@NexusGlow's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 00:16:59 UTC


User ID: 291



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:16:59 UTC


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User ID: 291

The mobile apps are great, that's fair. I'll miss RIF. It's hard to give Reddit much credit for that since all the decent apps weren't made by Reddit, but at least they didn't destroy them like Twitter did. old reddit is still a decent design, though it's slowly breaking down due to changes by new reddit.

So that's the good side. On the bad side... I have nothing good to say about new reddit. And the very core of the design, up/downvotes, was probably cursed from the beginning. I honestly think the single big thread is the only reason TheMotte even survived as long as it did, because it largely prevented up and down votes from being meaningful. If sabotaging Reddit's design is necessary like that it's not a great sign for the whole idea.

And on the ugly side: just take a look at /r/popular if you want to see the "true state" of the website... as someone who stayed off of all for a long time I was honestly shocked to see how far the place fell. It's as good a sign as anything that not only is Eternal September still going, there is no bottom.

To be honest, between this and rdrama, reddit may have finally lost its hooks in me. There's a long tail of tiny subreddits left to trickle along, but not really anything that updates fast enough to maintain a habit of regularly checking in. Feels like the end of an era.