@SauntSolaire's banner p




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joined 2022 October 09 21:36:25 UTC


User ID: 1543



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 09 21:36:25 UTC


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User ID: 1543

It seems especially humorous to me that the section titled "Problems which men face in the modern world" is exclusively filled with quotes from women.

I don't think people really want this, I think you'd see most loss averse people (aka most people) doing what they can to rewind or close the game out if this were to happen in order to avoid taking the hit.

I have multiple? I lost track.

"Unrapeable" could just as easily mean "they're so ugly even a rapist wouldn't bother," as it could "they're so ugly I wouldn't rape them". There's not really an equivalent for "inedible", so the comparison is lacking.

Doesn't this just add randomness into the mix? I'm not seeing how this contributes any to the concept of free will.