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User ID: 2334

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: ban evasion



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User ID: 2334

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

And I want all US servicemen and equipment brought back to the USA, all foreign military entanglements ended, and for our supposed allies to defend themselves.

that they shut up about USSR-sized sphere of influence.

USSR sized sphere of influence? Ukraine is closer to Moscow than Canada is to Washington.

What haven't we given them that would actually make a difference? The First Marine Division?

Obama was far cleaner than any Jersey politician could ever hope to be.

Civil rights destroyed the right of free association in the USA. That's the largest point. Further, it enshrined the concept of disparate impact. Does your policy coincidentally have an impact on blacks? Well then you're racist and your policy is illegal. No, you can't prove that it's not racism but simple differences between different groups. No longer can you just hire the smartest person for the job (Griggs v Duke Power). So everyone needs a Bachelor's degree to prove that they're smart and conscientious when a simple intelligence test would do. And on, and on.

Yes, that's why no New Jersey politician will ever be President again.

Dollars to donuts, if we'd given the Ukrainians our entire arsenal the week the war started the current situation would not be different by more than 10%.

Please do not put words in my mouth - Russia is not the good guy. Ukraine is not the good guy. They're both essentially shitholes except now one is being propped up with my tax dollars for some reason. I would never choose to live in either.

As much as the war has eroded Russian credibility, it's eroded US and NATO credibility. We put sanctions on Russia and... well that doesn't seem to have collapsed their economy as promised, does it. We fed Ukraine all this training and money and materiel for a massive summer offensive and... basically nothing was accomplished.

Now BRICS countries have a wedge to build a non-Dollar denominated global trade system. Now we've shown China that THE ENTIRETY OF NATO, US INCLUDED, can't produce enough munitions to match Russia in a large regional war. What exactly have we gained here? How are we going to gain? I don't see how Ukraine even gets back to status quo antebellum without NATO boots on the ground and planes in the sky. And then we're in a shooting war with a nuclear weapons state, which is terrible enough that I will fight to avoid it at all costs. AND FOR WHAT? FOR WHAT? Some Eastern European mudhole?

The whole of the civil rights era was a disaster that broadly lead us to where we are today. The apparatus I'm referring to are the Justice Departments various offices that investigate and prosecute civil rights crap, the NGOs that feed them, etc.

The only thing I can think of that you might have transposed the Ukrainian post-war guerilla efforts against the Soviets onto Finland?

An excellent point. The Ukrainian ultra-nationalists have not been kind to the Russian speaking populations over the last decade plus.

I don’t think anyone supposes that Putin is a benevolent leader.

I don’t see Ukraine being particularly worse under Russian suzerainty than under some other conditions. It’s never going to be paradise.

That’s far from clear

the fascist government in Finland fought on for an additional 3 years after VE day.

So... the Finns called WWII the Continuation War, e.g. a continuation of the 1939-1940 Winter War. They signed an armistice with the USSR in September 1944. Which is a a solid 8 months before VE Day.

I'm less up on Finnish internal politics of the period, but I think a lot of them would take issue with calling the Finnish wartime government "fascist."

I don't believe for a second that giving weapons to Ukraine is saving Ukrainian lives. Especially now that it's apparently devolved into a static almost trench warfare situation. Every weapon given to them prolongs the conflict by X amount, and certainly results in some amount of casualties during that interval.

Reagan's anti-communism was his redeeming quality, to be clear.

Reagan failed to roll back any of the 'civil rights' era disasters in any significant way. At a minimum, he should have been able to end with a period all of Johnson's "Great Society" nonsense, and destroy the entire 'civil rights' apparatus that had been built. Instead we got modest tax cuts and huge military spending.

Reagan was ridiculous and he totally failed in the long run. Granted the other options were likely worse.

Maybe. On the other hand, books offer convenient access to information with zero continued effort or resource expenditure on the part of the author/publisher. What do I mean by this? Consider the phenomenon of linkrot. There are a few causes of linkrot - an org may revamp their website, someone may lose interest in the subject and stop maintaining the site, someone might die and not have made arrangements for the continuation of a site, among others.

With a book, none of these are a problem. Yes, it comes with other issues of course.

Maybe this is simply a weird perspective from someone focused on a niche-ish hobby, but I would almost rather have the reference material in book form than online, simply because I don't think it'll stay online eternally. Whereas no one is going to take my copy of FN Browning Pistols offline.

I mean that’s obviously true, but that just means that we’re better off telling boys that then what we’re doing now!

God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America

Humane, sure. Effective? Hard to beat a bullet.

Because feta, like cheddar, Gouda, havarti, provolone, and all other cheese varieties is a style of cheese which can be made anywhere. There’s nothing special about Greece that prevents other places from producing equivalent or even superior cheeses.

Elon has ten kids from adult to under 2…. Calling him an incel is literally retarded. Clearly this is not a man who lacks for sex.

Places where it currently exists are generally shitholes for reasons unrelated to that.

The US was not a shithole when we had this system, and there's no reason to expect it to become one if we transition to such a system.

What absolutely WILL happen should we attempt this is the media and administrative employees just turned out working hard to portray it as a worsening.