@Ortho_wraithness_Stice's banner p




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joined 2023 April 03 02:34:50 UTC


User ID: 2309



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 April 03 02:34:50 UTC


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User ID: 2309

It's possible whole movements will be established where people choose, perhaps for aesthetic reasons, to consume only books published before the advent of - say - GPT-4, to ensure they only read 'confirmed' human fiction.

Can we backdate this to the advent of social media/smartphones?

What would be the optimal sources for fine-grained demographic data on social media/messaging platform userbases? E.g. finding out how many US-based Hindi-speakers use Twitter, or what % of WhatsApp users in the US are messaging in Spanish? I know it won't be perfect or uniform, but trying to find the clearest route to public teeth-sinkable-into data to test some potentially quite interesting thoughts.