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It's a nice vote-buying technique unless you blow it massively.

Maybe they didn't want to be accused of doing such?

You replied to the wrong comment.

I was personally just stating a hindsight assessment on what is now the old strategy, as the parent comment implied. Again, "let Biden self-destruct the Dem campaign" was actually kind of working, and Trump seemed to be somewhat dismayed at the switch.

This makes me think of Clip Art and Comic Sans, and that Brian Eno quote about the desire to replicate the flaws of old media as soon as newer media eliminates them.

In fairness, that strategy probably was working...right up until it wasn't.

Yeah, I think it started here and escalated from there.

It is strange when one thinks about it that way. I think one explanation is just "Europeans are more likely to obey cops, ergo, nobody ever dies from not following cops' orders."

I would argue that Gates became too successful to criticize. It's not even the Gates Foundation offsetting his capitalism--he just won so hard at making money that he effectively achieved social escape velocity.

If you're a leftist, what's the point of trying to take Gates down a peg? He won ages ago (in Internet reckoning, anyways), made all his money, and fucked off before politics got really heated. Windows is still fairly dominant in the PC space, Microsoft's war against the government and other OSes ended long ago, and Gates is now free to do whatever he wants.

Maybe the loans could be structured such that, while there's no serious obligation to pay it back, if you do, then...something happens. Not sure what, but that could make such a loan more than just helicopter money.

Perhaps legalizing marijuana would have an impact on modern reefer madness rates if there was more of a free market to allow for non-insanity-inducing weed?

To point towards the gun analogy, the market has space for everything from wood-stocked single-shot shotguns and .22-caliber plinkers, all the way to semi-auto .50-caliber rifles and ATF-baiting niche products. Who's to say that the weed market cannot also sustain a range of products with different enough CBD levels to make things safer?

Now, granted, you might still be right that a thorough decriminalization might be enough to achieve this, but we must consider the possibility that the market may have an unaddressed demand for healthier product.

But what does that mean for the above question, exactly?

Trump’s reputation is different in China. He’s not considered a hapless buffoon. He’s kind of a Vladimir Putin figure. They don’t like him but they see him as extremely ruthless and cunning.

Huh, really? Where'd you find this out?

I don’t think you fight most of these things by destroying the think tanks that already exist.

But didn't he just say he wasn't interested in doing that in the parent comment?

I think MITE is referring to hurricane severity being (potentially) worsened by anthropogenic climate change.


...Are these a real thing, or did you just give the porn industry a free idea?

This maybe isn't too surprising: the process of turning an average joe into a soldier is often a psychologically-grueling process that we don't give much attention to undoing when that person's time as a soldier is done. Soldiers often have trouble readjusting to civilian life, and often find solace in civilian organizations run by fellow veterans.

I supposed it'd only make sense--Democrats love to advertise themselves as the party that will protect democracy, that's probably all you need to win over a constituency that was effectively prevented from using democracy to remove the tyrant of the country they fled.

I would have guessed LSD, personally.

My exposure was the 4Chan post "GRAB SKS, GO INNAWOODS" as a response to the scenario of SHTF.

Holy shit, those videos almost look like the effects of landslides rather than a hurricane.

I think they meant "give normal working people a $100 tax break for voting."

This is too much of a defense, IMO. I'd rather argue that, while voting is generally important, there are definite issues. We are supposed to be rationalist, and while principles are important, it is still valid and good to have doubts, to be forced into alertness by those doubts, and to begin asking questions. I won't go as far as Capital_Room, I won't proclaim that the scales have fallen from my eyes or that I can see through the Matrix here, but I think the OP is doing something important with their question and getting all these arguments in defense.

Y'know, come to think of it, most of our current calibers really do stretch back to sizes common in the days of muzzleloaders...

The Indian one at least has an explanation of "Indians idolize white skin and see it as perfect," AIUI.

What does "5 Flags" mean in this context?