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User ID: 795



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Not a conspiracy theory, just a retarded belief.

But is the term "conspiracy theory" not already used in a pejorative sense, such that it can be defined as "retarded belief" in the minds of many? To put it in fewer words, these are one and the same, to some.

I would counter your assertion by raising the example of Hardcore Henry, but that was a year short of your second cutoff point.

I agree with this, with the quibble that I thought the point of contracts was that either party is free to break a contract if they feel like they aren't getting what they want, they just have to deal with the consequences of breaking said contracts. Real-life contracts tend to have escape clauses and ways of dealing with breaches.

(Failing that, you can always just go the Westinghouse-Tesla route and just burn it.)

To add onto other replies, I think it's simply "you stop giving a fuck about decorum and propriety as you get older."

I guess I'm mostly just surprised that people had the "customizable algorithms" idea that far back.

When was this, specifically? Do you have any links or something to evidence this?

Perhaps the argument could be made that we can in fact throw the book hard at drug offenders, and that we have indeed done so to the point that DAs, lacking a less-harsh punishment, choose not to punish at all.

You forgot to expand your asterisk.

Sigma some very small number of genuinely mentally ill crazies

Pun not intended?

I might as well reply to your other comment here: I think part of why the 4B Movement has any legs at all in Korea is precisely because the expected "life script" of modern Koreans has become a crushing, zombified shit-show of a rat race for everyone, not just the women (as the men are similarly polarized). The culture war aspect is an unintended veil over the actual rebellion against the establishment, in my eyes.

Doesn't all of this get side-stepped if we're talking about a system where that isn't the case at all? Surely the Soviets developed some genuine medical tech all on their own state dime.

To add onto the other replies, pronouns on the modern Internet contain much more information than the literal direct conveyance of gender identification. It's a potent nugget of information if you're willing to read between the lines...or letters, in this case.

Also seems to be a thing in Japan, if some media is to be taken as representative.

Nick Fuentes doesn't even like girls. I don't just mean that he's a mysoginist. I don't even think he likes them sexually.

Wasn't he confirmed as gay, or am I just getting him mixed up with other far-right figures?

(Wait, no, it was that he liked femboys, wasn't it?)

I don't know who's right or who's wrong, but the article didn't even say if the Israeli team won the game (which would seem like an obvious trigger for the rioting, football fans being football fans).

We have RO systems attached to our taps in my home, so I don't need Brita or bottled.

A minor criticism, even though I sympathize with your views: what stops individual sports leagues from just all agreeing to lump transwomen in with ciswomen anyways, and leading to a sort of "market failure"? These kinds of organizations are probably prone to follow-the-leader, which is something that happens in the corporate world across many specific kinds of markets, and many sports leagues are basically just corporations anyways. I happen to agree with the take that market failures may often need government correction to cut through market actors' inability and lack of motive to solve market failures.

I thought Nate was the bigger man, offering a substantive bet and speaking in full capitalized sentences. But clearly he was all talk, no substance.

So, basically this meme, but Red is in the right?

Silver Age Mindset?

I was under the impression that, in Judaism, "Satan" doesn't refer to the Prince of Darkness as we understand him today, but refers more to a genericized enemy/big other, as the name Satan comes from "hasatan," which means "the adversary."

I don't know if Harambe dying swung any election outcomes,

It didn't need to directly, specifically affect the election, it only needed to let the inherently-chaotic properties of meme magic do their thing on the fabric of reality.

For what it's worth, the Soviets did fish Korolev out of the gulag after WWII because they needed him...

That just sounds like Discworld's Ankh-Morpork.

I imagine the dot pattern is probably pretty hard to hack--AIUI, it was created to make tracking money counterfeiters easier, and the US government definitely takes counterfeit cash seriously.

By that same token, though, I imagine many Jewish Americans are not sure about Kamala not listening to the Free Palestine crowd.