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joined 2024 October 04 18:51:40 UTC


User ID: 3281



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User ID: 3281

The joke being shared on social media is that this Joker film actually will cause mass shootings, but only on account of how bad it is.

But you do need a license to sell alcohol, and to make alcohol for commercial purposes — there is all kinds of regulation. Why is no one going blind from bathtub gin?

One student told me the real car of choice amongst the Zetas is the Mercedes Benz G Wagon, which run upwards of $140,000. Driving those cars doesn’t necessarily mean you’re filthy rich, but it does mean you want to convey a certain level of wealth.

This makes me curious as to what the threshold for “filthy rich” is, in that, this isn’t an adult with a career buying a $140,000 car for themselves, but an adult buying one for a child of theirs with a still-developing frontal lobe.

Also the bit about the in-crowd rules reminds me of college. I’m from a northern state, and I was a pretty good high school football player, had some D2 interest, but went to a D1 school down south as I was’t delusional about my chances of being a professional athlete. The school had intramural flag football, and there was a separate Greek league for the frats to play each other and they took it rather seriously, held practices.

In the dorm league you have to play with guys from your dorm, so I joined that freshman year and did well. I got asked to play for an open division team my second semester that had three guys from the same frat who wanted to play more than once a week on their frat team. As before, I did quite well on that team, too.

I was also in a shitty rock band that I’d joined from answering a flyer.

Anyway, those three frat guys from my open league team, toward the end of that second semester, asked me if I wanted to come over “to the house” for some beers. The invite was for the same time as my shitty band’s practice, so I politely declined. Never got a social invite from them, again. Assuming I traversed one of those in-crowd rules.

Sweden has seen a noted uptick in criminality in immigrant-heavy suburbs and it has significant boosted their violent crime rate.


I know that New York City has had an issue with unlicensed weed shops. The licensed weed shops have complained that because of their higher expenses that stem from obtaining and maintaining a license, they can’t compete with the unlicensed.

I wonder how much actual legalization would alleviate accidental fentanyl overdoses, given the huge problem with fentanyl is it is so cheap to produce. It winds up in all sorts of other drugs as it is a cost-effective way to boost another drug’s high. Could the cost of actually-legalized drugs be brought down enough that people shy away from street drugs like most would currently with bathtub gin?

Chiming in as an oenophile. The Romans introduced viticulture to (what is now) Germany in the 8th Century. Wine is all about soil and climate, and only certain regions in Germany produce wine; mostly river valleys in the southwest, but there is a little bit produced near Dresden in Saxony along the Elbe.

Tangential, multifamily housing lobbyists oppose government lease registries. But if we had them, even at state levels, it would massively reduce squatting. As is, in many jurisdictions, squatters exploit that law enforcements considers it a civil matter, until the formal eviction process is completed, and won’t intervene.

An IKEA Billy with an extension is only 7’9”. My grandfather and father could store all their books on duck hunting in one. No one needs a 14’ bookcase.

In contrast, the hard-drinking Upper Midwest has low murder rates and long lifespans.

Germanic Wisconsin on its own God-level drunk tier even amid surrounding competition. Also, the Germans didn’t like whiskey, so old fashioneds made with brandy are a Wisconsin supper club staple.

I eat like a Bohemian and drink like a German, thanks be to God for this. Amen. —Martin Luther