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Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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'Tired conspiracy theory'

Are you seriously suggesting you'd not be blaming Russia for January 6th had one of their foreign policy officials gone there and was photographed being nice and chummy with the insurgents ?

It's not like they're outright preventing you from searching the terms in question, nor are they preventing these terms from providing relevant results.

It's more layered. There's autocomplete which like someone else here found doesn't work for presidential candidates.

But also: Google absolutely buries sites with the wrong political valence in search results. What Yandex will give you on the 1st page, Google will push down to 17, easily. IIRC, to the point of not even indexing certain sites.

So what's the point of making a fuss about it, or any other similar little issue in the endless flood of them?

So people don't use Google. Or DuckDuckGo which is almost as bad. Bing is usually better, Yandex doesn't do any outside of Russia suppression I'm aware of, but doesn't clean out bot results as well.

I agree it shouldn't be debated. Everyone should know that Google fucks with your search results and you have to use anyone else on anything political. Especially stuff that's not 'containment'.

Oh yeah, I noticed that for 'Trump felony'. If so, well..

Wondering if you could keep some sort of LLM to show you related posts. I didn't notice that one as it was 2 levels deep into the 'border czar' stuff which to me is .. well, it is Orwellian to see these guys pretend black is white and skate around precise wording but it's something I'm used to.

I dimly remember some other brouhaha about search autocomplete.

Last week's thread, @AshLael wondered why:

Personally, I think they do it because of the 'it might help' because some normie typing something into autocomplete is less likely to see something problematic in the autocompletes and less likely to search for it. Low cost, might help, didn't consider the second order effect of people noticing and being pissed.

Trump assassination did happen -even the NYT said so- but it's a boring topic we can't get any points on , let's not remind people it actually exists.

Minor fun on twitter where some people noticed google autocomplete has an allergy to 'Trump' and others called them liars because it's probably geographically selective.

Or google computes the autocomplete in search on a monthly basis?.

But if that's so, why is Trump himself suppressed? He's been here for quite some time.

I lean towards deliberately different autocomplete based on IP ranges, because I don't see why Snekotron would be lying about it.


I believe this is the right answer. by @Westerly .

There might even be a google press release on that but who could find it now in this deluge.

It wasn't long enough for that.

I recall reading somewhere that like WW2 POW camps, Chinese cities didn't really have a rodent problem in the early modern era. Not sure if it's true. I'm probably misremembering. In any case, Chinese in 19th century were living on the edge of starvation. Someone fired from a job was liable to literally starve to death in a few months even in normal (non famine) times.

Here's an excellent westerner account of early 20th century China.

Get used to it, I think.

Seb's a pretty good poster, seems like a curious guy who likes actually doing the calculations required. Also non-white, iirc.


(Out-of-touch right-wing nightmares of teachers grooming children to become queer through sterile corporate-board-room-esque gay lesson plans are largely ignorant of how children interact with their peers already.)

No, the concern is peer pressure and activist teachers who are otherwise likable confusing children by introducing them to all these trans memes.

We know from pre-internet research that gender nonconformity and doubts were more common in kids than adults. 90+ % of nonconforming children became usually homosexual adults okay with their body. If you stuff them into the medical pipeline, the health and quality of life of the 90% is going to be impacted.

Okay, I lost a whole lot of sympathy for the Chinese.

I thought they ate all the weird shit because of the longer period of high density population and famines.

Turns out, they were just depraved hedonists.

He was known to have Parkinson's related dementia when he campaigned.

Natural progression of disease and sundowning seems like a more expected cause.

A personal identification number (PIN), PIN code, or sometimes redundantly a PIN number

The message won't resonate if you don't take credit.

I don't think that's true. If high profile theater kids engaging in what's very stale (God has been dead for quite some time) but nevertheless tasteless public blasphemy met freak accidents, were found suffocated inside carrier bags or hanging alive head down in the woods with zero attribution, other nihilistic theater kids would take notice.

I don't even hate these performances because they're blasphemous, they're extremely cringe. If people want to be weird sex freaks, I don't want to see that in public or know about it.

"I have information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton"

The things happening around Clinton were highly dubious and she is obviously corrupt, in a sleazy eastern European way (improbable futures/stock trading etc), not the polished American one (speaking fees etc).

And seeing as how Epstein died - and he was heavily associated with Clinton, who flew Lolita express numerous times, apparently 26 times - I don't have a hard time imagining she has been at times involved in someone getting killed outside of her official government work. (Where she infamously asked "Why don't we just drone Assange ?"..

Meanwhile, what are the Catholics gonna do?

Discreetly hire organised crime to break some legs. That'd do it.

I suspect that the Party withheld whatever stimulants they normally provided Biden during late speaking engagements.

Why do you think Biden (the people running him who get power through him) would allow him to be deprived of his stimulants in a setup like this ?

There was never any discharge. The ear has felt blocked since day 1, which was not this week's monday but the one before that, so cca 10 days.

It got much better after I put one dose of cipro ear drops in it and some cooking oil later. I should've written down what relieved the pain but it went from "have to take ibalgin to get some sleep" to almost imperceptible.

Somehow, I lost the cipro ear drops, I don't understand how because there's no clutter, I've search the entire room including the fridge and the waste bin and all that.

I don't think it's perforated anymore, somehow. There was a really high pitched whistle the first day. Since then I've tried gently re-inflating the cavity in the ear.

I can't seem to get it right, aka, regain normal hearing.

Anyway, put some drops of oil in there, then cleaned them out with paper. Put some betadine solution in there, cleaned that out too. I've got an appointment for wednesday, I guess I'll know what's the status then.

Hopefully it'll heal in time and I'll get normal hearing back.

I mean, if you're east Asian and have dry earwax that apparently just falls out,maybe not.

Depending on the shape of your ear, even if you have wet ear wax, you might not have to clean it either. Especially if you swim a lot or wash it out with warm water at times, etc.

But it's possible for your ear wax to accumulate on your eardrum, which can cause infection and serious pain, or at the very least work as an earplug, so muffle sounds. The former happened to me, I think.

The pain basically disappeared after I put some oil in there into which the ear wax dissolved.

You twist a bit of toilet paper several times so it's something like a .. stick ? gently insert it inside and keep rotating it around in the ear. Bits of ear wax will stick to it, and there's little risk of injury because it's just toilet paper.

I don't think they'd bother tbh.

Canada has always been a 'fake' country of sorts, and after 1945 it has existed purely on US sufferance, as a place where Americans can do shady shit like illegal experiments on people and US courts have no jurisdiction.

They'd simply fix the Chinese influence problem and return things to how they were before.

while I guess it might be amusing to see him fire Rachel Levine (I don't think he will, actually)

You don't think he will ? A) They tried to have him shot. Even if he won't be able to go after the people who tried that, he's no doubt going to take out his rage on a whole range of soft targets, and Levine who is making US the punchline of a joke is very high on that list.

B) if you haven't noticed, this time it's not just Trump. Microsoft disbanded their DEI team, iirc. Google fired a bunch of activists even earlier. SV as a whole seems to be having second thoughts about the cultural revolution.

Then there's Musk who seems pretty irate and is probably in the world's top 1% of most single-minded people. With people like Rufo and Musk on board, odds are a Trump admin could change a lot of things. Unless, of course, he staffs his administration with neocons like the last one.

I honestly don't know but I'm slightly more positive than I was last time, because there's a lot more people invested into things changing. And also, yeah, a near-death experience and what they put him through re: the criminal prosecution etc probably changed a lot.

I do remember a whole bunch of executive orders that Biden rolled back on day 1. Anger that the destructive diversity grift was no longer allowed on taxpayer dime due to an EO..

Migration was lower despite state and cities being uncooperative on this, and this situation nowhere near as dire.

Now I don't believe Trump will, this time, get useful people into his admin, but at the very least someone who isn't 100% on board with importing more future democrat voters is going to be less likely to promote just that.

never doubted her intelligence or general political savvy

Victoria Nuland and her type are also 'intelligent' on the same level and look where their brilliant group think has gotten America. Into the enviable position of supporting a meatgrinder that has, so far, killed something like half a million people.

Ask yourself how you'd feel about the intelligence of Chinese politicians if they staged a coup in Canada, replaced the Canadian government with a pro-Chinese ones and then were surprised by US invading the place.

(For Trump to convince me to vote for him, he'd pretty much have to stop being Trump.)

You don't vote for a president, you vote for the set of people who're going to get there. True, it's not at all certain that Project 2025 is going to play a significant role and it's rumored people like Pompeo would be back because of course the would, however, the mere fact that it'd be a Trump admin would mean lower migration and probably less insane cultural policies.

I don't see how anyone can just ..stand aside and not vote, when the alternative is clean lunacy of more pointless migrants, more trans* related insanity, more cultural revolution.

Oh, I forget Americans drink weird,very alcoholic stuff. Here even 'strong' beer is lager, which is iirc never over 5% ABV. Most of the stuff drunk in Czech Republic is like 4.2-4.6% or so iirc.

Still, beer hits very hard because of the hops, which are a sedative. Honestly outside of a party/exercise type situation I'd be sleeping after more than 2-3 beers anyway.

I once was told by a doctor to use lager as a sleep aid. (it does work, moreso than other alcohol).