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joined 2022 November 14 23:11:08 UTC
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User ID: 1861



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User ID: 1861

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I'm in the same boat as you. A friend explained bitcoin to me in 2012. How it works makes sense but I kept circling around to "But what is this for?". The basic arguments:

  1. No government control of money

  2. Making transactions easier.

  3. It's scarce

(1) is a pipe dream and just makes it a big flashing neon target for government capture or destruction.

(2) is just false. Crypto is an immense PITA to actually transact with and debit/credit cards are almost too easy to use. Add in scams, complicated passwords/keys that can be easily stolen/lost, and widespread usage seems like a joke.

(3) is meaningless without some underlying value. Lots of things are scarce that nobody wants.

Everything about it screams "speculative asset"/"baseball cards". I guess I would be much better off today had I not been skeptical and set up a miner or ten.