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joined 2023 June 02 20:04:50 UTC


User ID: 2451



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User ID: 2451

Any stories? I feel like I have an intelligence fetish.

Try Lock me out.

There's also Andoff. Andoff is from the same company that makes Pluckeye which is a blocker app for desktop only.

I wouldn't recommend using andoff before understanding how pluckeye works, the very active community can help you with that.

However to install Andoff you will need to use ADB which I'm not sure if it breaks your definition of jailbreaking or not.

I'd like to hear more stories about encounters with people who are really intelligent.

Where did you meet them?

And how long did it take you to realise that they were intellectually gifted?

Anybody got any idea on how to improve executive function? I'll take even the most esoteric advice....

Another concept analogous to this is the is-ought distinction. Fact collectors care about what is and the conclusion seekers care about what ought to be.

You could also say this about autists and normies. Autists leaning towards more how things are and the normies obsessed with how things are supposed to be. Although I will admit this one is a reach.

Unrelated but, I think for a long time biology has been filled with fact collectors and not enough conclusion seekers. The conclusion seekers go into programming and engineering. Once these engineering type conclusions seekers come to the conclusion that we should be healthy forever and turn their intellect and focus on biology, that's the beginning of us becoming Human 2.0

Does getting physically beat by your parents for mistakes count as disproportionate punishment? If so, then it is a probable explanation for my procrastination.

Have you ever seen anyone cure their avoidant perfectionism? It affects every aspect of my life. Kinda getting desperate here....

Is being famous worth it? I used to think people who said no were coping. But it does seem awfully stressful.

Is being famous worth it? I used to think people who said no were coping. But it does seem awfully stressful.

I've seen your type before and I'm glad you have identified the problem. Many people are looking to exploit other people. The good news is that when people who have always focused on helping people focus on themselves they become dangerously competent.

This is probably not helpful but the problems you list in your post is why I have almost completely given up on opsec precautions. It's just too inconvenient and stressful.

I've come to the conclusion that these big companies have won and if they want to know details about your internet life there's little you can do to stop them.

The best way I know of coping is to tell myself that there are people who are much more interesting to government/big tech than me. Now I simply go with the flow.

rugged individualism, family structure, future orientation, rigid time schedules with time viewed as a commodity, and hard work as the key to success

You think white culture is the only culture that has these values?

What to do about a fear of judgement? Is this the same thing as self consciousness? Caring what other people think is kinda hell.

I'm trying to have an accurate view of the world so I'm (somewhat) constantly checking my confidence levels in certain beliefs. But yes you are correct the latest findings in string theory does not affect my ability to function in the world day to day.

You could say "why are you trying to have an accurate view of the world ?" and to that I don't have a real answer other than truth is a terminal value to me.

Since you're deferring to the experts for subjects you don't understand, why are you listening to Terrence Howard, who is an actor and not a mathematician or logician or philosopher or scientist?

Okay forget the word "expert" and replace it with the phrase "people with above average interest and time spent on a subject". Terrence Howard and Professor Dave have both spent more time on this subject than me so I'll listen to them both. I mean you also listened to Terrence Howard no ? Listening is not necessarily an endorsement and he popped on the biggest podcast in the world.

Honestly I wish you could turn feelings off. I dislike feeling envy, anger, hate, despair etc. It would be nice if I could just get on with my day without always questioning what's the point.

Interesting read but I think there is no useful information in that post. However he has another post that has a link to a video that says that the digital yuan will take over the petrodollar as the reserve currency. Glad I saw that, I found it convincing. I'm going to try get in early.

I believe that your confidence in believing something should be proportional to how close you are to that something.

For example I (I believe) I should not be more confident about string theory than an actual physicists that deals with the frontier of string theory on a day to day basis. Which means if the most knowledgeable string theorist is 95% sure that string theory is true/viable/useful, then me who gets all my information second hand (through YouTube videos, podcasts, articles, lectures, papers) should not be more than 95% sure about string theory.

Watching the Terrence Howard podcast I realised that I cannot defend against anything he is saying. I'm not saying he is correct. I'm not saying he is incorrect. I've simply deemed myself too far away from where the actual science happens to say anything intelligent on the matter at all.

Everything I know about physics comes from people who (supposedly) know more than most people on physics. I just took their word for it. I've never seen a proton, neutron or electron. I've never looked through a telescope and observed different galaxies. I've never sat down and really tried to understand the math that supports quantum physics. Yet I believe all these things. I just understand that I am trusting these high status people (Physicists) and their findings. But these people that I trust can be wrong. They could have missed something.

In my experience the best way to learn as a layperson is to watch experts (or people who have spent a longer than average time on a subject) debate each other and google/chatgpt/research all the points of disagreement that come up.

I live in peace and tranquillity, beholden to none. With no loyalty to bind me, I have nothing to defend. With nothing to defend I have no need to attack.

Do you think if I threaten his kid or his wife that he wouldn't jump to their defence? Or at least have the impulse to do something

Or am I reading his words incorrectly/too literally?

Did anyone see Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan? Would love to see what the motte thinks.

Personally I'm withholding judgment until he goes up against someone credible.

When will women overtake men in soccer ability?

So right now there is no competition between men and women when it comes to soccer. There are various stories of high school boys annihilating their respective national pro women team. Just type in women's football/soccer compilation and you will see professional female footballers make mistakes that even half decent teenage boys wouldn't make.

However, who's to say this won't change in the far (/near?) future ?

First of all, women's football has only become a sport that has gained serious attention in the last couple of years. I'm sure men were not that good when football was first invented. It will take time for the most talented of female footballers to be found.

Secondly, football is as much as a game of skill and teamwork as a game of strength and speed. Men have an obvious inherent advantage when it comes to strength and speed and I don't see that gap closing anytime soon. But skill and teamwork is something that we don't really understand to the same degree as strength and speed. Strength and speed are easy to measure and they have an almost objective quality to them. Skill and teamwork however, are more nuanced abilities, more hard to measure, more "I know it when I see" type of ability.

My main argument here is that women have advantage over men in terms of social skills mainly because women find people endlessly fascinating. I think their ability to read body language and facial expressions far surpasses men. So much so that I think most men don't even realise how much better they are in this regard. It's akin to a 100 IQ person interacting with a 150 IQ person. The 100 IQ person might think the 150IQ person is a bit weird and may even recognise that the person is smart through socially sanctioned indicators of intelligence such as prestigious university, hard degree, cognitively demanding job. But the 100IQ person doesn't really grasp how vast the inner world of the 150IQ person is compared to theirs. The 100IQ person doesn't grasp how much more information the 150 IQ person is collecting and processing.

Anyway, I believe that women's interest in people could mean their ability to coordinate in soccer is much higher than men's. I think given enough time women will be passing the ball in way we have only seen in glimpses on the men's side. I believe that Barcelona's tiki taka will become the standard template of play for women's football in the future. It might be so good that they will be able to beat men despite the strength and speed gap.

  • -10

How exactly would you describe the European way of socialisation?

And how would you describe the Chinese way of socialisation?

ban colour on all devices

ban color on all packaging of sweets,crisps and snacks

How different does sport look if all the mangers were autist?

I was recently listening to a podcast in which an ex professional football player talked about the politics that go on behind the scenes.

He said a lot of what determines if you are a "good" player beyond the fundamentals is akin to astrology or colloquially known as the eye test.

At one point he said "You could be the most talented midfielder in the country but because of manager bias, your reputation and other external factors you will never reach the higher levels."

This strikes me as highly inefficient and got me to thinking about the types of people that become coaches, scouts and managers.

This is an assumption but the types of people that become football staff are different from the people who become engineers. People who become engineers may have interest in the sport but they often choose jobs more explicitly built for their way of thinking.

What would sports look like if it was run by the STEM type? I'm mainly talking about basketball and football because they seem to have the highest degrees of freedom.

Will these sports look completely different when the STEM guys get to them? How long will it take for the STEM guys to influence sport? 10 years? 20 Years? 50 Years?

I think hyper optimised basketball contains two types of players. Big men and three shooters. The big men try to stop the shooter from shooting threes. There will be no more dunks or two pointers.

I understand this is kinda like the concept of Moneyball. I never watched it tho.

How does one deal with envy and jealousy?

What exactly do you disagree with?

Disclaimer: I am not a creationist.

I've had my doubts about evolution as it is presented for a while now. It seems to me that natural selection has become a semantic stop sign.

Reading the comments it seems you are receiving quite a lot of push back. It seems the main point of contention is the word "tautological". If you really care about spreading your ideas I suggest you taboo the word tautological and try again.

Really think over your ideas and try to distil your thinking into an undeniable argument.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to potentially defend against these attacks?

I could see regular people finding a way to get their hands on this in the far future. It would be nice to start preparing now.