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Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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German ancestry Argentinians do not count for Hispanics for US purposes?

Famous US joke is that when math departments are trying to fill their Hispanic quota, they look around for Argentinian Jews.

Are there truly people in the US, who aren't senile, who live in or near a black area that's not say, purely military, who think the black community is basically doing okay and there are no problems with it?

That is, they full believe the entertainment media image of blacks as just a reskin of white liberals or something along those lines ?

Why.. metal shavings and cutting fluid are contained inside the CNC machines, you only encounter that while cleaning them, no ?

If it's big enough on social media they're going to have to try to address it.

What I meant is there exist a number of not really typical people in each population who wouldn't raise an eyebrow in either place.

Obviously you can tell at glance which group of tourists are from where, you can even tell Brits from Germans if you look carefully enough, but still, there are people who can pass in both places.

Here's a story that's not going to play very well.

Woman saying that her 71 year old mother in law got killed by a reckless Haitian driver while taking out the trash. That no one was punished, not even for expired tags on the vehicle.

Honestly anyone taking a good look at Haiti could have bet that far, far worse stories are going to come out of this. The car insurance($420 insurance per month on 2 cars) and crime (doubled since '21) factoids are likely right.

Locals are saying they believe Haitians have 'amnesty' and cops can't touch them. A woman - and not a great looking one, complaining she was groped and saying she doesn't go out without her pitbull and her gun.

EDIT: local claims he saw police stop a van full of Haitians who were collecting cats.

EDIT 2: Interesting talk by people from a neighboring village of Tremont (just NNW) https://youtube.com/watch?v=YrCotATOgR4&t=665s

Police in Springfield ordered not to tow vehicles without licenses. 7+ car accidents every day in Springfield. Haitians get out of fines because they don't have translator(?). Second guy who's speaking says he's been crashed into twice, his mother once.

A pretty long time ago ('07) I've read a mfg company manager that finding a working class person who can come to work on time, pass a drug test is quite hard in the US. Because probably everyone from them who can do these things is already employed. Or worse, in college.

Murray made a case in his Coming Apart book that the working classes have been badly hit by the last 50 years. People with worse cognition aren't as flexible and need a more functional culture.

Genetic similarity is pretty high, many Serbs can pass for Britons and vice versa. Not true for Haitians or Chinese etc. Cultural similarity is now much higher because modernity wiped it out during 20th century.

I'm quite sure the ole' American assimilation process (which continues largely the same way it always has despite protests to the contrary) will do it's work on Salvadorans, Venezuelans, and whomever else is the scary migrant group of the week

None of these people are, on average genetically on par with anglo-saxons, germanics or even balkan slavs, who are believed to be the dumbest Europeans there are, with the possible exception of southern Italians. I'm talking about stuff like propensity for violence, polygenic scores for educational attainment and so on.

If they were really on par, Salvador or Venezuela wouldn't look like Salvador or Venezuela, but would look like Australia.

Why bring up the Springfield pets thing?

Because when democrats are forced to fact check that and say "the guy who is seen carrying a goose is South African" etc, they're not helping themselves much. And there's police reports of people killing geese in the park and loading them in cars from Springfield, Ohio.

Here's a interview from Springfield. It's rough.

Here's another thirty minutes of residents complaining.

Kamala is a competent but relatively weak debater,

She's being accused of having used help during the debate, though. Her earrings look very similar to wireless headphone earrings being sold. And her frequent gaffes with compound sentences are suspicious.

On the other hand, she did pass the bar exam, so, it might be a legit okay performance.

IMO, you can make any normiecon suffer a brain lock by starting to wax poetic about how much more excellence would America have had the dastardly democrats not allowed the blacks to abort that much.

IIRC the number works out to having double the present population. Also IIRC half the abortions in America are done on black women.

Ukraine is a poor corrupt country with very little means of retaliating. Russia provides up to 10% of world's material inputs in most cases. I don't even mention that it has a steel and chemicals industry with output on par with WW2 US. And that it's currently apparently outproducing NATO as Ukraine is .. not doing very well on the artillery front, and NATO has little reason to hold back artillery and shell production seeing as the next war is a naval and air war against China,where artillery is of little to no use.

endlessly attacks Ukrainian infrastructure It really doesn't. Russia has had the means to drop every bridge over the Dniepr since day 1. They could have taken out the entire electric grid with cruise missiles on day 1. Or day 90, or 180. Yes you can defend against such if you've got enough air defense, but salvo attacks defeat that, and crude ballistic hypersonics like Kinzhal make it even more complicated. Ukraine, of course, doesn't have enough air defense., especially not after two years of war.

It appears to be a great idea and in fact key to winning wars.

Wars. Do you understand what a 'war' is? Attacking infrastructure, outside of a war situation, risks that it becomes a war.

And yes, Europe is the most feckless and counterproductive allies the US could have. A parasite society hiding under our defense umbrella, using our hard-found pharmaceuticals without paying to support them and endlessly funding our enemies.

Nice trolling, but the biggest trade partner of China is the United States. Also Europe isn't funding Iran or North Korea - Iran is mainly funding itself with its oil revenue.

9/11 being the one exception.

You forgot that WTC was bombed, that Muslim terrorists almost blew up a dozen airliners, the LA bomb plot. And then of course, 9/11 itself. A massive strategic victory for Al-Qaeda, in that it gave Americans a blank cheque to waste all their power through sheer stupidity.

And all of these plots were far harder than bribing a particular crewman on a cargo ship to open a particular container, input a code and push a button, watch a dozen drones zoom off and then dump the packing materials off board.

Feels like this is hefty hyperbole

Ok, lot of countries were quite primitive in 1800. But ability of states to get things done has taken a big nosedive since WW2 at the very least.

Universal healthcare, pensions and wider welfare were all post-WW2 inventions.

These are not good things. Pensions are basically declaring "we don't care about the future, we're going to bleed reproductive age people". They were invented in an age of rapid population growth. Now they're eating up state finances. The entire European social state model is hardly sustainable. Also pensions are.. much older..

Bismarck started with it in late 1880s, when the average person died 2 years before they could collect any, and there were cca 8x more young people than old.

I don't know where you live, but I don't expect to get any pension other than symbolic, and wouldn't expect it even if I were paying lot more taxes. Government debt is always increasing and economic growth is unlikely or impossible. AI is something to be regulated, not used, industry is a dirty word and energy is supposed to be expensive to "save the planet".

Look at the tempo of railway construction in 19th century. A feat like that is unimaginable today. Or how much of Europe was built then. Now much of Europe has unaffordable cost of housing because we can't or won't build.

once it was introduced the years spent and scale of schools needed were much smaller than today.

Seeing as vast majority of university graduates use nothing whatsoever from their degrees, and it's purely a credential proving they can sit down & study, a lot of it is pure inefficiency. Same for universal high school.

Prussia hasn't existed since '47. Modern Germany has vastly different legal system and ethos. I guess it died with that.

Allow me to be skeptical about that. The explosions were very powerful, on the order of useful load for a yacht that size. It smells of a cover story, really.

Not all of them all at once, but little by little to help wean Europeans off if Russian fuel.

Don't you think it's up to Europeans to decide who they're going to buy fuel from ?

Are you not worried this kind of thing could result in drones randomly blowing up US nat-gas liquefaction facilities. Attacks on infrastructure are not a good idea, not against people with means.

Especially seeing as US border is pretty much unsecured, US has hugely long coasts and there's a lot of ship traffic and all that.

Springfield in Missouri, not Ohio.

Lmao. Embarrasing.

I swear I clicked on Illinois one. It even looks similar, though the creek going through the middle seems to be going east to west, not west to east.

Well, according to a local, there were numerous specifically white Pekin ducks in the park in Springfield, Ohio. These are a flightless domestic breed, which explains how Haitians were able to steal them.

They do fly but can't do it very well, so you get the idea.

I tried looking it up, and easily found some wild ducks with what appears to be a single pekin duck.

Springfield has a number of parks, almost all small and without water. Doling park and Close memorial park could hold a large amount of ducks, especially the latter. No ducks on Google Earth, but then the pictures are from august of '14 and it looks hot. No idea what ducks do in hot weather but sitting in the open on water is not optimal. There's one more park that has water in it, but it's a small stream.

I define it as the -capacity of the state to initiate, direct and complete projects.
-enforcement of laws on the books

If any stupid construction projects gets delayed for years, if state continually loses money in weird scams, if laws are not being enforced, that's all a minus.

solid economy, politically stable despite Trump, massive network of alliances,

..politically stable? You've got intelligence services meddling in politics, gigantic loss of legitimacy ever since Trump. Sure nobody's trying actual insurgencies but the regime is considered illegitimate and unjust by half the population, though it changes which half.

And your 'network of alliances' is actually a bunch of provinces you're busy ruining economically. Biden inflation reduction act was offering money to EU businesses to relocate to USA. You blew up their natural gas pipeline.

And as to solidity of economy...... if democrats keep being in office and keep attacking energy supply, that's not going to last.

There's this video of an African man peacefully trying to cook what's purportedly a cat on a fire on the sidewalk in Italy while an elderly Italian woman is yelling at him...

You can't just absorb a 1/3 population surplus from a completely different country.

I'm not saying it's not happening, but you're saying it's final. It's not final at all.

They can always go back. This has been done plenty of times in history. Germans went west by the million despite centuries long habitation. Bhutan repatriated iirc hundreds of thousands of Nepalese. Fiji repatriated a lot of Indians, enough to secure a comfortable majority for their natives.

And so on.

What do you think would happen to Haitians in the event of a civil war and breakdown? Do you think they'd be nice and considerate suddenly ?

What do you think is going to happen there if there's a serious economic crisis? That that'd improve relations ?

No this isn't going to end well, and it certainly isn't going to end with Haitians happily inhabiting rustbelt by the million, being even worse for the budget than black Americans. It's going to end in tears. America is going to see some bad times and that never helps with diversity.

Haitians are raiding back yards to eat cats?

They have some cat-eating custom apparently ...

Absolutely not. At least in EU, state capacity is the lowest it's been since 1800.

Everything is wrapped in red tape. Nothing can be done fast. British were recently found to have wasted 500k pages on a planning application. Oh - that was debunked, it was only 63000 pages.. Been 9 years and 260 million pounds though. On a planning application.

Granted, EU is not this bad, that's Britain, but Europe is still pretty screwed and there's no indication the worst offenders - judges, courts and activists that basically decide what the law is are going to be removed. Most salient example is that removing undesirables is impossible in Germany and France, both countries have hundreds of thousands of people ordered to leave who are still there, committing crime and iirc also collecting welfare.

The power structure is currently occupied by declaring its few citizens willing to speak up for their own interests are dangerous far-right radicals. Yes, and as always trying to pass chat-control. New round of that idiocy in december.

It also radicalized an enormous amount of people who are now extremely pissed off because the covid hysteria was needless, wasted enormous resources and all that. And then there was the jab, which was at the very least pushed onto younger people who could not benefit from it unless they were blobs. I'm unclear on the reports of somewhat elevated cancers, but it's worth looking at in detail.

So whether there's any state capacity left especially for any pandemic measures now is a very open question that's not easy to answer.

I am legitimately confused. None of this seems to make sense.

On the contrary, it makes perfects sense. If you take people from a chaotic and poor country, and not the best people and send them to a place that's not poor and not chaotic and just let them loose, without close supervision, they're going to behave in a chaotic manner.

They, or a substantial part of them were apparently relocated there as a part of a scheme to provide cheap workforce, but I find it doubtful that most of them even work. We know the statistics, we know they don't know the language and have low ability on average. So low that profitably employing them is a challenge.

Haiti is one of the poorest countries on Earth. You surely know of the observations Scott Alexander made and then deleted off the internet out of fear?.