I'm not even supposed to be here today
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User ID: 225

Agreed. I also prefer two spaces of indentation to four, four is just such a waste of space for (imo) no readability benefit.
I assumed the reason we don't give everyone metformin is because of the very memorable bathroom visits that it causes.
it's purpose is to be a new home for people who are upset that moderates and conservatives are being given a voice, any early adoption is going to be centered around that.
Ditto for Mastodon. It is an absolute cesspool because it's primarily used by people who couldn't stand the idea that Elon might not let them bully people with politics they didn't like (and this was before he bought Twitter no less). It is exactly as bad as you might expect based on that.
I'm just saying, talking about the consistency of your semen and how much you masturbate is way TMI for a discussion about hair loss lol.
It's the old men who're the worst. Dude, don't spread your legs on the bench to clean your saggy balls, and what the fuck's up with being naked while having socks on !! Please No !
If it's any consolation, my wife has told me that old women are just as bad in their locker rooms. IDK what it is with old people and nudity, but it seems to apply to both genders.
Bro what.
if god forbid we go under some invisible sum of $spending per minute, then they actually slam the bill on the table and just kick me out as if I am some hobo. So much for friendliness.
The hell? I have literally never had this happen in my entire life in the US. Either there's some other layer to why you're having that experience, or you are the unluckiest person to ever visit a restaurant here.
I would agree Parisians are crazy behind the wheel of a car, but I think that's orthogonal to friendliness.
Oh, I absolutely agree with that. Being treated with such casual disregard would almost certainly feel just as bad for the recipient as actual hatred.
A lot of what I've spent time on is fortifying Nauvis. I had the misfortune to get a desert world, so I set about building walls and turrets basically first thing. Then the biters were evolving to the point normal ammo wasn't enough, so I had to get red ammo, turret upgrades, etc. Then by that time my starter resources were low so I had to expand the walls to include new resources... you know how it goes. I would say I probably spent half of the time in my save either building defenses or researching defense upgrades.
But hey, I am going to go to space today unless things really go sideways. The defenses are solid, I have machines building rocket launch pads and fuel, I'm finally ready. It'll be nice to finally get to Vulcanus (my planned first planet)!
I don't think that the toilet paper sense qualifies as "hate", personally. Much like love is wishing for someone's good, hate is wishing for someone's bad. I agree that it is contemptuous and unpleasant to disregard someone completely and use them as one would an object, but I don't think it qualifies as hate.
I will get around to playing Dawntrail one of these days, but honestly Endwalker left me feeling kind of meh on continuing with FF14. That's partly because they wrapped up the ongoing story so well that I feel sated and not really looking for more, but also partly due to how they handled some of the writing choices in the expansion.
Anyways, I'm sure at some point I'll get around to it but I just don't have that excitement like I used to. This was the first FF14 expansion I didn't rush out to pick up on day 1, but it is what it is.
I have probably 80-90 hours into my Space Age world, though I'm not into space yet (I'm right at the point where I can launch rockets though). I've been enjoying it, though obviously I don't really have access to most of the new content yet.
My biggest complaint so far is that quality seems half baked and that it makes the game more inconvenient. Just unlocking it meant that every "select a recipe" type dialog takes two clicks (select the recipe and hit OK), even for the vast majority of cases where I don't care about quality yet. And the logistics get more complicated, because you can't tell machines "take this quality or higher, I don't care". So quality parts will jam up your logistics unless you plan carefully. I like quality in principle, but the implementation doesn't hold up to the very high standards Wube has met in the past for how smooth the gameplay should be.
I didn't read it as "inner peace", but neither did I take it as a call for violence. She's impotently wishing that bad things will happen to the ones she hates, not encouraging someone to go out and make those bad things happen.
Oh yeah, I should've mentioned that. But you are correct. Lots of multiplayer games (TF2 but also others) have balancing mechanisms to even out the number of players on each team if they get too lopsided. So all of a sudden you can find yourself playing on the other team. The reference isn't meant to be taken literally, because obviously there isn't an algorithm switching allegiances around IRL. It's really just a jokey way to say "America has switched sides".
Thanks man. I appreciate the support. It was indeed a frustrating conversation, but on the other hand it's been out of my mind since then so I guess it couldn't have been that bad lol
I do agree with your broader point, that the people who kind of push people away from the faith the most are the super traditional ones. IDK why, exactly, I am sure it's not their intent. All I know is just about every time I go on /r/catholocism I come away from it going "man those people are crazy and if I didn't know lots of very nice Catholics IRL I would run screaming".
Basically that America has become a totalitarian state on par with Russia, etc. I imagine that it was prompted by the re-election of Trump, because people love to claim he's literally Hitler. But regardless of the inspiration, that's the message.
As a meme, it fits with the general form of Polandball memes. I don't particularly think those are good memes, but I suppose it's a matter of taste.
It makes sense to me. I think it's a stupid message, but as a meme it works well enough.
Advertising doesn't do any good, for instance; who's going to buy Coke instead of Pepsi because they heard an ad?
I mean... I'm pretty sure that's true though. Advertising is obviously useful if you are a company nobody has ever heard of (or if you are an established company with a new product). But it is pretty clearly a waste of money for Coke to run most of their ads, and it only persists because nobody is brave enough to stick his neck out and try to not run them.
Because I'm not a hypocrite? I don't really think it needs a justification to be willing to apply rules consistently, or to be willing to suffer the negative consequences of a rule because you believe it's a good rule overall.
It turns out that I do not hold opinions on policy based on whether or not the negative consequences of said policies personally impact me or those I love.
I personally would like to get rid of the two examples you mentioned as well. The kind of big brother monitoring banks do is obnoxious as hell and I'm not convinced it is an overall value-add for society.
The BBC says that in 2018, 93% of all marriages in the country were arranged.
Wow. I knew arranged marriages were a thing, but I didn't know they were that ubiquitous. With that many marriages being arranged, are the handful of people who don't go that route looked down upon as weirdos or anything?
Sure, you don't have to appeal to people if you remove the democratic nature of our government. But that is so far outside the realm of probability that it isn't worth discussing.
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This is the crux of my objection as well. I have issues with the idea of taking a healthy human and mutilating their body to make them a crude facsimile of the other sex, but at the end of the day I think adults have the right to choose self-mutilation if that's what they want. But what I will not play ball with is the attempt to try to get me to affirm a lie (that a trans person really is the sex they claim to be) as the truth.
I try to treat trans people I encounter with respect and compassion; they are my brothers and sisters just like everyone else. And Lord knows that they have enough on their plates without me disrespecting them. But "respect and compassion" does not include telling bold faced lies just because that is what they want to hear. I'll avoid the topic of gender as much as possible for their sake, but if it's unavoidable then I'm not going to lie about it.
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