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joined 2022 October 28 10:12:15 UTC


User ID: 1758



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User ID: 1758

National Lab (LBNL) results support LK-99 as a room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor.

Simulations published 1 hour ago on arxiv support LK-99 as the holy grail of modern material science and applied physics.

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First claimed successful replication of LK-99

Accomplished by a team at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and posted 30 minutes ago.

Why this is evidence: The LK-99 flake slightly levitates for both orientations of the magnetic field, meaning it is not simply a magnetized piece of iron or similar 'magnetic material'. A simple magnetic flake would be attracted to one polarity of the strong magnet, and repelled by the other. A diamagnet would be repelled under either orientation, since it resists and expels all fields regardless of the polarity.

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Hypothetically, if LK-99 turns out to be what it claims to be, what do you think will be the major visible consequences and changes for general humanity in the next 1 year, 5 years and 10 years?

On a personal level I can definitely admit that covid has broken me. I can't seem to let it go and I'm still hooked on lockdown and vaccine BS that a normal person would've long moved on from. I recognise that this is a problem and have actively been trying to spend less time and energy pursuing such material.

It's hard to move on though because the public response in general, and particularly that of my friends and family, to covid restrictions, was really shocking to me. How easily they rolled over and accepted the boot of tyranny in the name of safety. How quickly my friends turned on me for questioning the narrative and how even my own family turned against me and didn't want me around anymore. That stings and the trauma from that betrayal is at the root of my continued obsession.

And although they've moved on there's been no apology or acceptance that they were wrong. They still believe that they did the right thing. My friends ignore covid restrictions like everybody else now and my family invites me around again but the fact that they haven't acknowledged how easily they were manipulated and misled into evil, into pointless ostracisation, into supporting highly unethical and immoral policies, means that I can't trust them or wider society in the same way I did pre-covid.

So yes, covid has broken me. It broke my trust in my country, in my people and in my closest loved ones. Is it any wonder I can't let it go.