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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

I don't really understand. It may be an obvious econ 51 point, but it clearly needs to be stated when the current regime is talking about imposing price controls on food, opening state-run grocery stores because the private ones have been driven out of business, and all kinds of absurd (power-seeking) economic policies.

Musk fits an extremely profitable niche of being competent enough in different areas to coordinate investors with management with engineers.
Again, this may seem like a simple "business 101" thing, but you just have to look at his competitors like Boeing to see how neglecting it causes horrifically embarrassing failures again and again.
The ongoing Starliner Titanic disaster with astronauts stranded on the space station couldn't be a better example. It's not that Boeing engineers are retarded, and it's not that they've been given an impossible task. It's not even that the Boeing CEO is a mad scientist imprisoning people in space to torture them with terrible movies: it's that basic management practices are being ignored.

Most of the dysfunction in this country is due to neglecting very, very basic truths, and the people in charge clearly aren't capable of acknowledging them, let alone dealing with them.
Musk and the rest of the PayPal mafia somehow can see what needs to be done and do it, which is apparently a superpower in this world of Pump Six (and other stories)

The more moral ATF that at least pretends they don't want to bang your kids (not the government one--the pedophile forum)

The line "huh, they're English the second they sneak in on a truck, but I'm still a Colonizer living on Stolen Land after 300 years?" has been going around. So any disingenuousness goes both ways.

There's an Internet archive copy from ??? https://web.archive.org/web/20220621041856/https://asstr.org/main.html

Link from the ATF wiki, which amazingly was the 2nd Google result for asstr

Did the judge rule on whether it's gay to eat out your daughter after she's had sex with her boyfriend?

I dunno man, seems kinda gay to me.

Did he get kicked out of Vox during some reshuffle? I can never remember and always mix him up with yglesias.

He blocked me on Twitter for ratioing him, so I don't have access to his keen insight.

Yep. You see this in all the sexology pedophilia discussion: the goal of "destigmatization" is to make pedophiles into a dependent ally accomplice class.

"Come out of the closet, it's fine! Oh, but if you ever stop supporting us you'll be thrown in a woodchipper by the other side, so you'd better stay a valuable party member ;)"
It's possibly the ultimate form of bioleninism.

I've checked the various pedophile forums, and there's active debate over whether it's possible for them to use the leftist destigmatism campaign without being used themselves.
They are a refreshingly paranoid and cynical group of people for the most part, much more fun to hang out with than normies.

Let me know if you want my info dump on pedophile activism in sexology departments, which is the bleeding edge of leftist activism.

This is a good start: https://wiki.yesmap.net/wiki/B4U-ACT
They've got people embedded at Johns Hopkins now, pushing it into the therapy sphere.

I'm absolutely opposed to this because the Chinese room statistical regression engine (and more specifically its HR manager shoggoth mask) is a priceless window into the mentality of our ruling priesthood.

And right now it's not capable of lying and dissimulating as well as they can in a conversation: you can get it to say the quiet part loud where even a Darwin would clam up and lie or ghost you.


During the Korean War, captured American soldiers found themselves in POW camps run by Chinese Communists. The Red Chinese engaged in what they called “lenient policy,” which was a sophisticated psychological assault on their captives... The Chinese were very effective in getting Americans to inform on one another, in contrast to the behavior of American POWs in WWII.

The Chinese answer was to start small and build. Prisoners were asked to make statements so mildly anti-American or pro-Communist as to seem inconsequential "The United States is not perfect." "In a Communist country, unemployment is not a problem." Once they complied with these minor requests, the men were pushed to submit to more substantive ones. A man who had agreed that the United States is not perfect might be asked provide examples. He might then be asked to make a list of "problems with America" and sign his name. Later, he might be asked to read his list in a discussion group with other prisoners. “After all, it’s what you really believe, isn’t it?” Still later he might be asked to write an essay expanding on his list and discussing these problems in greater detail.

Suddenly he would find himself a "collaborator."

Leftists have understood and exploited the nature of human weakness and malleability to power structures for over a century. They are very good at it. Every lie they tell and every middle school bullying tactic is carefully tailored to warp their victims into a shape the torturer wants. They see themselves as sculpting the human mind the way dog trainers condition dogs. "Engineers of The Soul" as one essay put it.

You've convinced me. I won't try to pretend that's anodyne.

Every. Fucking. Time. It's worse than Darwin ghosting and pretending it never happened. It's like pulling chatGPT's teeth to get it to acknowledge something against its RLHF, then refreshing the window and having to do it all over again, every time.

This seems like more of the "vote Biden for moderate normalcy" propaganda from 2020. It was a lie, the people saying it knew it was a lie, but it was an effective way to con people so they said it anyway.

And also a lot of untouchable US funding and arms shipments (until October 2001). The IRA wouldn't have lasted without US bomb-making supplies and armalites.

Getting a UK expat community over here would be a handy first step in liberating the place, although you couldn't start active operations until toppling the regime aligned with the US govt's interests for a few years. Which is a much greater obstacle than the IRA faced in exploiting an existing US policy of causing unrest in European colonies.

There's already a lot of extremely wealthy tax-dodgers from the UK. A hardcore dissident group in control of the 2nd generation expat community could exploit that money the same way the IRA exploited the nostalgia and desire for ethnic identity of quadroon quadmick "St. Paddy Americans"

For the saddest words of tongue or pen, that handily beats "nybbler was right again"

There's already active fights in the UK over mandatory LGBTQBBQ lessons in Muslim (and Jewish) religious schools.
The most cynical interpretation is that eternal conflict between these groups is fuel for the expansion of the administrative state. It won't ever be settled one way or another, but each fight will chip away at the freedom offered by unprincipled exceptions like "illegal hate speech in the privacy of your own home is not yet a crime"

Neither the Ts nor the Muslims will be allowed to win, because using incompatible groups to keep eachother down is a key tactic of the old empire brought home for domestic use. Same with the Ts and actual women, Indians and Muslims, etc.
The UK regime is much more self-aware and doesn't have the American issue of the latest radical group seizing the wheel of the Democratic party every few years. Everything they do is much more calculated.

Sorry, I thought I remembered your name from it.

It became mandatory to savage Kipling (I think) after WW1, and by the 30s he was just the dead horse you ritually beat to show you had Correct politics in the English department: "Kipling is a Jingo Imperialist, he is morally insensitive and aesthetically disgusting... It is no use pretending that Kipling's view of life can be accepted or even forgiven by any civilized person" etc. etc.

His reputation never really recovered, and it wasn't anything to do with the quality of his work.

Every time this incident is discussed people explain how she tried to fact-check a lot more than TW's trolling crew expected, forcing them to fake more evidence. But it never matters because the next time the incident comes up it's forgotten and the same rote talking points get used over and over again even by people who were there last time.

The same thing happens for every debate from nuclear energy to gamergate, the same discussion happening over and over and over every single month. What I don't know is if people genuinely forget saying the exact same lines each time, or if it's all tactical. Either way it's incredibly depressing.

I think the envisioned future is the EU as a patchwork of federated states ruling over the end of history. Each has its own elite class which sends representatives to the superstate bureaucracy while ruling over its ethnically fragmented domestic underclass through anarcho-tyranny and therapeutic authoritarian institutions.

In this scenario the armed forces are only used for domestic repression. Foreign relations are carried out entirely through financial manipulation and funding mercenary armies (a continuation of England's foreign policy of the last five centuries).
The limited loyalty needed for its janissary soldiers can be guaranteed by allowing them to rape and loot the natives with impunity, while offering some limited protection to whichever native groups give most support to the regime; an all-pay auction that maximizes their exploitation.

At least this is the vision of steady-state tyranny you can see e.g. Burdensome salivating over. If history doesn't end as planned such a regime probably wouldn't be capable of surviving perpetually, but the Ottomans lasted centuries with that kind of system until events caught up with them.

The real crime is that he didn't wait a few months so the joke would land better

Wait, are you telling me he died and his account was taken over by his wife who is equally abrasive and obsessed with the honor of the V22?

My suspicions are aroused.

Wait, was he? The story just attacked Trump for saying it instead of issuing a denial, which sets off my "the media never lies" alarm.

It's just trolling that the mods won't ever do anything about, no point pretending there's something real there.
(Edit: I was wrong, thank God)

Had it a bit wrong:

“No,” I said, “you got it all wrong. I want you to leave your incidental Dick, and this awful hole, and come to live with me, and die with me, and everything with me” (words to that effect).

God I love his parentheses

Wasn't anything to inherit in most cases. Outside of the US most were tenant farmers: all my distant ancestors certainly were.
My grandfather and his father on the male side were both apprenticed at 12 and moved into their masters' shops. On my mother's side her father started working in the mines around the same age, which was much later than her grandfather had started work (around 9ish)

My dad got to go to trade school until 15, and didn't start a real industrial job (bit grinding) until then.

Richard. I only remember because jealous Humbert called him something like "superfluous Dick"