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joined 2023 September 30 03:31:22 UTC


User ID: 2685



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 September 30 03:31:22 UTC


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User ID: 2685

Tragic. I remember it being the place to be in 2020 on election night. Shitposting, memery... now it's just sad, so sad.

In the past Federal election cycle, I organized Reddit vote swaps via TheMotte subreddit. This cycle, there's a new game in town: https://www.swapyourvote.org

Under the vote swap system, one swing state voter agrees to vote for Kamala Harris and is matched with two safe state voters, who vote for a third party of the swing state voter's choice.

In my case, the swing state voter doesn't have a preference, so I get to vote for Chase Oliver, my preferred candidate, while also securing a critical swing state vote to take a shot at defeating Trump in that state.

Exchanging votes is completely legal and is the only real way to secure support for alternative viewpoints until we can get approval voting on the Federal level.

  • -35

I had a similar experience as your friend.

Went to Bengaluru in 2018. Was incredibly careful the entire time. Avoided most sketchy street foot and only ate in decent restaurants.

Ended up with food poisoning. The suffering was so bad I won't soon forget it. It was the worst I have ever felt in my life, by far. I loved everything about India but that experience is enough to make me not want to go back.