows, check out the Ease of Access Center for the freebies.i
They're personally blaming Trump for every airplane accident.
... In Canada.
Is there a genre of videos that shows the same time period, or even the same events, as the most partisan partisans on either side imagine it to be, in sequence? If not, there should be. It'd be entertaining. Or places, even; scenes of what each side thinks of when they picture San Francisco / Texarkana / DC / ...
In a somewhat Joker kind of way I think it's more life-affirming to cut these government jobs. Between market forces for labor and more regular job changes, this guy would be dragged kicking and screaming into finding a job that paid him what he was actually worth.
Don't scare me like that. Now I'ma hafta go buy like 10 lotto tickets to counterbalance this idea.
(The much smaller, fewer numbers, state lottery with a mere 6 figure payout. The odds are way better. I'm stupid, but if I'm throwing money away, I at least wnt to stack the odds if possible.)
No really; I struggle to think of brainwork of actual value that I could be doing. The ability to code does not make one a worthy asset anymore. On top of which, all I'd do with a spare million is ... IDK, hire someone from TeamFourStar to voice minor NPCs in my crappy game, and throw a bunch of it at creaters and charities who are underfunded. I'm not sure that's worth uprooting my life for a soul-sucking desk job at a tech city or whatever. My local CoL is fantastically low and family's nearby. My "house" finally seems livable, after all the work gone into it, but it's still not worth more than I could make by saving for a couple two-or-three years. Also my resume is mostly a bunch of crappy audio games that are not on Github.
... Why haven't I put my codebase on Github, anyway? Oh, right; most of it's redundant.
agents, given scaffolding that allows them more human reasoning (long-term memory storage, frequent reminders of their objective, plugins that give them access to the internet etc.) are generally pretty useless and incapable of solving even very basic programs. And they usually go mad eventually.
In fairness to AI, the internet drives many humans mad, too.>
Dang, I wish we had some sort of organization that would contextualize comments like that so that less-informed people (like me) could come to a better understanding of the world. Lol, like that would ever happen, right?
Is expecting this to turn into an ad for Ground News a sign that one spends too much time on Youtube? :/
Over 30. Was way more sex negative before. Pre-Lesswrong me would respond to such a comment ... either as if personally attacked, or by glibly retorting "At least someone agrees I am not a man."
At least someone agrees I am not a man. ::P
(I italicized "someone"! That makes it different!)
I think this has become known as asexuality,, among psychiatrists. Mostly because SJ pushed it hard in response to the strictness those of your view insist upon its functional universality.
FWIW, I have lots and lots of notes and posts and maybe some IM conversations from the 00s and early 10s, if you want verification of my mindset at the time. But TLDR, Dr. K's description of asexuality describes me more or less to a t.
So what you're saying is... when someone says I'm weird for wanting to be short, I have a citation to smugly tweat at them? :)
It sounds like-one of those evopsych just-so stories, though. Pre-Truescum trans medicalism seemed stronger. Not sure if that was lost in the replication crisis, or if the rapid expansion of what counts as trans and the cancel power it possessed stifled further research.
Presumably, extract useful minerals, turn the rest into salt palaces and make it a tourist trap.
I'd assumed based on prior discussion that efficient desalination would require enough power output that it'd require either lots of fossil fuels, or nuclear. Are renewables in California competitive enough for desalination, now?
My understanding of timeless decision theory is that you are deciding for every entity sufficiently similar to you. So, you’re making decisions for yourself at different points in time, as well as anyone else who might be sufficiently similar to you at the same time. Well, technically, this would make backwards causality… Kind of a thing you could think about, it really doesn’t seem all that relevant to how you would use it to actually make decisions. Instead, it adds weight to the decisions you’re trying to make, by spreading the consequences farther than you would normally expect them to go.
But that was from over a decade ago. It’s entirely possible that it’s become a lot more insane since then.
It reminds me of one of the 1989 revolutions (am I thinking of Hungary?). The dictator was getting worried at the people's lack of enthusiasm and bleak countenance, so decided to hold a huge rally in the capital. The people got there, noticed that everyone else looked as miserable as they felt, and someone finally grumbled out loud. So it went from people cowed into submission to overthrowing the government fairly quickly and without coordination, because the culture had been quietly changing but everyone was so afraid to admit it that it took something big and public for everyone to realize it was safe to complain all at once.
It's kinda felt like it's been heading that way since 2014 or so. The Woke wave grew strong, scared people into compliance, but the more people got canceled, the more damage they did, and the more all that damage demonstrably failed in achieving their stated goals, the more people quietly slinked (slank?) off to the "I swear I'm liberal; it's just that the rest of the left went crazy!" hoarde. The media and SJWs' hold on the narrative™ grew increasingly obviously wispy, and then the election was everyone's signal that it was finally safe to breathe. Elon Musk's buying Twitter, the backfiring of the Hogwarts Legacy boycott, the utter destruction of culturual juggernauts like Star Wars and Marvel, and the Biden administration's utter failure to bring back even Obama era levels of seeming stability, probably all had a lot to do with it, but the election was the most public sign of all, with very straightforward numbers and everything. The Cancel mobs have always been a loud minority, but now everyone knows it to be so.
This is the correct answer. The Almoravids were mostly Arab/North African, but had a significant number of sub-Saharan soldiers with them, and North Africa was historically the diversity region Pre-Colonialism, but this was still rare. IIRC, a black worker was among those working on Hadrian's wall (which we know because it freaked out the emperor who thought black people were bad luck). And there was Saint Maurice. And these are the motte to the "therefore, blackwash European history" bailey.
Perhaps more to the point, considered in the context of hunting, it really doesn't make much sense to be talking about 200 mile races. Men are faster at every distance that a human would plausibly have covered during a normal day and this difference widens if they're forced to carry any sort of kit with them.
The way I've always heard it, endurance running is exactly what made human hunters OP, not speed. It's why we traded fur for excess sweat capacity.
When cars were invented, 90% of horses weren't taken to the glue factories and shot, were they? They just kinda stopped breeding and withered down to entertainment, gambling, and hobbiests, while the rest died off on their own. ... right?
Seems like humanity is already horsing themselves to death without AGI.
An LLM cannot have a sensation. When you type a math function into it, it has no more qualia than a calculator does. If you hook it up to a computer with haptic sensors, or a microphone, or a video camera, and have it act based on the input of those sensors, the LLM itself will still have no qualia (the experience will be translated into data for the LLM to act on).
You have defined sensation as the thing that you have but machines lack. Or at least, that's how you're using it, here. But even granting that you're referring to a meat-based sensory data processor as a necessity, that leads to the question of where the meat-limit is. (Apologies if y've posted your animal consciousness tier list before, and I forgot; I know someone has, but I forget who.)
But I don't feel like progress can be meaningfully made on this topic, because we're approaching from such wildly different foundations. Ex, I don't know of definitions of consciousness that actually mean anything or carve reality at the joints. It's something we feel like we have. Since we can't do the (potentially deadly) experiments to break it down physiologically, we're kinda stuck here. It cmight as well mean "soul" for all that it's used any differently.
I feel obligated by existing to respond, but all I've got is "my dad is the exception in his family. We were not dragged down by the others." Which just feels weak.
Also, whenever a cousin wants a path out, either for themselves or their children, they've historically tended to go to my dad in some capacity, be it hiring (on condition of not committing any drug-related crimes recently), or assuming custody of his nephews when their parents wound up in prison. The wider clan has basically fallen apart with the death of Grandma ~18.5y ago.
And while I expect my dad would have found a way to thrive regardless, getting involved in his father-in-law's business made a huge impact. I'd also note that this had nothing to do with the reasoning behind the marriage; my dad was trying to get into white-collar work until my sister was born, and FIL offerred him a job as an electrician. At no point did he want to turn that into a career, but it turns out that it's reliable, pays well, is less depressing than paper-pushing, and being able to spot a building he personally empowered on every other street is worth something. Also, the magic of giving a damn and taking whatever work he does seriously made him the obvious one to take over when FIL retired.
I kinda think demonstrably overcoming the background disadvantages of one's origins or condition can be attractive all its own. Of course, you then have to worry about regression to the mean, children getting lured into the life of the extended family, etc. FWICT, of the four of us (his two bio children and the two nephews), only one seems to be on that path, and it took until adulthood to get there.
Is there an option to download the conversation? I know when Claude's ressponses show up in the code area, they're in markdown, so you can just copy or download them and get the same formatting here. Not sure about the main convo.
alongwith him never having even kissed a girl. How can you be touching late 20s and never had any encounters with girls without being an incel.
I'm beginning to wonder if the FBI is turning into a big pyramid scheme.
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The concept of changing genders is trivial to imagine without requiring people tell you about it, though?
If you're referring to the pseudosoul thing that Gender has become, fair enough. But children are capable-of going, "Hey, can boys turn into girls?" How disappointed / satisfied / excited / ambivalent any particular child would be to any particular response, IDK.
But yeah, the response to that question should not be "Ooh, come into this secret doctor's office and find out, and if your parents try to stop you, threaten to kill yourself."
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