Consider this a warning; keep posting AI slop and I'll have to put on my mod hat and punish you.
Boo. Boo. Boo. Your mod hat should be for keeping the forum civil, not winning arguments. In a huge content-filled human-written post, he merely linked to an example of a current AI talking about how it might Kill All Humans. It was an on-topic and relevant external reference (most of us here happen to like evidence, yanno?). He did nothing wrong.
Uh, what do you mean we don't have self-driving cars? I took two driverless Waymo rides last week, navigating the nasty, twisting streets of SF. It drove just fine. Maybe you could argue it's not cost-effective yet, or that there are still regulatory hurdles, but I think what you meant is that the tech doesn't work. And that's clearly false.
Also, I'm a programmer and productively using ChatGPT at work, so I'd say the score so far is Magusoflight 0, my lying eyes 2.
Wow, that's great to hear. I'm eagerly looking forward to the commoditization of novel writing (and videogame NPC dialogue), but I didn't think we'd figured out yet how to maintain long-term consistency.
It seems like the big AI companies are deathly terrified of releasing anything new at all, and are happy to just sit around for months or even years on shiny new tech, waiting for someone else to do it first.
Surprised you didn't mention Sora here. The Sora demo reel blew everyone's minds ... but then OpenAI sat on it for months, and by the time they actually released a small user version of it, there were viable video generation alternatives out there. As much as it annoys me, though, I don't entirely blame them. Releasing an insufficiently-safecrippled video generator might be a company-ending mistake in today's culture, and that part isn't their fault.
As a member of the grubby gross masses who Cannot Be Trusted with AI tech, I've been pretty heartened that, thus far, all you need to do to finally get access to these tools has been to wait a year for them to hit open source. Then you'll just need to ignore the NEW shiny thing that you Can't Be Trusted with. (It's like with videogames - playing everything a year behind, when it's on sale or free - and patched - is so much cheaper than buying every new game at release...)
While I am 100% on board the Google hate train, I think this particular criticism is unfair. I believe what's happening here is just a limitation of current-gen multimodal LLMs - you have to lose fidelity in order to express a detailed image as a sequence of a few hundred tokens. Imagine having, say, 10 minutes to describe a person's photograph to an artist. Would that artist then be able to take your description and perfectly recreate the person's face? Doubtful; humans are HIGHLY specialized to detect minute details in faces.
Diffusion-based image generators have a lot of detail, but no real understanding of what the prompt text means. LLMs, by contrast, perfectly understand the text, but aren't capable of "seeing" (or generating) the image at the same fidelity as your eyes. So right now I think there's an unavoidable tradeoff. I expect this to vanish as we scale LLMs up further, but faces will probably be one of the last things to fall.
I wonder if, this year, there'll be workflows like: use an LLM to turn a detailed description of a scene into a picture, and then use inpainting with a diffusion model and a reference photo to fix the details...?
It's easy being an AI advocate, I just have to wait a few weeks or months for the people doubting them to be proven wrong haha.
Unfortunately, even in this board, being "proven wrong" doesn't stop them. e.g. this argument I had with someone who actually claimed that LLMs "suck at writing code", despite the existence of objective benchmarks like SWE-bench that LLMs have been doing very well on. (Not to mention o3's crazy high rating on Codeforces.) AI is moving so fast, I think some people don't understand that they need to update from that one time in 2023 they asked ChatGPT3 for help and its code didn't compile.
Yes, the whole theoretical point of academic tests is to be an objective measure of the capacity of students. Because when you go out and get a real job, you have to actually be able to do that job. If these remedial courses aren't necessary for being a psychiatrist, then there should be a path to becoming a practicing psychiatrist that doesn't require them. If they ARE necessary, then lightening the requirements because, gosh, you can't satisfy the requirements but really want to graduate ends up causing harm later on in life.
The problem is it's not AT ALL the Bean that we see in Ender's Game. You can tell because his personality changes drastically when he has conversations with Ender (since those were already canon). The book tries to excuse it as him "feeling nervous around Ender", but that's incredibly weak. Similarly, the only reason all his manipulations of Ender (and his backseat ro have to be so subtle and behind-the-scenes is to be compatible with the original narrative; there's no good in-universe explanation.
Orson Scott Card just thought up a neat new OC and shoehorned him into the original story, and it shows. And I hate how completely it invalidates Ender's choices. But hey, that new character does come into his own in the sequels, at least, when he's not undermining a previously-written story.
Another (finished!) Royal Road story you might want to scratch your Mother of Learning itch with is "The Perfect Run". YMMV, especially if you don't like superhero stuff, but I thought it was quite good.
RLHF tends to make a model less calibrated. Substantially so.
By "calibration" I assume you mean having low confidence when it's wrong. It's counter-intuitive to me, but some quick Googling suggests that you're right about that. Good correction. I guess that's part of why fixing hallucinations has proven so intractable so far.
Fair enough. Sorry, I think I reacted too harshly, because it pattern-matched too closely to the pro-trans anti-scientific argument. When dealing with any field of applied applied physics biology, even though it's still "science", your definitions are basically always going to have a little fuzz around them. As you aptly pointed out here, governments should be open to litigation for borderline cases.
Sorry, this is just tired philosobabble, which I have no patience for. All the biological ways to define man and woman agree in >99% of cases, and agree with what humans instinctively know, too. If you want to pretend that obvious things aren't obvious for the sake of your political goals, I'm not going to play along. That's anti-intelligence.
Er, but "man" and "woman" really do have an objective scientific meaning, unlike "relative", which is a social convention. (Note that it would be equally incorrect to say "an in-law is your blood relative".) So I don't agree with your analogies; saying "trans women are women" is just an incorrect statement of fact, rather than describing social conventions.
That said, I do think your framing of transness as a social status is reasonable. If we were simply allowed to say someone was "living as the other sex", rather than the Orwellian thought control that the ideologues insist on, I think it wouldn't be nearly as controversial.
Eh, I guess I'm incoherent then. I generally do use people's preferred pronouns in person; it's polite, and not every moment of your life needs to be spent fighting political battles. Caitlyn Jenner's put a lot of effort into living as a woman, and isn't a bad actor, and has passed some poorly-defined tipping point where I'm ok with calling her a her. I just don't want it to be mandatory. I want it to be ok to disagree on who's a "valid" trans person. I absolutely don't want Stalinist revision of history/Wikipedia to pretend that Bruce Jenner never existed. And in the appropriate discussions I want to be free to point out that it's all just paying lip service to a fantasy. "XXX isn't a real woman" is a true statement that I should be allowed to say; but I generally wouldn't, any more than I'd point out that "YYY is ugly".
they frequently don't "perceive themselves" as having the literal knowledge that they're trained on
IMO this is roughly the right way to think about it. LLMs probably don't even have the capability to know what they know; it's just not what they're trained to do. A lot of people confuse the LLM's simulation of a chatbot with the LLM itself, but they're not the same. (e.g. we can't settle the question of whether an LLM is conscious by asking it "are you conscious?". The answer will just depend on what it thinks the chatbot would say.) From the LLM's perspective it's perfectly reasonable to extend a conversation with "the answer is" even when the word after that is undetermined. Hence hallucinations.
(I think RLHF helps a bit with this, allowing it to recognize "hard questions" that it's likely to get wrong, but that's not the same as introspection.)
It may not be a universally-accepted truth, but it is a scientific truth. We're a sexually dimorphic species. There are plenty of tests which easily tell the two groups apart with 99.99% accuracy, and if you're MtF you'd sure as hell better inform your doctor of that fact rather than acting like you're just a normal woman.
Joe Blow down the street thinks he's Napoleon. So, it's not a "universally-accepted truth" that he's not Napoleon. And maybe he gets violent if you don't affirm his Napoleonness in person, so there are cases where feeding his delusion is the path of least resistance. There's a "fundamental values conflict" there. But it remains an objective truth that he's not Napoleon.
Thanks, it's clear that (unlike the previous poster, who seems stuck in 2023) you have actual experience. I agree with most of this. I think there are people working on giving LLMs some sort of short-term memory for abstract thought, and also on making them more agentic so they can work on a long-form task without going off the rails. But the tools I have access to definitely aren't there yet.
So, yeah, I admit it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that you can swap a junior employee's role out with an LLM. o3 (or Claude-3.5 Sonnet, which I haven't tried, but which does quite well on the objective SWE-bench metric) is almost certainly better at writing small bits of good working code - people just don't understand how horrifically bad most humans are at programming, even CS graduates - but is lacking the introspection of a human to prevent it from doing dangerously stupid things sometimes. And neither is going to be able to manage a decently-sized project on their own.
they still suck at writing code
Hoo boy. Speaking as an programmer who uses LLMs regularly to help with his work, you're very, VERY wrong about that. Maybe you should go tell Google that the 20% of their new code that is written by AI is all garbage. The code modern LLMs generate is typically well-commented, well-reasoned, and well-tested, because LLMs don't take the same lazy shortcuts that humans do. It's not perfect, of course, and not quite as elegant as an experienced programmer can manage, but that's not the standard we're measuring by. You should see the code that "junior engineers" often get away with...
And killing somebody after infection is the easy part - somehow spreading to "every single person", or even a significant fraction, is a million times harder. People really underestimate how hard it is to build superweapons that can end civilization (it's easy in the movies!). I think if there are going to be problems with widespread unfiltered AI, it'll be because a large number of unstable individuals become individually capable of killing thousands of people, rather than a few people managing to kill billions.
This is exactly @jeroboam's point - you say "AI is a junior engineer" as if that's some sort of insult, rather than unbelievably friggin' miraculous. In 2020, predicting "in 2025, AI will be able to code as well as a junior engineer" would have singled you out as a ridiculous sci-fi AI optimist. If we could only attach generators to the AI goalposts as they zoom into the distance, it would help pay for some of the training power costs... :)
It's weird and a surprise that current AI functions differently enough from us that it's gone superhuman in some ways and remains subhuman in others. We'd all thought that AGI would be unmistakable when it arrived, but the reality seems to be much fuzzier than that. Still, we're living in amazing times.
Great post. But I'm pessimistic; Scott's posted about how EA is positively addicted to criticizing itself, but the trans movement is definitely not like that. You Shall Not Question the orthodox heterodoxy. People like Ziz may look ridiculous and act mentally deluded (dangerously so, in retrospect), but it wouldn't be "kind" to point that out!
When I go to rationalist meetups, I actually think declaring myself to be a creationist would be met more warmly than declaring that biology is real and there's no such thing as a "female brain in a male body". (Hell, I bet people would be enthused at getting to argue with a creationist.) Because of this, I have no way to know whether 10% or 90% of the people around me are reasonable and won't declare me an Enemy of the People for saying unfashionable true things. If it really is 90% ... well, maybe there's hope. We'd just need a phase change where it becomes common knowledge that most people are anti-communist gender-realist.
Haven't read BoC, but a LitRPG parody I quite enjoyed was "This Quest is Bullshit!".
I didn't really like the 3 body problem either, but at least I could tell it had a professional author and editing.
Yeah, I thought it was bad sci-fi (if you judge it fairly, not putting your thumb on the scale because it's basically the only breakout Chinese sci-fi novel that exists). But it wasn't badly written, at least by the standards of English sci-fi.
The clueless people who made Last Wish really messed up. They were supposed to make a soulless by-the-numbers sequel to a forgettable spinoff of an overrated series. Instead they made one of the best animated films in years, better than anything Pixar's done since Coco. I sure hope somebody got fired for that.
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