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User ID: 370



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User ID: 370

I first noticed this in the 2018 midterms when Google autocomplete suppressed the JobsNotMobs hashtag. If there's something nefarious going on it's been flying under the radar for a long, long time. Took Elon et al to start complaining before it got generally noticed.

Sounds like they were visualizing some papal ass shit where they all meet in a closed room and then when smoke comes out the top we know we have a new President.

Would be kinda cool tbh

Amazing what happens when a bunch of young men come home with military discipline having been drilled into them. If only that didn't require, well you know

I wonder if DEI is sometimes a scapegoat for a general slackening of standards and lessening of giving a F.

But then you have to ask what caused that slackening.

You could bring DEI back into the conversation and say that the need to deny that there is anything wrong with preferring "DEI hires" requires everyone to lower their standards so as not to make it too obvious what's going on.

This feels like there might be something to it but I could caution against taking up such a narrative too quickly. There are other options, such as mass affluence leading to a general slackening.

It's worth asking oneself, "How have I been part of the problem?" Did I prefer professors who "curved" my grades? Etc.

DEI is pernicious but it need not be the explanation for all observed incompetence.

I would probably agree with you, though certain things that muddy the meaning of language make my blood boil (like "literally").

Ha, yeah that and "exponentially" for me.

But I recently discovered that "infinitely" has been used in older writings to mean something like "it never seems to end" or "I can't count it" so I stopped being mad at people who use that in a non-mathematical sense.

Not to sound like a silly fence sitter but to me this is obviously one of those "it takes both types" things.

Obviously language evolves or we'd all be speaking Proto-Indo-European or whatever came before that.

Obviously people need to be taught the right and wrong way to use the present language or it would be impossible to communicate.

Some people are inclined to push the boundaries of meaning and those people will never give a fuck when you tell them they used a word wrong.

Other people are inclined to feel indignant about every improper usage and those people will be teachers creating smart, sharp, well-spoken citizens.

The language will drift regardless.

  • Excitatory and inhibitory neurons
  • Liberals and conservatives
  • The thrust from the bowstring and the drag from the fletching
  • Descriptivists and prescriptivists

idk it all seems necessary

Yeah this becoming a Big Issue in the summer of election year is right on time. Very hard to even want to talk about it. Are we gonna actually fix this at the national level or not? What's the specific policy proposal? Why hasn't it been implemented or at least proposed in Congress in 4 years of Democrat rule? Etc etc.

My contempt toward the use of this event as a political strategy threatens to overshadow my raw spontaneous personal feelings about the event itself, which is a shame.


Yeah I'm down with this. There should be consequences, consistently applied, for mob participation, that's the only way this stuff doesn't keep escalating.

Of course first there needs to be some kind of cultural truce (like that of the wars of religion on which the First Amendment is based) that brings back actual rule of law and gets rid of all the exceptions and strategic redefinitions of words ("violence" and "racism" come to mind) etc etc

And part was fueled by this having taken place after Smollett and Whitmer and Covington and Fine People and whatever other media hoaxes I'm forgetting. The right had been in too exhausted a wolf-has-been-cried-way-too-many-times state for "this is actually real and bad" to even be in their top 5 possibilities of what's going on

LoTT has been going absolutely scorched earth, and in the heat of the moment it pleased me in the spirit of "the left is getting a taste of their cancel culture medicine". Then had a moment of shame that I've been cheering collective punishment: I have zero evidence that any given person who locker-room-talks "too bad he missed" has had any involvement whatsoever in destroying people's lives over the past 8 years.

So it's back to being liberal about speech. Back to Voltaire/Hall for me.

don a red hat

Get it?

Is it a Dell by any chance? My work uses them and everything about that company from its hardware to its support is almost aggressively mediocre.

I too use a Mac but I have an older higher end Windows box for gaming which works mostly smoothly and without issues. It's more hit and miss with Windows since OS and hardware are not the same company, Windows is trying to make a universal OS that works on a wide range of hardware and this has special challenges. Hence why I prefer the Macbook Air experience for everyday (non-gaming) computing.

This is really interesting to me because it's rare to see somebody openly work from a foundation that social harmony is of higher moral value than truth. (Elsewhere you wrote: "You can't tell the black people the truth because that's ugly and no one has the stomach for it, so where do you go?")

I don't think this works philosophically in the long run to ultimately produce anything but gobbledygook, unless you take the Noble Lie stance of "ok, between you and me, we can speak truth, but it must be contained within this room and we must lie to the masses," which IMO still has its problems but at least it allows truth to flourish somewhere which seems a hard prerequisite to making any sense in the long run.

Speaking personally the idea that compromising truth in the name of not making people mad is an objective moral good is alien to me. I do it at times but always with a sense that I am selling out my integrity. Mostly just fascinated to run into somebody who's like "Yeah F it tell people what they want to hear, this is the moral thing to do."

I am not convinced a society earnestly built on this principle doesn't ultimately implode but time will tell I guess.

Straight male here but I've never once had a good experience trying to push myself into sex I didn't want, FWIW

Appreciate the sanity check everyone, my apologies for polluting this space

Ok I swear I don't just get up every morning and ask, "How can I be schizo today?"

But in one day I saw the following two things:


Among the masses of migrants flowing across the southern border each day, a whole line of Chinese nationals, military aged men, automatically standing at "parade rest" as one reply pointed out.

And this:


Senator Dick Durbin making a speech in favor of allowing illegal immigrants into the military.

My schizo sense is tingling and saying that Nefarious Forces are Intentionally using the Power of Money to plan Bad Things for America.

Or, since this space has norms in favor of speaking plainly and against Darkly Hinting, let me put it more directly:

Is China bribing American politicians to allow Chinese soldiers to become American soldiers to conquer the USA via military coup?

Yeah honestly the politics that turns me off is the aggressive stuff, I may actually enjoy a bunch of people who think the adults are in charge and there's no major foreseeable reason to worry. Thanks for the tip

Maybe a cringe question but is there a place on the Internet that's like whitepills for nerds?

Like /r/wholesomememes is way too normie (and often even openly political, like "my side of this issue won, yay wholesomeness")

And I don't know what /r/whitepill, /r/whitepills/, and /r/thewhitepill were supposed to be but they're all private lmao

Basically just want a place where people worried about some form of doom (whether from WW3, internal takeover of USA, AI, what have you) share well reasoned arguments against doom and why WAGMI

Because my mind is so so biased toward doom, I think it would be healthy to spend a little time in such a place.

Does listening count? Currently listening to Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem, Darryl Cooper's ~25 hour long podcast on the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict. About 5 hours to go. It's really good. It does sometimes feel like it gets bogged down in detail but if you like detail then that might be a bonus. And it certainly answers the "what is these people's deal anyway" question for both sides of the conflict. Probably biggest highlight for this space is at one point he mentions Scott's essay Meditations on Moloch.

Apparently he has a lot of experience with Jeffrey Epstein. Like a lot a lot.

If there is anything even resembling a good point in Osama's essay, it will have to be re-litigated in the minds of the young. There is no way around this. You've [speaking to what I presume to be the modal reader here, not necessarily you specifically] done this yourself, you've gone through phases of reading, with the excitement of the forbidden and of "waking up", extremely contrarian takes on established history.

Dangerous times, obviously, if the kids decide to throw all their chips in with Team Osama. But my guess is this is a phase, like reading Mein Kampf or Communist Manifesto and thinking at first "hmm, ok, I'm following the reasoning." The kids' enthusiasm will probably be tempered by their own meta-contrarians in due time. The circle of life.

the guy Musk responded to fired off a series of tweets distancing himself from antisemites and racists

So did Musk himself if you look at his replies page shortly after that tweet.

I have no idea where these insane SWE salaries reported by everybody are, outside of a few specific cities. Never seen it anywhere near me, if it's here there must be some secret to finding it that I'm not aware of.

'banned' as in I kinda wish something would coerce me in this way because the thought of this being my vocation for the rest of my life is starting to feel pretty bleak. Really my post could have been reworded as something like "What are some options for a middle aged IT person who wants to change careers?" and just have people throw out ideas of "what I can be when I grow up" that aren't too ridiculous to choose as a middle aged man.

Like I know what I don't want but I don't know what I do.