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A woman walks in and says "holy crap, your dog can play chess?! That's amazing! What a brilliant dog! "

The man says "you think my dog is brilliant? Pffft. Hardly. He's pretty dumb, I've won 19 games out of the 20 we've played."

Beware fictional evidence.

The joke works because we have assumptions about what it means to be able to play chess, and we know that a dog playing chess with any significant chance of success implies a much greater jump in intelligence than the jump between playing poorly and playing well.

If the dog was playing chess using some method that was not like how humans play chess, and which couldn't generalize to being able to play well, the joke wouldn't be very funny. Of course there isn't such a method for chess-playing dogs. But we know that Claude doesn't play Pokemon like humans do, and this may very well not generalize to playing as well as a human.

(Notice that your assumptions are wrong for computers playing chess. My Gameboy can beat me in chess. It has no chance of taking over the world.)

My rules > your rules, fairly > your rules, unfairly

Your rules, unfairly: Public health covers non-health things like gun control and environmental justice but cannot be used to push back against the woke.

Your rules, fairly: Public health covers non-health things, but at least both sides can use it.

My rules: Public health has to do with health.

Hatching eggs is a trans reference, not a gay reference.

Our "lifeboat" is an entire freaking continent.

The country has limited space. It cannot absorb everyone who wants to come. That's why the lifeboat metaphor works in the first palace.

People react to your behavior. The amount of harm done by bad faith actors won't stay the same once you've settled on a policy about false negatives and false positives. The bad actors will see your policy, and act in ways that the policy incentivizes.

I'm trying to identify the optimal social norms for generally pro-social law-abiding people to adopt among themselves to ensure their mutual happiness and fulfillment

If you do that these norms can be exploited by people who are not pro-social and law abiding.

A transwoman is a woman in the same way and to the same degree that an adopted child is their adoptive parent's child.

By this reasoning you should accept transracial people.

If you're a prominent Jew in early-20th-century Germany and you find conclusive evidence that this Jewish banker you know has been defrauding some goyim clients, you would be insane to publicly accuse him and call the state police.

If I was a prominent Jew in early 20th century Germany and had a gun, I would be justified in finding the local Nazis and killing them in cold blood.

If the situation is bad enough that you are justified in shooting people dead, you're also justified in doing a lot of lesser things that you normally wouldn't be justified in doing. And if you're deluded into thinking the world is that bad, you're a menace to society; this isn't some minor disagreement.

The theory that transgenderism as a movement is secretly very permissive of sexual assault on cis women doesn't survive contact with reality.

"Permissive" doesn't have to mean "deliberately intends to". It often means "has standards which rule out being able to handle". You don't have to be intentionally trying to bring about X for your actions to enable X.

If you don't want to send that message don't make a Nazi salute. Not even accidentally.

You can't "not make a Nazi salute accidentally". First of all, by definition, an accident isn't done deliberately. Second, it's easy for a motivated leftist to find Nazi salutes everywhere; it's impossible to not do something that with the appropriate camera angle and out of context still image can be called a Nazi salute.

This seems like the self-driving car redux. They improve, and they improve... and at some point they stop getting better because the remaining problems are intractable.

If someone internalizes the system in his head, ignoring practicality (which makes it hard to properly imagine the situation), then he's acting as a dumb CPU executing a Chinese program. The answer is still "the man doesn't know Chinese, the system does". The answer feels strange because "the man" is in the man's head and "the system" is also in the man's head, but that doesn't make them the same thing or mean that they both have the same knowledge.

Of course, in Searle's time, "come on, he's running a virtual machine" isn't something you could really say because people weren't familiar with the concept.

Wuxia is martial arts possibly with some fantasy elements. Xianxia is a genre where the characters are immortals with fantastic powers that escalate very heavily.

You are correct.

For some reason if you load the page and don't play it, the still it shows is very low quality. If you actually play it it's fine.

I have in the past tried to get videos from archive.org and they really were poor quality, so I had assumed this was another instance of that. It seems that higher quality videos are more common now.

Almost no such classic movie is even in DVD quality, although sometimes they claim to be 480p or 1080p but are actually upscaled from very low resolution sources. That one included; that's absurdly low resolution.

Also, checking a map shows that the islands are about 1200 miles away from Mauritus.

The fact that they point in the same direction like this is a sign of motivated reasoning. Karma is not real.

When the Hebrews do it it's just "Old Testament justice" but when Hitler identifies Jews as adversarial then it's identity politics?

When the Hebrews do it it's "this is something written in a book, secular historians don't think it actually happened, and it's not something to do today".

The most obvious way to tell the belief in HitlerSatan is downstream from propaganda is that nigh everyone, apart from the fringes, has their own pocket theory of why Hitler is satan and not any of the other guys from histories greatest hits

I think "Hitler killed millions of Jews" is a bit too common a reason to call Hitler Satan, for it to count as a pocket theory.

This is a hostage puppy, which has been discussed here before.

Then let's publicize "USAID is funding drag shows in the third world" and see how many people react in the first manner and how many react in the second.

The police are mostly responding to calls in the bad parts of town,

I'm pretty sure that rank-and-file police are more sympathetic to the Republicans than the average person.

I hesitate to accept the term "deplatform" for people whose political beliefs affect how they do their jobs.

It depends on how directly the second group is affected by the first group's actions, and how directly the members of the first group who accomplished things are associated with the members who did the oppression. If a group of whites suddenly oppressed all the nonwhites and their white friends all made great accomplishments within the next five year period, then yes, that may be a good point. But the lasting effect of oppression that happened a long time ago doesn't count.

I'd also question whether it's true anyway. The US and Europe are predominantly white, especially in historic time periods, so even if there was no oppression at all, most accomplishments would be by whites just by size of population. And when those countries oppressed outsiders, the outsiders generally were in primitive cultures that couldn't accomplish much regardless of whether they were oppressed.

Also, since Jews were oppressed for much of history, you can't use this to say that Jews didn't earn their accomplishments. Even over time periods where Jews weren't oppressed, you'd have to find out how many extra accomplishments the Jews had compared to non-Jews per capita, and exempt those too, since any such excess was unrelated to oppression.

I really didn't expect to see it deployed to explain why it doesn't count that TW spoke out against a bad thing.

This also raises the question of exactly what you mean by "doesn't count". It counts as TW doing a good thing. But it doesn't count if what you're praising him for explicitly depends on the size of his audience, such as "successfully promoted it when the right-wingers who first noticed it couldn't". (Which is another difference between this and the white people case.)

Also, the circumstances of Trace's hoax made it easier for him to hoax compared to a right-winger sending in a hoax about his left-wing enemies. An actual hoax by a right-winger that smeared a left-winger would have to remain undetected over time; the right-winger would have to be able to send it in, get it posted, and not have people all over the Internet say "that's a hoax". If people did say that, the hoax would be counterproductive.

Trace was going to expose the hoax pretty soon, so he didn't have this limitation and could make cruder hoaxes than an actual right-wing hoaxter could get away with.

It's still his allies. And even if that doesn't count for anything, it's still that he did it because of external forces that made it easier for people like him.