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joined 2023 December 04 18:38:08 UTC


User ID: 2779



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 December 04 18:38:08 UTC


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User ID: 2779

I agree with some of what you say, but that's very charitable to your in-group and very uncharitable to your out-group. I could just as easily cite "The Nurture Assumption", reference things like people having fucked up parents, and that people turned out all right in spite of their parents. Or maybe they turned out poorly even though their parents were decent people.

And then these very same women who don't trust their elders will happily leave their offspring with daycares and nurseries for hours each day to be raised by randoms for whom you have minimal idea of their suitability to raise children beyond passing some government mandated training courses that teach god knows what.

What's wrong with this? You frame it in a very negative way, but millions of kids in the US go to daycare. Is it really that bad? For the most part, I think people should figure out what's best for them and pursue it.

It's not just Western media. There's a lot of complaints about MILs in some Asian societies as well. I've heard many examples of MILs ordering their DILs around and some DILs fighting back and correcting expectations.

It's interesting to hear stories of how things have changed over the past few generations in some countries. A funny story; i knew a couple with a young kid who lived in the US. His parents lived in China and had nanny cam access to some of the rooms. They couldn't stop offering unsolicited advice about what to do so much that the US couple threatened to shut off the nanny cam if they didn't stop.

See here for examples: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2023/12/135_130229.html


Why not Vietnam, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, etc.? Why did you choose those two examples from a long list?
