@NickRiviera's banner p




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joined 2023 July 29 19:26:49 UTC


User ID: 2592



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 July 29 19:26:49 UTC


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User ID: 2592

What could an LLM possibly say that would be illegal? I could see maybe an image generator making illegal output but an LLM? Could you really be guilty of incitement or hate speech in a private conversation? Any sort of threat it made wouldn't be a credible threat.

It can train SDXL models at 0.5 items per second, it's currently the best ML card for the money out there.

This is why people call him spry. He would be our first openly TRT-enhanced president, something that will become the norm in the future I predict.

His voice is like that from spasmodic dysphonia and it has the effect of making his voice extremely recognizable.