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joined 2024 May 12 20:59:42 UTC
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User ID: 3046



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User ID: 3046

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Hi everyone, I recently joined the forum upon a good friend's recommendation. I have been told I will find people with overlapping interests here. So here I go with a fitness and lifestyle related question. I am a 19, and a type 1 diabetic. I have never followed a serious fitness program in my life, and the summer is around the corner so I want to plan something and stick to it this time. My goals might sound a little too ambitious, or maybe not. I want to get consistent at gym, having a steady progress and also prepare myself for running a marathon. With the added complexity of me being a T1D, as the doctors around do not acknowledge my personal goals and just do the bare minimum to get my sugar levels right. But usually when I am on a diet, and workout actively, it becomes easy to deal with. As I have very little experience, I can't ask specific questions yet. But I shall keep this forum posted on my progress. To start with, what is your advice to approach this most efficiently? While also managing my work (I have a remote software engineering job and run a startup on the side).