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joined 2022 September 14 20:49:52 UTC


User ID: 1201



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User ID: 1201

Can anyone tell me, what did he say about the Nazis/Hitler? I’m reading secondhand sources that he praised them somehow but I’m curious what he actually said.

I don’t eat veggies so that they’ll be calorie free, I eat them for fun and profit (nutrients + fiber).

I’ll give you a secret. Mac and cheese is better if you add chicken and broccoli to it.

But it’s clear I will never convert you to my culinary religion, I’ll go evangelize elsewhere :(

Dude. Bake or roast some cruciferous veggies with some root vegetables. Add some salt and butter. It’s divine.

  1. Salads done well are delicious, 2) calories are not a great indicator of what’s healthy vs what isn’t

I cant explain exactly why in technical terms, but its similar to your distrust of audio assistants. Who the fuck needs anything to do with computer vision?

Comes in handy in a number of scientific fields.

But for cars, yeah I doubt it’ll be much of what it’s cracked up to be.

The cool kids know that bioelectric signaling networks structure the pattern formation of organisms and form an even more important epigenetics.


So much so that you can take a flatworm, tweak the way it’s cells electrically communicate, and thus induce it to change the shape of its head and brain into that of a different flatworm species without altering its DNA.


I think that panspermia is relatively common, complex life is rare among worlds with life (reference: Nick Lane), intelligent technological civilizations rare among worlds with complex life, and civilizations capable of interstellar travel on any reasonable timeframe are either rare among intelligent technological civilizations or do not exist.

Is it?

LOTR seemed to have pretty universal appeal as far as I’m aware.

Yeah, I’m always a bit confused by the claim that all of cultural production is blue tribe stuff.

Podcasts and comedy are typically not super progressive blue tribe areas, and actually that’s where much of the thinking and cultural production goes on in our society.

You’ll probably come across it. It’s… pretty bad

The interview with the father complicates this.

Guy was more concerned with the possibility of whether his son might be gay than whether or not he murdered a bunch of people.

If he was gay, it could make sense that he internalized some of the hatred coming from a meth addicted/extremely homophobic dad.

Will be interesting to see what comes out of it.

Although, fuck, we need a new national sport. The ‘guess the motivations of this week’s mass murderer’ game is getting pretty dark.

You happened to get lucky and experience something weird that people don’t normally experience.

Congratulations / sorry.

Personally I think it’s partly just that young women are more empathetic and so they tend to put themselves into the perspective of someone who is facing difficult circumstances.

My tendency is to be in their camp, so I feel like I kind of understand, but also I do think there are other deeper motivators in my psychology too, and maybe listing these out might be helpful here. Here’s my theory. Young unmarried women have:

  1. High empathy with a wide circle. Ease of which you put yourself in someone else’s shoes when hearing about hardship. The opposite of this is “I got mine”, which not at all to vilify that, I think there’s a relationship with maturity here, where young people have a starry eyed “help everyone in the world” attitude, and mature people with families have a “help my immediate circle who I’m deeply connected to” attitude.

  2. High exploration and openness. Personally, my exploration and openness settings are dialed all the way up. Like, I’m not content in one place, I want to see and experience everything the world has to offer, my friends settle in with work that’s well paid and meanwhile I choose things that are less stable and lower paid but have more possibility for excitement. This is aligned with a sort of interest and fascination with experiencing other cultures than my own, which in turn fuels the attitude of “more languages being spoken in my city? More exotic foods? Heck yeah”. In fact this is my theory for part of why cities are liberal and rural areas are conservative. The kids who have high openness and exploration drive leave rural areas, they’d never be content there. Whereas the people who want more stability and predictability can withstand the life of being a rural farmer or living in a small town. And again, young and unmarried people want to explore, whereas older and/or married people want stability and predictability.

  3. Naiveness. I’ll admit I learned over time that I do think right wingers have a point when they point out specific dangers in completely open immigration. Having large influxes of people from countries with different cultures can fuel problems. There can be value clashes, you can wipe out the character of a place, you can import approaches to governance that are not compatible. I’ve grown to recognize that, and of course, it’s the classic thing about having a “bleeding heart” kind of attitude. You think empathetically and other calculations don’t enter the picture as much. This is also something which changes with maturity.

In all three cases, I think these are points which both women and young people tend to have more than men and older people. And I think the psychological changes that come from having children and starting a family dampen all three.

Having children narrows your circle of concern, lowers your exploration drive while heightening your stability drive, and cuts naivety in favor of colder calculus of what will best benefit your offspring.

Thus, young unmarried women prefer immigration, followed by young unmarried men, then those who prefer less immigration are married men followed by married women.

Addendum: people with the attributes above probably are often sexually attracted to foreign people, so your earlier comment likely has a good point embedded in it.

Yeah, haha you’ll have to excuse me.

I took a break from this place for a bit and it was comedic for me to gawk at the take that young women are liberal because they want big strong immigrants to come mate with them.

It might not be wrong btw. I’m pro immigration and I tend to find foreign women really hot. Who knows if deep down that’s my real motivation?

Carry on, as you were!

Because people from conservative backgrounds are more likely to prioritize marriage and more likely to marry young?

What else would be the explanation?

If anything liberals as a demographic are far more exposed to crime than conservatives are.

Conservatives are the more dominant demographic in suburbs and rural areas.

How many regular people do you think are walking around with an internal plot to “displace white America”?

I would have gotten the fuck out if I was Ukrainian, tbh

Lol, the motte is weird af

  • -10

Adeus floresta amazônica

I was making a funny analogy for the differences you draw between yourself and other people here.


In other news, “communalist libertarian market socialist” on Reddit is convinced that the “communalist libertarian market syndicalists” are actually the real fascists.

Fundamentally, the motte is for two things:

  • Gawking at/criticizing the latest thing the wokes did. Wondering whatever will the non-wokes do in their guerrilla war.

  • Peacocking elaborate or strangely alluring normie-repellent beliefs.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that’s just what the forum is for.

It’s cool, we’re all here because we’re female peacocks. No hate <3

The motte isn’t a place for regular conservatives, it’s a place for conservatives who are almost dysfunctionally highly cerebral

(Not an insult, that’s what makes it interesting to me)