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Defend Kebab

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joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

Most people don't feel like writing long toplevel posts most of the time

I feel like most of the really enjoyable stuff I read here has the same template. Someone wants to talk about a topic but lacks an interesting opinion about it or haven't really thought it throughly. They make a clumsy top level post. Then they get dunked on by 2-3 second level posts explaining why the OP is wrong. The second level posts are typically much more heavily upvoted and well written/argued. Being that OP sucks a bit. I had an experience with this trying to start a discussion about a topic without a clear argument and then the comments destroying me were selected for quality contribution. They were indeed quality contributions but the whole discussion wouldn't exist without me sticking out my neck first and saying something possibly unpopular.

I agree with the ideological impulses of most motte users and I assume a lot of upvoting/downvoting here is driven by "This person argues well" rather than "I agree with them". So every time I see a wall of text I just quickly check its score to make sure it is worth reading.

they prefer to post over on /r/drama about how they totes showed us Motte-fascists where to get off and are now moving on to sting other targets

This reads to me as alien as zoomer slang

Or perhaps East Asians just have lower testosterone levels/sex drives in general and so the recent technological/cultural driven drops in sex drive is effecting them to even more dramatic levels?

Cars cost 1-2 orders of magnitude less than real estate. They are fragile machinery produced en mass in gigantic heavily automated factories. They have lots of moving parts exposed to huge amounts of wear and tear. None of these things apply to houses. I don’t see a valid comparison here

I don't understand what you mean with this: "People make 1) work with vehicles"

And yeah boomers living off housing wealth are not sympathetic but they are a massive solid one-issue voting bloc and it is almost impossible to form governments in the West without their approval.

Assuming that white Canadians are by and large believers of the climate change narrative, isn’t there any discussion of what to do with the massive endless expanses of northern Canada that will be transformed into pleasant liveable places by global warming?

The price of your house going down is a really big problem if you:

  1. still owe a large part of the mortgage and suddenly you are financially in negative. Especially if this happens around a time you need some financial breathing room (like switching to a bigger house to grow your family)
  2. took on debt that depend on your house price to finance your lifestyle. Shockingly common in many countries

Do you think any of these dates developed an emotional attachment to you? I call them dates because this is not what deeper relationship are like at all. While dating as a man you usually need to adjust to female expectations but after a good connection is established it’s often the opposite and it’s the female who adapts to the guy’s personality and worldview.

A bit of a personal question: how did you come to the conclusion that you are gay with very little sexual experience?

Good luck! The anxiety is normal. You will get used to making plans on the go and being more spontaneous fairly quickly. Try to be serious about using this time to break some undesirable habits and hopefully form new and more desirable ones. You will come across a lot of unattached young adventurous females so for example it’s a very good time to start being more daring with flirting :). Try to meet other people doing a similar travel and keep in touch. You will get homesick after a while and it’s nice to have some familiar faces once in a while. Try to be very open to experiences. Don’t say no to people who invite you to activities unless you have reasonable worries about your safety.

Marxist definition has a big 19th century assumption that the proletariat actually produces the material goods keeping the society alive and can threaten the existence of the entire system if they simply stopped.

This largely doesn’t hold anymore since most of the manufacturing is shipped to a myriad of third world countries who are willing to use extreme coercion on their workers (which was common in turn of century western countries as well and eventually got an ideological banner under European fascism) to keep the production going. If the workers of a manufacturing country somehow gets the upper hand, the country is cut out of the international trade system and replaced by one of 50 other willing nations.

Western proletariat in this system still technically fit the Marxist definition but not really. They are by and large service workers who don’t hold such power because usually they don’t make anything really crucial to the functioning of the economy. Their role is not to produce but to manage some steps of the production happening abroad, and to serve the wealthy few who got rich from being adjacent to offshoring. Their strikes can hardly cause a nuisance and are easily broken.

Labour immigration acting as inverse offshoring also has a strong effect here. Many lower level jobs are held by foreigners who don’t even have citizenship rights and are glad for the opportunity. They will gladly act as strike breakers.

So no, this isn’t really what the word proletariat was meant to apply to.

Controlling the status quo is useful for moving women’s political opinions and applying political violence can be a good way to control the status quo.

I haven’t very closely followed this but I feel like the IDF has no idea where Hamas “is” other than some vague notion of “inside civilian houses and unreachable tunnels”. And the army must be under tremendous pressure to show some sort of success against Hamas. So somewhere in the command chain they decided taking over this hospital will be what they show to the public as their blow against Hamas.

It could be any other public institution really, since Hamas isn’t an underground organisation but the active government in Gaza. Of course they have ties to everything. Plus, from what I understand it was the Israelis who originally built the bunker structure under the hospital so perhaps they felt much safer going down there to show success than any other tunnel network.

Turkish has a case system that can be quite daunting for learners (not because we have weird cases but because of how they interact with the whole suffix based grammar). Natives definitely get them wrong quite often, but when you hear someone make a mistake it’s always very obvious and a bit cringing. A common failure in Turkish is it’s tempting to make very long sentences where the grammar pieces interacting with each other are very far apart from each other. Then you just start forgetting and mixing up cases. If I am writing a formal text then I will definitely vocalise long sentences in my head while proofreading to make sure they sound correct.

Small is about 50m2 with 2 small bedrooms or one larger. Medium would be 80ish with 3 bedrooms. Houses are small here

No I don’t. I haven’t lived there for almost a decade

Are they offering a higher salary? Career step ups are usually represented in the salary

Housing market predictions anyone?

As a couple we are at a point where we would be given a mortgage of a small size house in the city or a somewhat larger one in a suburb (this is a very expensive Western European capital and collectively we earn upper middle class salary). But the prices are so crazy that whatever we buy would definitely not be enough to raise a decent size family as long as we stay in range for our jobs.

The obvious plan would be to get a mid sized place now and then sell and upgrade to a larger house in 5-10 years.

I am very paranoid that the current prices are a massive bubble and if we get a loan today we will be left holding a massive bag when the prices crash and we won’t be able to meaningfully upgrade to a larger house. But on the other hand throwing a large fraction of our income down the toilet with the rent feels ridiculous when we can afford not to.

What’s the relation between “software folks” and self-loathing here?

I am also in a similar situation (not so dramatic perhaps, but I definitely didn't expect numbers on my income sheet to go up so fast). I even made a post here half a year ago before accepting the job offer asking for advice! I personally have too much of a middle class upbringing to ever consider spilling money into something that I can't convince my brain is good value for money. So so far I have just been treating people around me to nice restaurants and stashing most of the earnings in a checking account. But still some suggestions that might be of interest, roughly in an order of increasing cost:

  • Hire a cleaner. Not even that expensive if you don't have a large house.
  • High-end gym and/or private trainer.
  • Build yourself a solid wardrobe of high quality pieces that fit you well and match each other well. You can even hire professional help for shopping if you aren't sure about your judgment and don't want to spill money on expensive items that you will later not wear.
  • Do charity. Not the type of charity where you are feeding Western NGO types with your donations or giving mosquito blankets to African villages but stuff that leads to you having some standing in your community. My parents used to pay for medical treatments of poorer family members/acquittances and help with college tuitions of their kids etc. The respect and loyalty you get from such acts is difficult to describe if you have never witnessed people building such charity networks around them.
  • For any sporty hobby (surfing, skiing etc) you can spend a couple weeks with great private tutors in the best possible location and you will achieve a level of skill you didn't think possible. Later on this can lead to amazing vacations.
  • If you are the type of person (no judgment intended), high-end sex resorts in some Caribbean countries are the closest a man can reach the Islamic idea of heaven with money (at least non-billionaire level of money).

Ideally you will recognize that your brain is wired to seek all such status markers and worldly pleasures ultimately only for the purposes of passing on your genes in the best circumstances possible to the next generation. Try to leverage your situation to find a good partner and raise children in a favorable environment.

Finally got around to reading the Dune. Very impressed so far

Nope sorry.. I haven't been on the dating market for a long time fortunately

The YouTube thing has been going on for a long time. If you want to find primary sources for anything you have to use twitter. Telegram suffers from not being searchable (but also way less censored).

Also is there something wrong with me? I don’t find any of the prominently displayed female hostages that hot

I like this post because it doesn’t only give advice but also describes a real(istic) scenario in which the scenario leads to dating. People who ask dating advice usually have no idea how even the most favourable situations turn into dates and they are hopeless at situations that require you to know what you are doing. I remember once upon a time reading some annotated successful tinder conversations and how it completely clarified online dating to me after many failed attempts