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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

Wouldn't that mean even the framing story can't be trusted? The editor points out places where Humbert's narrative conflicts in a provable way, and doesn't do that for what he's actually on trial for.

No, the worst part was his delusional narcissism that made him think he was a sexy young popstar-lookalike she had a crush on, rather than an aging academic she only flirted with a bit to mog her mom/daddy issues.
That's why her rejection hit him so hard, especially because of who she hooked up with instead

You seem to think we care about malicious sneering consensus enforcement fresh from from the latest progGPT firmware update.
If anything that's going to make people here double down on saying things that piss you off and filter the normies, because they are weird and proud of it.

Deeply proud this board has maintained its libertarian principles. I love you all.

I should have been more careful with the they, my bad

Imagine even trying to explain esoteric right wingers to normies. You'd sound insane and probably get committed to an institution become a person experiencing houselessness somewhere between "hyperborean bodybuilder chipmunks" and "cloning King Charles II as God emperor"

In some way it's the same advantage that leftists have, where you'd need to explain to your mom "biden's new education secretary has an abdl puppy roleplay fetish he acts out in the office"

Most cheap, fast, and easy sneering works based on prejudices: they only have a 2 minutes hate to work with, so they need to fall back on stock targets the media already prepared for them. The deplorable uncle, the gross neckbeard, the dudebro, the nerd who doesn't know his place. All archetypes their audience has been trained to instantly support violence against.
Even Sam Hyde would be too confusing for instant recognition, if only because he triggers too many grotesque stereotypes at once.

How did you get the report? Archive.is couldn't even get me past the paywall on this one. Is there a better way now?

That's true, but it generally fits the whole pattern of behavior and general strategy of a leftist post-totalitarian regime, in the sense Havel used the term.

Deniable coercion, manipulation, and vague concern-trolling threats of what might (deservedly) happen to you if you ask too many questions. Much neater than cracking skulls all the time.

"this ethics policy has been ruled robust to manipulation by the Harvard school of government committee for Progressing Public Policy. Conspiracy theories claiming without evidence that the ethics policy will be abused have been determined to be unethical and will be punished harshly by the ethics review board"

Keep in mind that he crossed the Rubicon because a Senate oversight committee ordered him to come home unguarded so he could be executed after a show trial. That was literally the only reason he needed to do it in the first place.

There's a lot of irony being told "why are you so obsessed with it" by people who rush out to buy each new version of the LGBT-BLM-weird-circle-&-pawprint-now-for-some-reason flag, who wear "protect trans kids" shirts with knife logos, who get their harry potter scar tattoos covered over with devotional slogans like some born-again Aryan Nations member.

But there's no point in pointing out this irony, because the disgusting juvenile sneering isn't a real belief, just self-aware, calculated bullying.

Do people really not remember

Your last and biggest black pill to take is "no, they literally don't remember anything the TV doesn't remind them of every five minutes"
Good news: it's a suppository.

There won't be any cognitive dissonance because there's no cognition, and there's no use waiting for it to kick in any moment now, even as the propaganda ramps up to new heights of hysteria.

Absolutely, because the procedural manipulation of science, polling, etc. starts with who gets to who gets to select the default hypothesis and areas of research.

The people who pick a list of polling questions like "how concerned are you that not enough is being done about the looming Climate Crisis?" aren't interested in understanding what their subjects are actually thinking.
At worst they're push-polling, at best they sat around in an office full of identical people picking questions from a hat full of NPR headline printouts. They definitely deserve ridicule for not caring to think about asking the right questions, and not even noticing they're asking the wrong ones.

This is exactly the sort of reflexive sneering that shows there's no argument to justify your position beyond "haha you have no power to stop us hurting your children, and we do it because it's funny to us".
Nor is there any concern for "fairness", which was just tactical rhetoric until you were in a position to jeer at the kids your policies hurt.
All those arguments about "implicit bias" go right out the window when studies show teachers are biased against a group you want to torture for fun, because your "concerns" about bias were only ever an excuse for power to hurt people.

The experience of interacting with leftists and learning about how they behave has been horrific. Like hearing a voice crying for help in the woods, only to come face to face with a giant spider mimicking human speech to ambush prey.
Is there even any motivation to the entire ideology beyond sheer pointless malice?

And women are vastly overrepresented in the "social work" jobs eligible for loan forgiveness, which in retrospect was obviously a "free college for party members" giveaway.

Your talking points are straight out of 2015, it's amazing that you just pretend the last decade of evidence for e.g. title IX abuses doesn't exist

Yes, at this point they're just burning Biden as fuel for leftist turnout in a way that doesn't implicate kamela. I wonder if we'll get a sudden hard left shift from him on Palestine if they think there's still some meat left to gnaw there.

Yeah, the odd responses from men are a signal they're not asking the right questions. Probably because they're not even allowed to think what questions might be relevant to young men.

They're all redundant acronyms.

The lesson is to never fully acronymize a phrase, always leave a key word out because people will need to say it anyway. "PI Number", NA Immigrant, AT Field Machine

"bush as" prompts "bush assassination attempt"

Wait what is the x axis here?

Is there a decent explainer breaking down il/legal migrant inflows into the US? I'm aware of the CHNV mass parole program, but is that separate from the flights bringing in "inadmissable" migrants?
How do both of these compare to numbers from the southern border?

There's this general attitude of "everyone knows what's going on", but nobody except Datahazard seems to have a clear picture of the stats.

I'm so God damn tired of watching people like that smugly pretend "I don't know what you mean, that's so weird, why would you notice that?"

It's never honest, it's always tactical sneering. You can tell because he's still doing it even after people showed him in the gentlest way possible.
With sneers like "the latest thing circulating on telegram", he's literally just doing the same thing as Kalema voters he was criticizing above, and doesn't even realize it.
Even when he's got the nerve to grudgingly notice things, he still has to get an elbow in at the people who noticed before it was fashionable.

Jesus fucking Christ, it was not a typo. Look at the auto-complete suggestions like I told you to do. The last suggestion it will make is "TRUMan", and when you add the P it goes blank.

This is exactly what I meant by how you pretend not to see what's right in front of you so you can sneer at people

Go to Google.com and type "attempted assassination of Donald" or "of Trum" and look at the predictions.

The entire Dem system is orwellian, there is no other word for it. It's not possible to overuse it.
You've just gotten used to it, because that's what you have to do to feel like a Sensible Moderate rather than one of those witches you sneer at.