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joined 2024 April 10 04:39:31 UTC


User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

Nah, I've seen this kind of thing before. Community sentiment keeps drifting, part of the mod clique goes fully adversarial. Eventually there's some big drama flareup, a mod purge aided by someone with admin permissions, and a crackdown based on "reinterpreting" an existing rule.

It starts with a few mods seeing the community itself as a problem to be solved, and that's where Amadan first tripped my reddit mod alarm.
The broad sneering at large sections of the community, the snarky, sarcastic mod notes right out of 2016 reddit. You can see the same old story unfolding.

Sorry man. I live in a blue state that's already started "hate speech watchlists," and has Seattle Antifa goons running publicly funded doxxing rings to get burger king cashiers fired.

I'm already retarded for posting on this site without being behind seven proxies, and mentioning identifiable details would be dropping bait in a shark tank.

I can't even talk about most of my irl hobbies or anything to do with work without making it trivial to pick me out of the entire county population. One bit of info about work would narrow it down to about two hundred people, and a second about hobbies would give you a shortlist of half a dozen names.

Yeah, no, I'm not buying it. I've seen you use this line on far too many good people.

I think all you're optimizing for is getting rid of "witchiness" as sneakily as you can without making people too upset about it.
Sorry to say this publicly, but you and sscreader are two of four regular posters who I completely discount, and would rather not see at all if blocking didn't disrupt the site experience so much.

If you want to call mentioning being the victim of a crime "dropping a steaming turd", go ahead. But I think people are sick enough of that reddit-mod manipulation tactic that it won't work.

The votes suggest people do not think I am "shitting up the place," I think you're just using that as a gaslighting tactic because you enjoy being manipulative.

Oh right, that was it! In '04 Kosuke Kitajima started adding butterfly kicks back into the breaststroke pull out, causing some controversy and rule changes.

I also meant you, to be honest.

I'll be happy to if they promise to follow the same rules. No more crap like "time to burn some witches before they run this town," and I'm all good.

And people seem to appreciate the info I bring to discussions, which is always encouraging.
Why would I not post when there are people who want to talk about gardening or medieval economic history or fringe political things I can dump evidence for that nobody else knows about? There's almost nowhere on the internet like that any more.

There only seem to be roughly 4-5 haters who dislike my posts, and I'd be happy to engage with them too if they'd speak up instead of downvoting and reporting everything.

And you? You post an awful lot of one line angry complaints about people, and don't seem to like being downvoted for them. What keeps you coming back?

If a manga says anything about America or any country outside Japan, it is guaranteed to be hilariously wrong. Outside of the mechanical details of WW2 guns and tanks anyway, they nail those.

Maybe I should I call them "witches" instead, which certain mods show us is an acceptable insult? With a bonus insinuation of "and we all know what needs to be done to witches"?

Didn't they change the breaststroke rules because the Japanese found out a more efficient way to do it that wasn't spectator-friendly? Or was that something my swim coach made up/I made up my swim coach making up?

On the other hand he's talking about monetary incentive. These people thought interest rates were going to drop by 2023 and staked their money on it.

Bad faith would have been talking publicly about how inflation is temporary/imaginary while dumping overpriced 5yr bonds, like the Vox staff stockpiling n95 masks.

(Actually I'm terrible with bonds, what's the strategy for profiting on rising rates with them? Treasury futures? Can you exploit a too-low TIPS spread when rates are rising? I have no clue)

Wish I could give you more concrete advice, but I'm on the opposite side of the country, on sandy soil, and in a much milder winter climate.

For me all the brassicas are a staple all year round. You can't beat good broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, etc. (collard in winter).
It never goes below 10F here, so it's all easy to keep alive with only the most sensitive stuff in a cold frame. I've had spinach come back up from under 2' of snow, but if there's a killer frost before the snow it'll kill anything outside a frame. New england winters sound much harsher, so your window is probably limited there.

Green beans are essential in summer. Squash is fun just to watch it spread. Tomatoes... Eh, they never seem worth the effort for how little I actually eat them, although seeding a few golden cherry types near the house makes a wonderful snack.

Garlic is one of the better things you can grow almost anywhere. Just make sure to get a good hardneck that bulbs on your long summer days. Mine just came out and is hanging in the shed, wonderful crop this year.

Potatoes are fun and easy. I actually just stick them in a trench on a bed and hill them up. This year I grew a few hundred pound in a compost trench that's going to take a screening hedge this fall. Lots of stuff loves growing directly on a compost pile.

I'm very against mulching tbh. In spring it leaves your undersoil cold and harbors insects. In summer it soaks up any rain and water and evaporates it off without it getting into the soil. Here people use either bare dirt or black plastic mulch, which is absolutely great.
Somebody convinced me to try a woodchip-heavy mulch in one area this year, and I have a pic somewhere of a chard plant totally skeletonized by woodlice.

Speaking of cold frames, they're the most time and cost-effective way to do any cold weather gardening. Even in the summer they're great for starting your winter veg under insect mesh. Mine are full of the final batch of tray-seeded brassicas to go in before the final direct-seeding of spinach.

Imo the real value in a garden is always having something you can just go get for dinner. A lot of people grow way too much in summer and get bored of picking and pickling it or whatever. Cottagecore women especially tire of it quickly.
Better to have a bunch of fast cabbage in the spring and winter than a giant crop of useless football-sized sauerkraut stuff in August.

Oh, and fuck raised beds, especially the silly wooden ones. Zero point, active detriment, God knows why people do it.

One last thing: it sounds like you've already picked a spot, but I found out too late that sun isn't the only important factor in location. I have a tiny 12x12' secondary garden uphill now, which gets much less light in summer due to east+west tree shading, but stays 5-10F warmer than my valley garden during winter (and gets almost as much light due to sunrise/set being further south).
It's great for keeping broccoli going in the heat of summer too.

The hilarious thing is that I've literally done this, but only by saying "are you feeling ok? If your stomach hurts, we have a bunch of stuff for that in our team's medical bag, help yourself."

There's this weird leftist thing originating in 2nd(?) wave feminism where they feel compelled to destroy taboos and conventions made to keep people comfortable, because they're "tools of the patriarchy". Burning bras, painting your walls with bloody tampons, having the cafeteria serve vagina cupcakes leavened with yeast infection pus, all to shock people, make them uncomfortable, and claim the space for leftists.

It's bled into mainstream prog culture now, where talking loudly about shitting and queefing is peak praxis. And they encourage men to join in only to get the ick when they actually do.
Once you learn about shit tests you start seeing them everywhere.

It's cost of labor vs wages, something I've been wanting to talk about recently. Slaves have huge fixed and variable costs, especially if you have to do it individually and can't take advantage of coordinated/socialized investments like the county militia Catch'uh Freeman team

You need some pretty weird conditions for slavery or serfdom to coexist with widespread wage labor iirc. Lots of war captives in Rome, ways to stop serfs bailing to go work for cash in Russia, etc. (i still don't know how that second one worked tbh, anyone have a clue?)

I'm not too excited about doxxing myself, sorry. I've probably said far too much already in terms of information bits.

Please do. People just don't talk about this stuff and it's insane what they just put up with silently, assuming it's normal.

These days I just laugh dismissively when they start it and talk about something else. Ideally you try to act like they embarrassed themselves and you're helping them cover for it.
Super-ideally your other friends do the same thing, because that type is easily cowed into conformity. The first time I had this happen at a get-together it was the most wonderful feeling in the world, made me appreciate why leftists get addicted to it.

Basically, I got over the nerd instinct to debate and the conservative instinct to be nice, and it made things so much better.

It works great, just short circuits their entire script; they don't actually believe anything, they're just parroting slogans for social approval, so withholding that approval shuts them down.

The occasional one who tries to push the issue gets a "yeah, no" and a little mental note next to their name.

How is it fair to describe the protests as being "against the knifing of schoolgirls"?

Because the protests were against the knifing of schoolgirls and the policies that have enabled a decades-long campaign of mass knifing/rape/bombing/truck massacres of schoolgirls?

I don't understand how this is even a question if you can accept that the Floyd riots were "being against police brutality"

No, something went very weird for about 20 minutes: everyone was posting about it. Cleared up though.

I hate to ask, but what is it with the Chinese and cannibalism? According to pixiv rankings it's tied and sometimes mixed with legs/feet for their national fetish.

There was no Foucault and no panopticon, just brutal violence and local suppression.

Can't stop laughing that twitter is glitching so badly I can't see the graph of his other company's performance

(Edit: now I can for five seconds until the page reloads with "something went wrong, don't worry it's not your fault")

Just carry a gun. I use an iwb holster in summer and owb in winter. Honestly, I've used a hard pocket holster in a jacket pocket, works fine.

Lighting is another issue. If I'd needed to shoot, I would have had to reposition my flashlight grip at the same time as coming up from one-handed low ready. Which I know how to do, but not instinctively enough to pull my light in the correct grip in the first place.
Something to train on.

Side note, thanks to this I found out my immigrant boss also carries. Some of these guys become more American than Americans.

Left work late the other night to find a druggie going through in my car in the parking lot. First time that's happened, but should have expected it from seeing them stagger around after all the shops are closed down.
I'm assuming it's the fentanyl stumble, because sometimes you see them standing in weird positions staring at nothing, but maybe someone more versed in modern druglore can correct me.

The level of crime here is still low, but the jump from "literally absent" to "a general background level" has ruined the high trust that made this community great.
There are no more open cash boxes at vegetable stands (the last one got smash-and-grabbed a month ago). A friend had all his plumbing gear stolen out of his truck (you can't even fence that stuff locally!). I never used to carry a gun here, but started recently. I never used to lock my door while I was out, but started after my neighbor's place got ransacked. When I was a kid I used to leave the keys in my truck like everyone else, in case a friend wanted to borrow it.

All the petty crime here is carried out by dysfunctional scum who were attracted by the scraps thrown to them by do-gooders. Some of them were deliberately recruited in "rehabilitation schemes" and dumped on us when they inevitably failed. Those responsible quickly moved on to providing "safe drug use supplies" for their former charges at the local community center. All taxpayer-funded, of course.
In fact, I know all the people responsible for importing this biowaste to our community, and they all live in newly-built mansions down long driveways with automatic gates and security cameras.
Meanwhile I have a lot of my net worth in equipment that basically can't be secured right off a main road, relying on the fact that until now nobody just wandered in to steal your stuff.

It might seem stupid to complain about when we still have basically no murders, but it enrages me that we lost something precious, and it was deliberately inflicted on us by smug pricks who will never face any consequences for it. They won't even gain anything from having done it to us, other than the joy of seeing us suffer while they remain comfortably immune.

Not sure where I'm going with this, but like Goodguy's personal story the other week, it's a general reflection on the inadequacy of crime statistics to capture its impact on communities.
And a growing appreciation for the importance of meting out consequences in an equitable fashion.

It bothers me to see it.