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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

I held some money in Europe in the 2010s. At least I didn't get into "emerging (any day now) markets", but still kicking myself for the lost gains.

TBF don't rubric marines have feel no pain rolls that let them laugh at multi-meltas on a coin flip? Or am I mixing up editions again

Come to think of it, how do I know any of this I've never even played Warhammer.

I hear the new meta is moving your kid to a bottom-tier high school for senior year, since a lot of colleges have committed to taking the top x% of grads from such schools.

Not sure if going to Angela Davis high school is more torturous than being forced to play the vuzuzela for ten years because your preschool's college advisor said it makes you a shoo-in for Harvard orchestra recruiting.

You gonna apply that to outlaw83? I seriously doubt it.

I just watched a few minutes of Space Marine 2 cutscenes. Every time the camera cuts to a character, all the fabric on his body does the default T-pose-hang-and-fall like when you load new clothes in DAZ studio.
Literally every single shot starts with their armor skirts/tabard dropping down around their legs while they talk about purging heretics.
The dangling incense skulls keep clipping through their robes. Everyone looks like they got their faces done by the grimmest, darkest one-star yelp review post-op buffalo bill plastic surgeon in the galaxy.

This is a $70 game with a massive budget that requires a 3070 GPU to play. It looks worse than the one from 2011.
Is the the devs, or is the unreal 5 physics engine just awful? "Chaos engine" is hilariously on point for a Warhammer game

I would absolutely not get away with driving without a license or plates. I know this because I have friends who have spent time in the county jail for it.

I also know who around here does get away with ignoring almost all laws, from licensing to fire codes to food handling.

Absolutely not, because I remember this exact same scenario playing out at least three times, and in two of those cases a bet would never have been adjudicated fairly.

First and most obviously, Jussie Smollett. It was like pulling teeth, but eventually the people defending him shifted their counter-attacks to "why are you so obsessed with hoaxes when they're so rare?"
IMO the only reason that one might have settled is that the main representative for the losing side was so overwhelmingly disliked he had no social cover. Already unpopular people facing social consequences isn't great evidence for fair and impartial systems.

Second, the Virginia school bathroom rape case. To my knowledge nobody on team "there were no gender neutral bathrooms, ok but you can't prove there was actually a rape, ok but he wasn't really gender fluid, anyway it's super rare why are you so obsessed TERF" ever admitted wrongdoing. And I'm pretty sure that one catholic girl was banned for pressing them on it at least once.

Third and most recently, the Sam Brinton case where it took three arrests for stealing women's clothing for the people litigating it to go from pretending it was a right wing conspiracy to pretending they'd never heard of the guy.

Who's going to judge the bet? Some of the mods are the people from those other cases.
Even if we do get the absolutely overwhelming evidence we got in those other cases (and I admit we might not see the same Haitian guy arrested three times with a skinned cat in a sack each time), the bets will do nothing.
And you'd better believe the media will be pulling out all the stops to play the exact same "no evidence acknowledged by Reliable Sources" game they played in all those cases, until everyone's internalized that it was just another case of Republicans Pouncing.

People left the rust belt because there were no jobs in the first place. What were these companies desperate for cheap labor? We keep hearing about them in the abstract, but what actual companies had 20,000 positions to fill?

Again, how many of these Haitians are actually working? They get more "cash assistance" than someone working for $10/hr anyway!

There's a pro open borders story being spun in every article by being very flexible with the truth.

The migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, where anyone could get a plane ticket to the US paid for by a refugee resettlement agency. It was paused in July due to massive fraud (tens of thousands of fake or dead sponsors), but recently reopened once the heat died down.

It's one of at least two programs that flew migrants directly into the country instead of having them cross the border.

So far it has flown at least half a million people from the worst countries in the world into the US, with zero screening. That Venezuelan gang arrested in Colorado came in that way, iirc. Others have murdered here and it turned out were already wanted for rape and murder in their home countries.

I was looking for that exact link just now, thank you.
It would be perfect evidence for the "a 70iq country can't possibly exist" people, not that it would do anything except make them switch the argument to "well IQ isn't real and you're weird for having evidence"

The whole thing started with a Haitian driving without a license killing an 11yo coming home from school.
A common feature of all these CHNV groups is they have absolute immunity to basic law enforcement. They drive without plates, they drive drunk, they don't have licenses and they certainly don't know how to drive.

All shit people like you and me would go to prison for. basic anarcho-tyranny.

They're (often Catholic) 501(c)s getting billions of dollars through the federal government in ways that no one in Congress has the power to stop.
Got to CESglobal's financial page and see what $186,000,000 in government funding buys you. And that's just one drop in the bucket.

This is just the consequences of the total state falling into the hands of the left. Asking what you can do about it is as pointless as asking what you can do about Stalin's purges. The time to stop this was decades ago. Now there's nothing to do but suffer and try to find any way to stick a knife in your tormentors so they suffer some consequences for their evil.

When it turns out to be true, will you commit to publicly acknowledging it?
Because every time in the past the strategy has been "you heard that on libs of tiktok and everyone knows she lies"

It's still not very good when we're comparing an era before antibiotics with one where gunshot wounds are 90% survivable. There needs to be a lot more violence to get a similar fatality rate under modern conditions.

When you get shot now they literally replace your blood with cryo-coolant to buy time to fix your ruptured organs and veins.
In the 1800s you died of sepsis after they went rummaging in your guts for the bullet without washing their hands.

That sounds great, I only ever see people playing 3 on YouTube.
There's a few franchises that had a definitive version that nothing can replace, like aoe2 and advance wars

I love you man, but you're never beating the closeted leftist allegations

Hear me out, you could group jobs into categories by the mental requirements, which would also allow associative mating between professions with similar skills.

Even better, you could have dress codes for the different castes to reinforce the division. And you could solve the rapid scaling problem by growing babies quickly in hatcheries.

It would be a world of Community, Identity, and Stability

Britain was also very primitive. They were still eating their old mine and shunting ponies in the 50s, because all through the war all their railyards were using horses. (They also didn't get the post-war infrastructure rebuild that Europe got, which accelerated their decline.)

Germany was in the situation where the vast majority of their divisions were exactly as maneuverable as in WW1 the second they got off trains and hitched their anti-tank guns to the horse teams.
My dad had an older artilleryman friend who said they were jealous of the panzer units heading east, but very grateful for the horses on the way back west because you can't eat a tank.

One thing I never really appreciated was that the Czech 38(t) chassis was in production right until the end of the war as a tank destroyer and mobile howitzer. I only ever knew it as the best starting tank for a Steel Panthers campaign.

The Germans really snowballed with the diplomatic takeovers right up until poland. Huge value in some of those wins.

That's the thing, they didn't. They frequently outran their logistics, had an impossible time recovering damaged tanks, and almost never had enough of them in the first place.
The conquest of Poland resulted in a lot more casualties than normally acknowledged, and the invasion of France was a nearer-run thing than you'd expect. For the first few years of the war they managed to do wonders, but behind the propaganda reels of blitzkrieging tanks those early fights cost them a lot of their best infantry

I feel like by the time someone's passed every filter to be in that position, they're probably pretty hyped for it. It's not like the summer intern shows up his first day and gets told "get in the fucking panda suit Shinji"

(See how common quiet bestiality is among dolphin researchers for example. You don't get to be there unless you really fucking love dolphins with those words in arbitrary order)

The usual pattern is "that's a crazy conspiracy theory, all good leftists want to throw pedos into a woodchipper!", and then they get very angry when you show them evidence that the official John Hopkins position is now "destigmatize and accept this oppressed queer sexuality"

Bit too early for them to do "that's not happening and it's good that it is," so the programming defaults to the basic abuse routine. Same reaction as you used to get posting proof they genital surgery on kids was happening when the official position hadn't updated to "it's rare and also why do you care"

It's how you know you've hit a nerve of the blob.

I was going to say, a 13 year old can wash vegetables in the back of a grocery store as well as the 30 year old meth heads and illegals who do it now, and with fewer downsides.

Any with brains will be handling inventory and ordering in a year, once they learn the basics.

You know what the most annoying part of this is? The smug dismissal that construction sites in America don't need sweeping because "we don't do that kind of work any more"

Yes we do, it's just that it's done by the most recent illegal Guatemalan villager who doesn't even speak enough Spanish to take regular orders.

The "lower quality work" is always with us, it's just that you guys have managed to import an underclass of slaves to do it for you out of sight.

Wow, rents in the Japanese countryside are going up? Is the housing stock there finally decaying faster than the population, or have people been moving back out for retirement?