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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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Yes. Now that there's no need for vast amounts of field labor, blacks are even more obsolete than whites. That they're killing each other in serious numbers doesn't really matter. If young 130IQ white and asian males were prone to duelling and suffered similar attrition rates, that'd be worth paying some attention to. That people who at best would break even, tax contribution/expense wise are killing each other, and at worst (repeat offenders) are very expensive are killing each other doesn't matter.

Yes it's bad, but in the present political arrangement the cure paternalism, apartheid or serious social control etc is worse than the problem.

UK has duty to retreat, carrying any weapon is illegal, pepper spray and stunners are illegal and famously the pensioner who shot someone in his own home was jailed.

What right to self defense?

White gun homicide rate per white gun owner in the US is lower the same as in highly regulated Czech Republic, where only 1% own guns. (Assuming over 20% Americans own guns)




Protectionism is essential for building up an economy. See the section on Korea in the link ..

No, not really.

It restricted them from white areas and largely contained the violence inside the black community. Black/white homicide rate was very similar then.

I'd consider segregation and non homicidal eugenics reasonable, the latter of course should be applied to all populations.

You can just be a normal and plan on blowing your brain out when you get infirm or senile enough somewhere deep in the woods on a nice spring morning.

Or develop a hobby with chemistry and go out with a bang. Plenty of horrible people out there who are not expecting a suicide bomber.

  • You didn’t mention the races of anyone in your write-up

He didn't really need to. Everyone bar maybe certain sleeper agents* knows what Baltimore is like.

Everyone knows there are no solutions to the crime and disorder issue that don't involve totalitarian levels of paternalism /social control over blacks, outright genocide whether fast or slow or eugenics, none of which are likely to occur.

*the Soviet sleeper agent who went by 'Jack Barsky' almost failed his mission in late 1970s right at the start because the first address he went to was a hotel in the blackest part of Chicago. He was taught perfect English and spycraft but not this particular aspect of reality.

His military service he is a vector of attack, Apparently he cut it short just before he'd have been deployed to Iraq.

Not a botched case.

Cover up of a homicide. Homicide likely involving a guy from a very rich family his family are friends with.

Far more serious than mere botching.

And? Everyone has people killed.

Pretty sure Americans have killed people with weird poisons too. Why do you think CIA had a 'heart attack' gun showed off during the Church Committee hearings?

I'm not disputing that Russia kills people in weird ways that include poison - I'm disputing that it makes sense in this concrete sense. Because it doesn't.

The other notorious case of Litvinenko - the guy was seen as a traitor, but one who run away and wasn't swapped. And who instead of being quiet in his exile or at least low profile published very incendiary and probably nonsensical information of the type "Putin is a pedophile" / Russia trained Al-Qaeda etc.

We're not dealing with a hypercompetent foreign ministry here.

They presented Putin with a choice:

  1. watch Ukraine smash the separatists, greatly angering Russian opposition thus making Russian internal politics worse and humiliating Russia by painting it as inactive and weak. Ukraine

  2. go to war and force Ukraine to see sense.

In other words, organizational issues, not malice,

So incompetence , facilitated by maliciously denying Trump additional SS resources. As I understand there weren't many trained SS protection detail agents because of some Jill Biden event.

And let's not forget the constant Hitler comparisons in media.

and neurotoxins.

At 16:15 an emergency services call reported that a man and woman, later identified as Sergei and Yulia, had been found unconscious on a public bench in the centre of Salisbury by the passing Chief Nursing Officer for the British Army and her daughter.[b][34][35][36] An eyewitness saw the woman foaming at the mouth with her eyes wide open but completely white.[34] According to a later British government statement they were "slipping in and out of consciousness on a public bench".[37]

There's no need to point out other absurdities with the plot here- if you want, see e.g. this summary, the odds of getting contaminated with a nerve agent at your home, then going for dinner, somehow being fine for 2 hours, then passing out and then being found by probably one the highest ranking military officers qualified to deal with nerve agents. Those are absurd odds and nothing about the affair makes any sense at all.

Conditions change. Hurdles may be different in a century.

..which did not find that said right-wing sniper protestors were a coherent part of Maidan strategy or American-aligned,

Yeah. The Maidan snipers who were shooting at their own people and also at the government, were doing so purely because they were out of control psychopaths. That'đ what you're implying.

I'm in a way pretty sure it's some sort of joke, but I didn't have the time to figure out how exactly Scott meant it.

themselves the right to shoot opposition forces after the sustained lobbying of said foreign power.

Ukrainian court recently found that elements of far right protesters started shooting at both sides to speed things up.

The protests went on for weeks before the shootouts happened.

So the idea that FSB did it and fucked it up seems really fucking odd.

Getting security forces to kill people is always the primary goal of protest leaders

The government wins if they go home.

Honestly, so few people read Nietzsche that the popular idea of 'nietzschean' might be totally off base.

being the best”.

All the examples of being best you give are rich people. I'm pretty sure Greek and Nietzsche's ideas on excellence also accepted greatness in other domains, at the very least power, valour, bravery etc..

Collapsing human value to purely money is a modern afflici..

I largely agree.

Points of disagreement: vitalism isn't repellent.

War is who we are, who we have always been. War is to men what motherhood is to women. You may not like it, you certainly wouldn't enjoy war..but nevertheless your brain would keep telling you 'this is it'.

I don't like violent lunatics, but there's undeniable glory in defeating such.

Vitalism of that type depicted in Homer is v completely obsolete.

Modern war requires entirely different philosophical/moral approaches.

And war is now way too expensive to be anything but a last resort.

Armed clashes between protesters and government culminating in the militias invading parliament and forcing government MPs to dissolve the cabinet do not count as 'insurgency'?

And here we are appealing to more alternate history caricatures, for a third time. That bored with this timeline, huh?

Alternate history caricatures? Was Nuland not a highly ranked state department official ?

Were the people she was seen with handing out cookies not armed militias ?

Wait, Hamas are mortal enemies of Assad?

Yeah, being sly about it pays off.

Take Japan. They are believed to be able to make nukes at will, launch their satellites using solid fuelled rockets, typically not a first choice, and even had a comet sample-retrieval mission that demonstrated the ability to accurately return spacecraft through the atmosphere.

So demonstrated competence in all three major components of a nuclear ICBM program.


I wonder if Chinese are ever angry about it.

Why turn up public fear about the Iranian nuclear program? Why do it now? Why do it so subtly?

It's called 'foreshadowing' I think. Or maybe it's just noise and you're seeing noise. Iran has been at the stage of being a week away from a bomb for years now. It's irrelevant, really. It's a bunch of old men, if they have a nuclear standoff with Israel no one's going to care, I think.

Or maybe you're onto something, and next month Trump is going to get killed by 'Iranians' over ordering the killing of their their favorite general, and US, whose foreign policy establishment at this point all subscribes to what used to be called 'neocon' beliefs will use that opportunity to kick off WW3 by attacking Iran or something equally harebrained.

Do not think the people running US are sane or well-informed. They genuinely believed when the sanctions started that Russia would be destroyed by sanctions and wouldn't be able to build PGMs (the narrative about washing machines).

Earlier they convinced themselves Iraq had unexpired chemical weapons. Iraq had loads of expired chemical weapons, but these are basically mere toxic waste and dangerous only to people who do disposal of such. Then they convinced that promoting a wave of revolutions in the Arab world was going to be a good thing.

Back to this war: Meanwhile, everyone interested in war tech knows something like the Tomahawk - a cruise missile with satnav and terrain matching -is 1980s technology and Russia can make such at home..

They should've checked wikipedia. Would have been enough to know.

In May 2022, MCST started talks with Mikron to move production of the Elbrus processors to Mikron's facilities, after Taiwan's TSMC cut off its ties with the Russian company due to US sanctions. The transfer of production would require MCST to switch back to a 90 nm process, as Mikron does not yet provide production using 28 nm technology.[20]

By early 2023 the total output of Mikron reached over 4 billion chips of 100 different kinds that include chips for biometric passports, smart cards, RFID tags.[21][22] Its production line delivers chips based on 250 nm - 65 nm processes arranged in 6-8 layers. According to Forbes, a new plant is under construction in Zelenograd to further expand semiconductor and chip making capacities of the parent Element Group.[23][24]

High ranking foreign policy officials greeting and handing out cookies to actual insurgents - people in armed militias engaged in violence against the state, not just 'pretend' insurgents who are there to create a spectacle..

Yes, perfectly normal, in no way was it a message to the militias that they had official support of the White House because no diplomat or foreign policy official would ever meet publicly, on camera, with armed resistance without an official blessing. Unless he wanted to get shitcanned spectacularly and probably charged with something the next day.

You know, you're not a weird person. You seem more like an NPC.

Christian Tzarist Russia, so brutal and so oppressive they executed in a 150 years what believers in human rationality and science killed in a year...

Important to keep the 'brutality' in perspective.