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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

I agree. It's more like ants marching in a death circle.

"If you are the Shady Cabal and actually managed to orchestrate something as complex as having fake terrorists fly planes into two big towers "

You're putting claims into my mouth to make me appear more ridiculous.

This is where conspiracy theorists get into trouble. It's not my job to speculate with meager information as to what actually happened.

I need only point out that the official version doesn't add up and that powerful people benefitted from the event.

If I go into a lizardman theory then I am easily debunked.

Pointing out the obvious and irreconcilable errors in the official story is a position of strength. Speculating on the unknowns is a position of weakness.

For example, is there any evidence that a plane hit the Pentagon outside of officials saying so?

endlesss scrolling through omnibus threads... no thanks. And without even knowing what year these best writers posted in?

No thanks. Keep your esoteric knowledge.

I just thought of this now after coming back to your post...

but if women are just as strong as men, why do they need protection from rapists? Why can't they just fight back?

Jarring question, but I think it reveals one example of how the disattachment from reality can have unforeseen consequences.

Reality is that which, when you stop belieiving in it, doesn't go away.

So much of Progressivism strikes me as an aesthetic. Trump smells bad. He tastes bad. Same with "Magats." They are low status. It's an embarrasment to be related to one. What's fashionable changes with the wind, but what's unfashionable is easier to point to- conservatives stuck in their 1990s colorblind aesthetic.

And much like the old trope of poor conservatives voting against their own self-interest because they see themselves as one day becoming millionaires...

I think many poor progressives also vote against their self-interest because they imagine themselves as culturally elite, if not now, someday.

"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires."

What am I supposed to compare it to if it's a unique event?

Gender is merely a social construct is a first principle of feminism and also provably incorrect.

Everything follows from this faulty first step, including swapping genders and/or sex by simply declaring it so.

By those terms, feminist professors declaring their undying hatred of men but who disagree with transgerism would also be included in the alt right.

(And they are. I have heard more than one young feminist describe ters as alt right or far right.)

WTC7 is apparently the only modern tall building to collapse primarily from a fire.

But I've seen videos of dozens of controlled demolitions and they all look like WTC7.

Ill take the pizza made by the new Italian prime minister over whatever this Noah Smith pizza is.

I will die on this hill!

"The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known instance of a tall building brought down primarily by uncontrolled fires..."


Yes I read it. I didn't find it convincing. I now consider it an early proto- factcheck.

I believe it looked like a controlled demolition because it was likely a controlled demolition.

It's the logical conclusion of the first principle, "gender is merely a social construct."

I often see gendercritical feminists battling what they see as the overreach of transgender ideology but not seeing the root of the issue.

I agree but my point is that I am a 9/11 truther inasmuch no one has ever convincingly explained to me why WTC7 collapsed.Or why there wasno investigation of The State Farm Arena election fiasco. I believe a group of global world leaders are pushing an agenda called Build Back Better etc.

But none of these explain what's happening on universities. Not even Alex Jones on ayuasca would predict the content coming straightfaced out of tenured University professors.

I am naturally a conspiratorial minded person, and yet no possible conspiracy theory could account for the mass mindlessness of modern academic "science."

I have grown weary of reading science fiction because nothing exhibits such extraordinary madness and fantasy as the modern society in which I currently reside.

Many academics posit that the concept of mammalian sexual dimorphism is a conspiracy of straight white men to oppress everyone else. The true believers are 100% convinced they are making the world a better place with their feminism/leftism. The only reason one would disagree with their theories is deep rooted misogyny/white supremacy.

Truly unbelievable!

Does GDP get adjusted for inflation?

Also China would first blast fragmentation bombs in satellite orbit to disable/destroy 90% of all satellites before firing their nuclear salvo.


Bro called in reinforcements???


I'm getting downvoted by blackpilled neofuturists and entrenched believers in the technological singularity because they shun their outgroup.

So much for rationalism.

  • -17

I'm saying it's a possible vulnerability. We are so accustomed to anonymous voting that we forget that it creates backdoor security issues. Usually those are difficult to implement but much less so with mass mail ballots. The vulnerabilities overlap well for an agency looking to surreptitiously control election results.

Maybe it hasn't happened yet but it certainly could happen.

All of your points are great and you're probably right.

But if you wanted to cheat, you would merely need a mechanism to delay likely opponent's votes, i.e. areas where their constituents live.

Basically, anonymous voting already has a trade off of less security in exchange for anonymity. But it allows backdoor attacks since a voter cannot check to who their vote was finally counted for. Combined with the security tradeoffs of mass mail in ballots, a sophisticated agency could cheat the vote, and while suspicions might be raised if it didnt go smoothly, the anonymous voting means there is no means to check the final count by the backdoor.

I cannot say for certain if there was cheating only that the current system is vulnerable to it.

As a staunch far right conservative, I unironically support the trans-officer in this situation as I did the Rosenbergs, who were time travelers, sent back to spare us from the darkest timeline, even though I do not believe that men can magically become women. (But when in clown world...) I do believe that humans are a sexually dimorphic mammalian species and that time travel is rare.


Edit: Futurists will hate me for this but my position is that time travel should be safe, legal, and rare.

  • -17

I lost interest in Canadian politics after I saw this article. I cannot say for certain that the election was rigged. But if you were going to rig the election, this is what it would look like.


(February 2022)


Almost 100,000 mail ballots not counted in federal election: Elections Canada (June 2022)

Even when you are caught, claiming it's a mistake is perfect plausible deniability.

That it happened twice in a row, I find completely unconscionable.

I wish i knew who any of these people are or what they posted.