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joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 1089



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 01:37:00 UTC


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User ID: 1089

As we learned from the sudden banning of Dr. Seuss from every mainstream online marketplace, there won't be any integrity. These will be treated as the only versions that ever existed, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

A great rewrite of that conversation from MGS2, voiced by and all about generative AIs. How do you combat disinformation when anyone can generate infinite amounts of it? https://youtube.com/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY

In a world where shapeshifting potions exist and can be brewed by a diligent second-year student, current-year-style trans people shouldn't. It makes no sense.

Good observation, and adds another layer to the fork. If you complain about this behavior, not only are you derailing the main conversation, but you end up accepting the leftist frame of "microaggressions matter". And for many people "my rules > your rules applied fairly > your rules applied unfairly" is not a convincing argument.

I want to identify and discuss a stealth-CW trick that I find particularly irritating: the use of (predominately left-leaning) CW positions used as examples in some other piece of work. I mostly notice this in technical articles: you might be reading an article about writing a program that prints to the console, and the example code will say something like:

print 'Eat the rich'  # or some other lefty slogan

I find this quite insidious: it normalizes left viewpoints in a way that's hard to argue against. If you try to say anything, you risk being accused of derailing the discussion with irrelevant politics or otherwise being a Bad Person who violates the norms of a forum. Has anyone seen any examples of this and/or successful arguments deployed against it?

Agreed with not rushing into closed. After dancing for a few weeks, the downstairs head stops going "oh, someone's close to us? TIME FOR SEX" and learns to chill out.

It is pretty clear to the women and to the other dudes when a new guy shows up just to pull — he gives off vibes.

On the "starting a club" side, this "make it a Thing" post/link-to-tweet-thread seems relevant: https://cimmerianmists.substack.com/p/on-reading-the-classics

Even after the Cochrane paper? Jeez.

From your vision statement:

Only those who have attended a university will be eligible for office.

How do you expect to sustain a conservative society when your public officials will all be drawn from one of the most left-leaning classes of institution? There isn't really enough about how you'd fix the universities to makes this a safe bet.

Scott had an old LiveJournal post about this, where he likened dating to Russian spies trying to identify each other while undercover in the US. On the one-hand, Scott is a pretty neurotic and anxious person who has stared too long into the CW; on the other, it's not exactly wrong. Anyone else remember this? I couldn't find it in the best archive of squid314 that I was able to unearth.

It may not have been a general puritanical thing, and my memory is fuzzy when it comes to the precise ordering of 201x socjus scandals, but it could well have been the accidental prototype that people picked up and ran with. Scott wrote his meditations on livejournal in ~2012, and the elevator incident became the type specimen of "If you ask her out, what's the worst that can happen? She says no?".

And despite being warned about the dangers of superweapon-builders, here we are. Confined to an obscure internet forum because it turns out that superweapons are pretty powerful.

I wonder how many other trendy terms or ideas have histories like this, if you actually go digging into their backstories. Somehow the sex/gender split in modern English has been laundered from its origins with John Money and his uh... unorthodox practices, and nobody remembers that the trans pride flag was invented by a man who stole his female colleagues' underwear and wrote stories about an adult man marrying a teen girl who doesn't age.

I cannot endorse simping of any stripe, whether it's huffing a girl's farts or Aella's brainfarts.

It kills me how woke the blues scenes became. I have many years of treasured memories, but my political positions stayed fixed while everyone else's moved, and it's hard to express oneself freely while also biting one's tongue all the time.

Less of a problem than you might expect: even close-style dances tend not to have things that close down there.

I’m trying to imagine the scenario playing out with a straight hetero couple and it still feels weird to me.

How long does it take for Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese?

Best I can give you is "all media is evil and lies constantly, so I read no news at all". Except for you lot.

Interesting - your comment reads "twitter dot com is based in Germany," but I assume you wrote "nitter dot net is based in Germany,". A side-effect of the Nitter option in user settings?

That gets you "nobody can see my vote", but you can still be coerced into showing your vote. There are clever algorithms using homomorphic encryption which allow votes to be tallied without revealing who voted for whom, and let you verify that your vote was counted without revealing what it was. But you still need someone to implement it in a system which selects lowest-bid contracts, and to convince the voting public that your magic math system cannot be cheated.

People need to understand a voting system to believe in it (see: 2020), and so I'd much rather a heavy clampdown on postal voting, and a return to hand-counting everywhere. Other first world nations can do this, so why can't we?

Unless I misunderstand you, I think I answered that above. Did you mean something else by your question?

Unlike the traditional red-tribe view, I am somewhat okay with people aborting severely disabled or nonviable fetuses.

How many of those people are there?

Probably fewer than it looks like when I spend too much time online.

After seeing the general pattern of "no limiting principle" coming from the blue side (on at least trans issues, abortion, and assisted euthanasia), my views have swung towards the pro-life side but in a way that isn't really backed by the traditional axiom of fetal personhood. Instead, it is backed by the revulsion I feel towards people who gleefully abort instead of using birth control, and my view that sex is a serious thing with serious consequences that you do not frivolously engage with. I also strongly believe that humanity needs its best and brightest to reproduce if we want to pass the great filter, and am much more in favor of good people having kids than I was even three years ago. Unlike the traditional red-tribe view, I am somewhat okay with people aborting severely disabled or nonviable fetuses. But that road leads to dark places unless stopped with a limiting principle of its own, and so I cannot endorse it unreservedly either.

No longer true in the age of GPT-N.

I have noticed something similar. I seem to have no trouble calling older transwomen "Jane" instead of "John", but the younger transwomen I've met often give me a vibe that I'm being forced to participate in their fetish. There is also no sensible response to this that I can see.