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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

I voted for Hillary so wasn't really paying attention. Another user showed there was an /r/altright sub. But I am curious how many followers it has. If it's less than 500 then I feel like my point stands. Maybe I came along later, but I distinctly recall it being used often as a conflationary slur in the same way that "white supremacist" later began to be used.

See my comment above. Thanks for these examples. It can simultaneously be true that media outlets used the term to paint with a very broad brush.

Also the google analytics show it is not even on the radar until Hillary Clinton's speech and the accompanying New York Times article.

Basically Hillary said, look at this fringe group that totally supports Trump, (although strangely Richard Spencer endorsed the Democrat candidate in 2020,) and suddenly it gained national attention.

I appreciate you providing what I asked for here.

Here is the evidence of why I had this general perception. The Economist labeled Ben Shapiro as "alt right." Later retracted, which I was unaware so good for them.

Both can be true at once- that there were some people who called themselves the "alt right"... (which is why I asked my question,)

And the media and social media commentators have a tendency to paint with a broad stroke.

"This article has been changed. A previous version mistakenly described Mr Shapiro as an "alt-right sage" and "a pop idol of the alt right". In fact, he has been strongly critical of the alt-right movement. We apologise."


I never saw anyone self describe as "alt right."

If you have an example, please provide one.

Maybe I'm misremembering but I believe it was a media applied label.


upon further inquiry, I still believe that it is basically a media applied label in most cases.

from the SPLC:


As I read the SPLC page about the alt-right, I am more convinced that virtually nobody, outside of Richard Spencer and of a few of his associates, uses the term alt-right.

The one professor listed as included in the movement was condemned by his own university.

It seems as if these are the same 500 people that showed up at Charlottesville.

So my initial statement stands, with one caveat, outside of Richard Spencer and his immediate associates, I don't know anybody who refers to themselves as "alt-right."

From the SPLC:

Although Spencer has positioned himself as the effective leader of the alt-right, other proponents include several well-known names on the far right, including Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance racist journal; Greg Johnson of the publishing house Counter-Currents; Matthew Parrott and Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network; and Mike "Enoch" Peinovich, who runs The Right Stuff blog. But the general population of the alt-right is composed, by and large, of anonymous youths who were exposed to the movement’s ideas through online message boards like 4chan and 8chan’s /pol/ and Internet platforms like Reddit and Twitter.

I looked on google analytics and it looks like the term exploded in 2015 around the time of Hillary's speech asserting a link between Trump and the alt-right, followed shortly by a New York Times article.


Hillary Clinton, speaking in Reno, Nev., highlighted Donald J. Trump’s support by the “alt-right” movement, saying he is “taking hate groups mainstream.”

  • -12

"Because the term does have a relatively easy to grasp concept, sounds academic and authoritative, and has serious experts who study it, people will copy and spread the idea."

Good read. Classic Gator.

You didn't get much of a response but I enjoyed reading this post.

My first comment in your collection added to the total list of types of denialism.

The second one was asking how many people had been reported.

Can't find the third one.

Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you dislike my opinions, jokes, and questions I am open to hearing why but they weren't intended as shit posts, neither were they intended to be effort posts. Just obscure comments to a comment of a comment to a roundup of random threads.

It seems to me like you have for some reason developed a grudge.

For the most part my exchanges have been civil and mutually beneficial with the exception of the mods.

I have tried to be more careful about comments that fit into the definition of culture war in threads that forbid it, even foregoing a comment altogether if I am uncertain...

As for you first allegation of "shitposting," that was made in a thread that allowed culture war posts and it was merely an addition to a list in the previous comment.

Is it overly snarky? Probably.

But it's general ungrounded snark.not directed at anyone specifically in the conversation.

TLDR: What actual rule did I break? I'll wait.

What do you have against Sneer Club? I don't consider Sneer club to be culture war, or rather, I believed reaching out to critics of the Motte and trying to understand their perspective was something to be aspired to.

"Write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion"

I assumed this also applied to Sneerclub. Maybe not...?

To be honest, I'd prefer if you didnt track each and every comment that I make. If I have been posting more than usual it's only because my power is still out from hurricane IAN so i am guilty of doomscrolling more than usual.

If it bothers you so much, I'll leave and go join Sneerclub.

All the best.

  • -14

Tough call. You might be ignored or you might receive the Bret Weinstein treatment. I don't envy your position.

Muh wage gap denialism.

Sneer Club is gonna love this one!

[Edit: In hindsight it looks like I hit a sore spot of the moderators- Sneerclub. I don't know exactly what the full story is with Sneerclub but clearly there is more going on here.]

  • -27

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

The atheist biology teacher at my catholic school said this was his favorite prayer.

"getting a gun unless it was so overly broad that the police had discretion to deny anyone for any reason."

There's your answer. Selective enforcement.

Yeah I get it. But just once I'd like to see Warf as a human. Like a weird love for cheesy philly hoagies. Our ice fishing. Or something just human that he excelled at... jiu jitsu maybe. I would love a Worf origin story. I wouldn't even mind if it went ueber woke.

Is that weird?

Does that make me a xenophobe?

Edit: I want to see Warf: the Origin Story. In theaters soon!

How many people have you tried to report already?

I'm a Johnny-come-lately but is there an official Motte approved position regarding the nutrionality of Tide pods?

Also Star Trek handles Worf's character strangely. He is a Klingon raised on Earth by human parents. Yet he is intensely obsessed with ancient Klingon rituals even beyond what the Klingons themselves are. Yet somewhere ostensibly there could highschool/college football with Worf and I think that would make for an amazing spinoff movie.

It's weird that he is never seen to celebrate Christmas or human holidays despite human stepparents living in 2170 Russia. And apparently as an adult he is still on good terms with them. It's always weird how removed Worf is from human culture.

Almost like an oversight on culture versus genetics.

It functions as "believe all women" in that manner. It is a functional taboo to point out that a straight "cis" male rapist is merely following incentives to identify as a transwoman and be placed in a women's prison.

Only a total transphobe would ask questions about putting a man who has raped women into a prison full of women.

Side note. We are obviously okay as a society with putting male rapists with male prisoners so I guess this is just equality?

However, men are stronger than women because humans are a sexually dimorphic ape even if the Atlantic disagrees... so it does seem asymmetrically unfair to me to put men into prison with women based on the word of a convicted rapist.

I disagree with gendercritical feminists on almost everything except this.

Feminists tend to believe that gender is MERELY a social construct. I think the reality is that gender is rooted in sex, biology, and evolution.

Most of feminist activism is kicking against the pricks of biological evolution at the expense of society's health.

But I should acknowledge my strong antifeminist bias.

Or people who oppose the mandatory monthly jabs required to live in the city.

Good point but I think the moderators, god bless 'em, are attached to this roundup style that is horrible for archives and frankly a vestigial leftover from its former attachment with Starslatecodex.

Sometimes I think that the Motte is among other things, a living testament to Scott Alexander's (prudent) cowardice.

But you are right about time and perspective. But even if I wanted to look for Kavanaugh commentary that's somewhere between 8-10 possible threads I have to wade into until I find what im looking for.

Weak evidence in one or two videos and witnesses claiming to have hear blasts.

However the perfect collapse into its own footprint is a feature of a controlled demolition.

Thanks. And it looks nothing like a controlled demolition or like WTC7.

"If you are the Shady Cabal and actually managed to orchestrate something as complex as having fake terrorists fly planes into two big towers "

That's putting words in my mouth. I don't mind you disagreeing with me. I expect it. I mind you putting words in my mouth.

It would make more sense that this was a LIHOP for the obvious benefit of those within the military industrial complex.

"You believe in the basic human dignity of everyone, no matter how drug addicted or retarded or crippled they are, or you're my enemy."

I agree that all humans carry the buddha nature but I disagree that...

  1. Government welfare is the solution.

  2. Making someone your enemy because of a perceived lack of compassion goes down a very dark road. And you're likely to side with the dazzling hypocrite and their honeyed words over the secretly charitable who disagrees with point 1.