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Chief Suomiposter

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joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC


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User ID: 137


Chief Suomiposter

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC







User ID: 137

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Is Bush (George W., presumably) currently in a position where he'd be expected to be undergoing a high risk for a monumental, history-changing assassination?

Again, do you think the expected behavior would be autocomplete not delivering any results?

"assassination biden", "assassination kamala" etc don't autocomplete either, which might imply they've simply removed a bunch of obvious phrases to avoid some other guy taking a pop at one of the candidates and the news stories being written about how the (potential) assassin had Googled this phrase before grabbing his rifle. (Yes, no-one's attempted to assassinate the Dem candidates, but you'd still expect them to autocomplete for people to find, for instance, reactions by Biden or Harris to Trump assassination or so on.)

Most NAFO types seem to not be too mad at individual Ukrainian men fleeing and often say they’d do the same thing.

I haven't seen the same, though of course I'm mostly exposed to the local environments and saying one would flee if under Russian attack is currently pretty taboo here for obvious reasons.

It’s not meant to shift support, it’s a fundraising/organizing gimmick.

Feels like, Olympics by Olympics, the ratio of importance placed on the opening ceremony and importance placed on the event itself turns more to the favor of the former.

It's a free-for-all in any case. It's always been my point about cancel culture, too, that both the left and the right will do it if they have a chance, and have done it forever and ever, so it's useless to go "you started it, we're just responding!" and so on. The cycle cooling down either happens naturally or due to an external pressure, not by expecting either side just voluntarily and consciously give up and then expect the other to nobly do the same.

"Big Mike Obama" - ie. the idea that Michelle Obama is trans, if taken seriously, implies there's been a decades-long conspiracy to cover up this fact, including, presumably, everything related to make people believe she has naturally birthed Sasha and Malia. The Hillary thing implies she's a mass murderer who kills everyone who opposes her. Vance having sex with a (lubricated glove stuck in a) couch, while embarrassing, would not be a completely expectional thing for a young-ish man to do.

The point is that right-wingers crying foul over this while not crying foul over similar but worse jokes from their own side.

Insofar as such half-joke-half-smear claims go, "JD Vance had sex with a couch" is rather benign compared to, say, "Big Mike Obama" or the implications of "I have information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton" and the like.

Trump had four years to make a deal with Putin already on Ukraine that would solve the conflict for good (after all, it started in 2014). The most notable attempt, the 2018 summit, achieved exactly jack and shit.

Mostly commenting on it not being an immediate reaction to the Kamala nomination.

Roy Cooper would seem to be the best VP choice simply because he specifically looks (and has the name of) a fake TV president who gives the hero orders and a godspeed speech in some epic action movie. Like someone had morphed both Bushes, Reagan, Clinton and Biden into one superpresidential figure.

Okay, serves me right to not get a full context and just trust clips.

The shooting would still seem to be news with the Cheatle hearings and resignation. It's just not the main news right now because the Biden replacement with Harris is genuinely huge news with massive implications - hard to see how it would be otherwise. Pretending it isn't the main news now just seems silly. Things would presumably be different if Trump had actually been killed.

On my side - Republicans are high on copium, seems to not have been prepared for Kamala, lack message and message discipline, and are on the defensive.

It seems to me that they are on the attack - it's just a very stupid, self-destructive form of attack. Calling Kamala a "childless cat lady" just makes Vance look like a weirdo who has been marinated too much in online right-wing men's chats, normies don't feel the anger towards childless women that is evident in such circles - like, to me, a childless aunt is the literal childless aunt of our kids (i.e. my sister) who doesn't own cats or drink wine but helps us often and is beloved by the kids.

Or the whole "Kamala got her first job by having sex with Willie Brown" - even if one assumes there's a quid pro quo aspect, well, it's something that happened decades ago and I don't think that there are suggestions that Kamala has used sex to advance since then, so it just comes off as more random misogyny (and that's assuming one even knows what the original context is when they see the meme with a woman giving a blowjob in the Harris logo etc.)

What would there be for the Dems to gain for hiding Biden's death?

I'm reminded of the time when Kate Middleton went on an extended media hiatus and the odd behavior by the British royals around it led to a host of conspiracy theories, ranging from relatively benign "they're divorced" to the raving ones like "They've harvested her for organs to keep King Charles alive". Or when Putin was absent from publicity for some time in late 2022 and there was fervent speculation that he had died and there was a power struggle in Kremlin. In both cases the supposedly dead party eventually turned up and the speculators, well, at least didn't come out looking so good afterwards.

Of course it is entirely possibly that it does turn out that Biden has died or been seriously incapacitated by Covid, but again, why wouldn't they just come right out with it to get sympathy points and make Kamala's road to nomination even easier?

It's also quite likely that Republicans were implicitly or explicitly saying that Joe is demented long before he was actually exhibiting signs of it, which must have created a bit of a boy-cries-wolf effect for many Dems.

In a way, though, I rather envy the Democrats' ability to snap quickly into place around a candidate, utterly unbothered by whatever claims they made or positions they staked out a mere week ago.

Republicans demonstrated much the same ability in 2016, though, albeit on a longer schedule.

It became a moot issue fairly quickly anyway, as Bill and Hillary were some of the first major figures to endorse Kamala.

The tacit (and heavily papered-over) admission that Biden will not be fit to serve as President in January is also, I think, effectively an admission that he should probably have been removed from office for disability months, if not years, ago.

They could go with "Biden still has enough juice to serve until 2025, but does not have enough juice that it would have last until 2029." Dunno how true it is, but they COULD go with that, and probably will.

About it not happening.

That I was wrong?

I have never seen any evidence that Harris has the intelligence or insight required to lead a nation.

Does Trump?

I don't think this switch will be good for the Dems (Biden staying would also not have been good for them, it's a no-win situation), but at least they can now make the instant switcheroo to "It's Trump who is old and demented, HE should drop out now".

The only thing this chatter proves is that Hillary Derangement Syndrome is still going strong. A number of Republicans just can't let go of a long-time enemy, to the point of fantasizing about facing her yet again and again.

Heard much the same from a programmer friend.

I incidentally just learned about the Okta breach yesterday simply by getting frustrated with it and searching on Twitter evidence on whether everyone else hates using it continuously as much as I do.