Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.
User ID: 1042

informed point of view (you are not)
US intelligence community is the same as any other intel community- a farce that pretends to be something more bc of a shroud of secrecy.
They have mystique and maybe some good people in technical departments, but overall it's a joke. US counterintelligence was completely pwned by Chinese in 1990s. The institutions have been rotting for decades.
Seeing that mandarin US Navy recruiting video and being told it's probably real by veterans, US government is yellow-peril occupied government no matter how much Trump is going to bloviate.
"We already leak, so what's the harm in helping adversaries create a more complete organizational map of IC employees."
Entire OPM database of personal data on secret clearances was stolen not just once but allegedly twice. Your CIA network in China got pwned because people thought what fools sand people can fool the dastardly orientals. Dozens of dead, allegedly.
So your 'IC' community is probably the laughing stock of the world and at this point, can hardly look any worse. Oh yeah, and didn't some set of NSA hacking tools got leaked too ?
And god knows what was stolen, hacked and then hushed up.
Way too late to worry about your 'IC employees'. That's like Europe worrying about their competitiveness or economic dynamism. About twenty years too late, more like 30 at this point.
(does a top executive have time to read all those replies?)
You can have AI evaluate them, no problem. They're actually pretty sharp now!
I'll quote Forbes:
ByBeth Kindig, Contributor. Free stock tips and stock research newsletter at
Follow Author Nov 14, 2024, 05:29pm EST
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Comment 0 Big Tech’s AI spending continues to accelerate at a blistering pace, with the four giants well on track to spend upwards of a quarter trillion dollars predominantly towards AI infrastructure next year.
Though there have recently been concerns about the durability of this AI spending from Big Tech and others downstream, these fears have been assuaged, with management teams stepping out to highlight AI revenue streams approaching and surpassing $10 billion with demand still outpacing capacity.
That's a hope, yeah.
A sufficiently powerful oncovirus probably wouldn't kill everyone, but are you really confident you'd be one of the 1-10% who wouldn't get a fatal cancer? I don't think we could even treat all those cancers even if we really geared up for it.
My own odds are pretty good, almost no one in my family ever had cancer and I barely get sick from normal viruses but playing viral russian roulette isn't on my to-do list.
there's many, many people who think like Ziz
I meant people who believe human life is inherently evil and should be eradicated. Hell, there is a fair amount of people who believe all life should end.
It would only be unhelpful if it didn't go far enough.
..are you trolling?
Morgenthau plan leaking led to the war taking a month more according to front line commanders.
The plan itself would have ensured a pro-Soviet revolt in Western Germany.
It was a remarkably idiotic idea, impractical, odious and worst of all a public policy.
budge upwards despite dumping trillions into AI
a) We didn't.
b) it takes time to integrate new tech into business and to figure out how to best use it. Reasoner models are what, 3 months old now?
But I also wouldn't be surprised if life in 2030 is much the same as it is in 2025.
You'll be a little lucky if you're even alive. Pacific War 2: Electric Boogaloo and it's possible thermonuclear complications aside, there's many, many people who think like Ziz, there doesn't seem to be a good way of preventing jailbreaks reliably and making very deadly pathogens that kill in a delayed manner is not hard if you don't care about your own survival that much. And in any case, It looks like for a ~500k$ people will be able to run their own OS AGI in isolation, meaning moderately rich efilist lunatics could run their own shitty biolabs with help and spend as much time figuring out jailbreaks as needed, with no risk of snitching.
Because all countries are of course interchangeable. Say, having Monaco have a single North Korean base is entirely the same as if Spanish left-wing insanity took a turn and they adopted Juche as state ideology.
This is all so stupid and so tiresome.
No, it's not. It's merely taking advantage of the Irish tax dodge. It's a US company, now pretty global. They have a pretty bad reputation in IT I believe. Scummy practices.
Yeah, because he wasn't prepared to win and they snuck into his administration.
Now there's hell to pay. Many cozy NGOs are getting the axe..
I think I saw those words..once or twice?
It's far more fragmented bc of online archives.
People have way more options now.
Accenture is or ever was an European company? News to me. Always thought it was a US origin cancer.
Fewer wars?
Removing Ukraine from status of a buffer state and into US ally sure was peaceful!
It's been almost 80 years. Time for the occupation armies to go home.
You lot want to fight China for world domination.
Every single army soldier in Europe needs to be retrained for air and naval duties and sent to the Pacific if you want to have more than a snowball's chance in hell.
Our proprioception was continually better Ng perfectly adjusted to our form in healthy individuals, as any mismatches would have been brutally punished by failure during hunting or warfare.
If some developmentally defective individuals have issues with their species or gender identification, that is an indication of a problem, not an insight into our nature.
But suffice it to say, I'm pretty sure you don't know enough toxicology to get away with a poisoning murder either.
It's not an area of interest of mine, but I'm pretty sure I could pick up the relevant knowledge and not leave incriminating search queries for the police to discover. Which gets so many people these days, it's incredible.
Can't you use insulin or something else that metabolizes fast to kill people innocuously ?
You should read Stross's first novel 'Scratch Monkey', which is kind of like a hard-sf take on cosmic horror. It's a little rough but it's actually pretty good. It's available for free on his website..
There's also a paper copy if you're a masochist.
But you'd agree that blacks and Hispanics hate whites more than they hate each other, no?
In the US they were cooperating nicely and not disagreeing almost at all about DEI nonsense. The only people who were somewhat problematic were Chinese moms with their stupid insistence on segregating their kids from blacks.
Trump's followers have a libidinal investment in seeing illegal migrants be deported, and in seeing the "leeches" among the federal bureaucrats be exposed for their indolence.
It's basic animal sense that if you see your enemies using resources taken from you to conduct their politics, you deprive them of those resources. There's nothing libidinal there for the utter majority of people who are for such policies.
They, too, have ingroup loyalty -- they simply define their ingroup as "BIPOC", or "allies"
That right there is why I believe the left to be insane. BIPOC would drop the baizuo as soon as they got the upper hand.
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Canada and Europe aren't his allies. These places are ruled by his enemies.
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