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User ID: 175



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User ID: 175

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Regretting my decision already.

The words "Here you go" are a link to my own comment which is not helpful when I requested a link to Trace saying something.

I would describe his overall argument as "Rittenhouse shouldn't have brought a gun to a skateboard fight precisely because something like that might happen." There seems to be a factual disagreement about how likely Rittenhouse was to die there with Trace thinking it was a 1-2% chance, and also a moral disagreement about what likelihood of death you need to be facing before you're allowed to use lethal self-defense, with Trace's answer at "more than 2%, less than 100%".

Granting Trace's facts, I'd say he supports lethal self-defense for people faced with a lynch-mob, and simply doesn't think Rittenhouse was facing a lynch mob. Granting some other set of facts I suppose you could frame it as "But it was a lynch-mob, and Trace opposed it, therefore he opposes self-defense from lynch-mobs in cases where he mistakenly believes them not to be lynch-mobs", but that seems like a boring semantic argument.

The obvious next step in Trace's argument and a sentiment I remember him expressing is that rather than letting himself get beaten, Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there at all. Suppose there's a maniac with an axe standing in the middle of nowhere shouting "If you walk near me I'll kill you", and you have a gun. The libertarian says you have every right to walk near him and then, when he tries to kill you with his axe, shoot him in self defense. Trace says killing is bad and you shouldn't pick a fight with that guy when you could just walk around him. I expect Trace would be a lot more sympathetic to Rittenhouse if he got mobbed while walking home from work, rather than having gone out of his way to show up at a riot.

I asked Trace about executing drug dealers, his words:

to be clear it’s not like I’m rabidly in favor but like on balance if it was on the table and culturally palatable I’d favor it like, if I were dictator and the median person was like me? execute away

That oughta be good enough for you. Now, about that link I asked for? Because I checked his Twitter for Rittenhouse and the literal first result says

understanding rittenhouse as self-defense is accurate

You're 0 for 2 here.

it comes up quite a lot (1, 2, 3), and I don't know how you want to invoke his name without either implying authoritarian measures

I don't know if he's said it publicly, but you had it right here, Trace invokes LKY to imply authoritarian measures. You got most of the way to understanding it and I think this was because it was easy.

why he's in favor of executing drug dealers, but against lethal self-defense when faced with a lynch-mob?

I think you are strawmanning because I don't understand him to be against self-defense from people faced with a lynch-mob. If I'm mistaken about this you can provide a link to him saying so, but otherwise I'm comfortable assuming this to be another case of you imagining your political enemy to hold beliefs he does not actually hold.

I'm pretty sure Trace is not about to start advocating for the execution of drug dealers.

I know Trace personally and he is in fact in favor of executing drug dealers. Your inability to understand his politics makes me skeptical of your ability to psychoanalyze him.

Nate Silver left FiveThirtyEight amid layoffs and Elliott Morris, ABC's new hire immediately set about ruining it. A threat he sent to conservative polling company Rasmussen Reports:

Rasmussen must explain the nature of its relationship with several right-leaning blogs and online media outlets, which have given us reason to doubt the ethical operation of the polling firm... Failure to reply, or failure to notify us of an intent to speedily reply, by the end of the day on Friday, June 30th, 2023 will be taken as a final concession of our grounds for a ban. The ban would take effect imminently thereafter.

As Nate Silver puts it, Why, unless you’re a dyed-in-the-wool left-leaning partisan, would having a “relationship with several right-leaning blogs and online media outlets” lead one to “doubt the ethical operation of the polling firm”?. I agree with Silver's overall attitude on the new direction of his company: hope ABC will stop use of 538 brand so it isn't associated with me.

Some people are probably mad at ABC for being partisan hacks but frankly that's business as usual. I'm mad because FiveThirtyEight was one of the only good analysis sites out there and these vandals are going to turn it into another factory pumping out generic progressive sludge. God damnit! 538 was the best in the business, where am I supposed to go for election forecasts now?