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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

I finally finished a potato experiment I've been meaning to do for years. Planted some in a trench at various depths, then hilled them as usual.
The ones planted at 3' grew a few normal fist-sized yellows at the deepest layer, but then dozens of tiny golfball sized ones on the higher stem.

Always wondered if there were diminishing returns to hilling. Looks like the sweet spot for large potatoes might be 10-16"

The vast majority of people who drive drive themselves

The crips and bloods never captured popular imagination? I'm not entirely sure black gangs are even much more dysfunctional than Italian or Mexican ones after correcting for general member criminality.

Somebody's been flying a fairly large quadcopter over my property and hovering over it, far enough away from the boundary that they're clearly breaking the BVR rules.

Does anyone know what my options are short of shooting it down? Is there an actually reliable scanning app for logging Remote IDs? Does the FAA jump at the chance to go after idiots? What sort of evidence would they need if they care about it?

Don't read this part if you're an FCC agent, but it seems like a nice directional antenna broadcasting noise on 2.4 & 5ghz would take care of a commercial drone nicely? Or at least make it go away if they have their return to home autopilot set up.

I think prison is more likely than murder because of the psychology of the perps. These were the kids who told teacher, not kids that started fights. They enjoy watching Authority punish their victims while taking a victory lap about how they made it happen. You can see this from all their published fantasies about Trump and Musk getting raped in prison.

Just having victims quietly murdered doesn't satisfy that sort of sadism. It needs to be public and identifiable as their handywork for them to enjoy it.

The "quietly disappear an inconvenience" crowd are much more professional and not driven by the same kind of narcissistic pathologies. And I suspect musk and thiel have taken steps to be indispensable assets to them: launching spy satellites and whatever spook-contracting Thiel is up to tends to help there.

No, the vast majority of people in Japan drive themselves, it's just that being able to do so marks them as upper middle class. Because they can only make the poor use public transit by restricting them from having cars

The Tokyo subway shuts down at 11:30 and doesn't reopen until morning. Nobody crowing about how Japan is a public transit success asks the night janitors if they care about walking home.

We just had an entire subthread about how the Japanese restrict car ownership to the wealthy while the plebs use public transit

He's going after starlink now too. A trial run of what the Dems would do here I suspect: full court lawfare against one target at a time and any business that associates with them.

When the boy scouts were a designated party enemy, yes, it was. We both lived through 00s late night television.

Now they aren't enemies because the party took them over, being a boy scout leader isn't creepy any more.

Anything that old would have died a long time ago. Detonator explosives have a shelf life, even if you're not using a fancy modern design whose tritium needs to be topped up periodically.

And until the late 60s (early 70s?) everyone assumed the war would start on the west German border and move west from there. Eastern European cities would get flattened by western theatre nukes hitting their depots and rail yards.

I could see some nuclear mines buried under west Berlin though.

In fairness fruit is really sensitive to growing conditions. I've had figs from a tree that overproduced that were watery and tasteless.
Abandoning fairness, growers are basically incentivized to optimize for weight and transportability over flavor.

Only released in 2009, what's with GW-related boardgames going out of print so fast? Even the stuff they must have spent a fortune on moulds for.

Is it? My only experience with one was a creepy groomer art teacher who reaaaally got off on being surrounded by gay boys having relationship drama.

You can buy honeycrisp apples in stores that taste almost as good as the ones from my tree. Tomatoes, yeah, a lot of the best varieties just aren't fit for mass shipping.

I literally put the price tags on the shelf every week, and I strongly dislike being gaslit with the same tactics that were used for "it's just a stutter, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist"

Remember that he was deliberately writing propaganda because he believed that the war would create conditions for a communist revolution in the UK.

The essay series was literally crafted to sell Ingsoc to tories worried about the war. It's as exploitive as any other communist propaganda.
It's the same basic thing as a Democrat telling you "vote Biden to cool down the culture war," barely hiding his utter contempt for the rube he's manipulating. Or "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it"

Lying to people that nothing they love is going to change is the first step in destroying every they love.

My guess: goading trump into responding, then cutting him off with a haughty "a powerful Black woman is speaking" (gestures to cut his mic)

Is there an insulting mass media propaganda campaign insisting he isn't?
It's the same as biden's senility. The worst part was the lockstep lying in the face of what we could plainly see, which was then abandoned the literal second their political objective changed.

It's the difference between a used car salesman lying to you (expected, almost charming), vs realizing the mechanic you brought with you for advice is also working for him (creepy and sinister).
Then you turn to your wife who's had her heart set on this car at any price, and as you look into her pleading coal-black eye slits you remember you don't have a wife. All three of them start chanting in an unspeakable language as the stolen flesh melts from their faces, and the sky outside is red redredredredred.
In a final moment of sanity-shattering realization, you understand you will be walking out of there with a 19% financing agreement.

That's the basic sensation of watching CNN for five minutes. Or seeing a still frame of that Anderson Cooper(?) lizardman wax model robot.

The sensation of being under bombardment by the American media makes me jealous of the countries that just get regular bombed.

wants the language used to be effective, i.e. to get as much hate as possible across to B,

This is completely wrong. Do you talk to cockroaches? Do you care that they understand how much you hate them?
The point of hateful speech about cockroaches is to convince other people to chip in for an exterminator visit, not to make the cockroach feel bad.

If you hate someone that much, you shouldn't be talking to them at all. You should be sending evidence he's an embezzling pedophile to his boss/wife/landlord.

At the very least you should be leaving no identifiable public evidence that you hate someone.

In 2020 slate or salon had an article about therapists who saw "toxic whiteness" as the cause of their patients' problems, and told them to give money to BLM riot bail funds as a step towards confronting and atoning for it (as well as Paying Black Women to Educate Them via zoom courses)

Just about every ethical line in the medical profession has already been crossed, and the mentally and emotionally ill are just easy marks when you have no ethical concern about exploiting them for The Greater Good.

It turns out there's very little you can do against a political machine that absorbs every neutral institution like borg assimilators, because it sees no value in the existence of any social good that doesn't serve the party.
How can you argue against or reason with a totalitarian system?

Thats an interesting point. Everyone who wouldn't hit the button marked "3d print another billion slum-dwelling Bomali Rickshawaroo™ pullers who increase GPD by $10 a year" is a degrowther in the sense of prioritizing things above economic growth.

It's worth doing more theoretical work to distinguish lifestyle-improving GDP deprioritization from "we must ban air conditioning in the Bomali slums because human suffering appeases Gaia's wrath" degrowthism.

The funny thing is that you almost always end up eventually banning the trolls I report (like Tomato), despite taking my reports as an anti-recommendation. It must be terribly frustrating.

Jews have a long tradition of both urban and communal living, even in mildly or intermittently hostile environments. Setting up NY. "public housing" with built-in yeshivas that are advertised only in Hebrew is childs play for them.

Christians who lived in villages around a church don't actually have any way to exclude people from their territory (let alone drive out non-members), so only actual cults can set up shop in the first place.

English speaking Christians also can't take advantage of "minority-serving" government programs to route around anti-discrimination law, by getting funding specifically directed to their community in a way that excludes outsiders.

The closest you'll get is Arizona retirement communities. And those rely on liquidated boomer house money that young families don't have access to.

Nah, I've seen this kind of thing before. Community sentiment keeps drifting, part of the mod clique goes fully adversarial. Eventually there's some big drama flareup, a mod purge aided by someone with admin permissions, and a crackdown based on "reinterpreting" an existing rule.

It starts with a few mods seeing the community itself as a problem to be solved, and that's where Amadan first tripped my reddit mod alarm.
The broad sneering at large sections of the community, the snarky, sarcastic mod notes right out of 2016 reddit. You can see the same old story unfolding.