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anarcho-heretic, Quokkit guy

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joined 2022 September 06 03:50:34 UTC


User ID: 806


anarcho-heretic, Quokkit guy

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 03:50:34 UTC


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User ID: 806

I just want to push back against the "everything is falling, we are doomed" mindset. There were probably many people in the 1988 Soviet Union who felt the same way about having to recite communist bullshit in order to get any kind of decent job, and were depressed about raising their kids in a system so pervaded by corruption and irrational dogma. A few years later, the Soviet system collapsed.

I feel like this is self-defeating reasoning. Concerns of "Everything is falling, we are doomed" are not solved by "wait for societal collapse", they're validated. If the outcomes are "let the current spiral continue into societal collapse" or "wait for societal collapse to end the spiral", you're basically making an argument for accelerationism, but would that actually solve anything? I don't know how closely the institutional structures of Lysenkoism map onto our social structures but could a collapse actually affect our modern, decentralized online Lysenkoism?

Am I making sense?

I have a 7800 XT I can point at it I guess. I could do with a tldr on how to use hashcat though.

I have never heard any of these names before. Unless the Hotz you refer to is George Hotz, but I only know his name because of the PS3 reverse engineering suit.

I haven't really had enough downtime to read something long, so I've been listening to audiobooks recently on my commute. I finished The Martian a few weeks ago, then picked up the Rob Inglis narration of The Fellowship of the Ring, which I'm getting close to finishing (left off today just as the party left Lothlorien). I'd never read The Martian before and the last time I read LOTR was around 2008.

The Martian was great, solid recommend. No book review or anything, I'm just happy to be fitting fiction I haven't been algorithm'd into back into my life.

Has anyone read any of Yahtzee Croshaw's books? I have Differently Morphous on audiobook but haven't really prioritized it yet. Just wondering if anyone has any favorites (or dis-favorites I guess).

or that everyone working on the Artemis Program keeps using verbiage that strongly implies that we have no idea how a ton of this is supposed to work.

Hey, I buy that. I work on a semi-mothballed flight sim that's evolved into C from a puddle of Fortran. Getting the damn thing to work on a machine from this decade is a daily struggle, and that's just on the technical end of things. Technical and logistics headaches in aerospace make perfect sense to me.

Yes (suit) and no (haven't had a funeral or an in-person interview in a few years). I'd like to dress sharp more often but don't really have cause to, so I wear a lot of button-down shirts since the minimal effort still feels nice. I have a few ties I wouldn't mind pulling out, but I'm terrible at tying them so I don't bother - not enough time in the mornings to give a damn.