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User ID: 2655



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User ID: 2655

Rashida Tlaib has a law degree so are you happy she's here?

Do you think that is representative of the average Arab immigrant to the West i.e. the refugee waves in Europe or the average Arab in the Middle East or North Africa? Also not all of them are like that there were Afghan gangs at my high school whose parents were refugees.

All of them, but especially Arabs, North Africans, Africans, and Pakistanis.

Well, how has Muslim immigration the West worked out? I'd argue not very well and we should try to restrict to essentially zero. Do you think Rashida Tlaib is a net positive for the US? Has Muslim immigration made France or the UK better or worse? Where is the arrow pointing in regards to this assimilation we are told is going to happen soon?

Nobody cares about this country anymore. We live in a country where people just want to take without giving anything back. There has always been some of this in every society, but today it's endemic in the West. Even without the mass immigration and anti-white propaganda this author is worried about, I don't think people would be joining the military. There was a 9/11 bump and I think there was still a bit of the old spirit of America in millenials and gen x, but those days are gone now and they aren't coming back. I honestly think if 9/11 happened today, half this country would say we deserved it. I'm part of the problem too since I'm doing literally nothing about this except complain on the internet.

It may not be "woke" by today's standard, but if they dropped this in 2008 when the MCU was first coming out with Iron Man, people would have said this is super woke/SJW/progressive and be like wtf is this?

Yeah the first one was awful. Jude Law was atrocious in that movie, and I usually like him. I think that was the last Marvel movie I saw in the theater and stopped because I hated it so much.

Yes that music festival they spent hours chasing around civilians to shoot down was a legit military target. Same with the houses where they went to door to door kidnapping and shooting civilians. And those women and children they took as hostages. And we all know Islamists have never targeted white civilians in the West, even in places like Sweden where they have nothing to do with anything going on there. They are good boys who would never do anything like that.

Israel could have leveraged the Hamas attack to get other actors to work together toward eliminating Hamas

Who? The US isn't going to go in there. Most of the other Arab states don't even recognize Israel. They are going to go in there and kill Palestinians on behalf of the Jews?

the end result will probably be the creation of Hamas 2.0.

If they stay in power than Hamas 1.0 is already there.

You could give Hamas all of the aid we gave to Israel and they would waste it trying to kill Israelis instead of building up their country.

No, I addressed this. Yes, their response was to kill as many civilians as possible in Israel to start a conflict, not caring at all how it negatively affects the people they supposedly govern since they don't care about governing or civilians. This is because they are Islamists and religious extremists who can't be reasoned with, which is why they all have to die if any peace is possible. Any cease fire gives them exactly what they want. The only possible way they they "win" is because Israel isn't allowed to finish the job because of Western leftists crying about a cease fire that kicks the can down the road 5-10 years. They need to all be killed so their gambit fails and they realize if they pull this shit again they all die and their city will be destroyed. This would also be true if a secular Palestinian government was in power and Israel disappeared off the map.

The "trap" is to stop now and slowly turn the West against Israel while allowing Hamas to stay in power. This is what Hamas actually wants, not to be eradicated off this earth permanently.

When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.

That's not really my argument. My argument is if they do a cease fire with Hamas, we will literally just be here in 5-10 years from now at best. They knew what the response to this would be and they did it anyway. These are people who put weapons under schools and hospitals and dares people to blow them up. We may get Hamas 2.0 after this, but if we do a cease fire and Hamas stays in power, we 100% get Hamas 1.0 in power no matter what.

What will a cease fire even accomplish? Allow these people to move to safety? Move where? Hamas uses them as human shields and will embed themselves in the population. And there's nowhere safe to move them because nobody wants these people. Egypt, Europe, America, and other Arabs don't want them.

Have any of these cease fire people proposed any plan for how we won't be here again very soon? Possibly in just a few weeks. Can Hamas even be trusted with a cease fire? We know they will commit terrorist attacks as soon as possible and take advantage of any kindness offered to them.

This whole Israel-Palestine issue has made it even more clear than ever that politicians and many of the "elites" have literally no critical thinking skills or the ability to reason out one or two steps into the future. First there is the "Cease Fire People". It's understandable that people are upset seeing what is going on in Gaza with women and children, but what do they think a cease fire will accomplish? It is literally just kicking the can down the road again. Do they think Hamas will be more reasonable and someone people can negotiate with? If not, you are literally just allowing them to regroup and commit another terrorist attack that could destabilize the Middle East again in a few years. It's really that simple. If you want peace in the region, Hamas cannot be allowed to be in charge in Gaza. And if you asked the Egyptian government, they'd probably tell you the same thing since they just had their own issues wit the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then you have the people who think there will be peace if the Palestinians get their own state. Throwing out for a minute whether or not the Palestinians will attack Israel, the real question is how quickly they will start attacking each other an a civil war. We already know there was a Fatah–Hamas conflict recently, and why would they not fight each other again in a civil war that could very possibly be even worse than what's going on in Gaza? Looking at the neighboring countries, it's not exactly a place known for political stability.

I understand people seeing things on television that makes them sad and they just want it to stop. That's understandable. But has anyone in the State Department revolting against the Biden Administration for their stance on Israel given any reasonable plan for what comes next after a cease fire with Hamas? And I say this as someone who is not a Zionist or a huge fan of Israel.

Westerners just don't seem to be able to understand Muslim extremists. Hamas fighters are literally Islamists that can't be reasoned with. This should be obvious by now to everyone on planet earth after Al Qaeda and ISIS, but apparently some people still haven't learned this obvious fact. I don't know if it's because Westerners don't think that people could actually sincerely believe in their religion like that so they must be ACTUALLY motivated by something else (wrong, as their writings tell us), or their belief that inside everyone is a Westerner waiting to come out who supports gay marriage and diversity, a combination of this, or something else entirely. But if these people think that a cease fire with Hamas will lead to a long standing peace then they are delusional.

First of all, there's really no such thing as the alt-right. The alt-right is not something you can join or really be a part of unlike the woke left. There are actual organizations that you can join that are explicitly woke-left, including in Congress.

That being said, Hlynka is correct that they are more or less drawing from the same pool of people, which are not traditionally Red Tribe type people. They are extremely online Blue or Grey tribe weirdos like Nick Fuentes who Hlynka is also correct that most working class Catholics or Red Tribers would probably hate.

That being said, he applies this theory way too far back and it falls apart pretty quickly.

If this becomes a Left Thing like South Africa was in the West, I think the Jews are screwed long term in Israel. Once it basically becomes a meme they all support, it's hard to stop them because they are so relentless about it plus they have the whole Muslim world on their side too.

They have ways around this. It's not like this type of problem isn't well known since they got the FDR election wrong with the phone book bias.

No I mean it is literally the laziest shit ever and terrible art and is rightfully hated. It should be hated even by people who love diversity and hate white people. I also personally don't like it because I think it's anti-white iconoclasm that is part of a coordinated demoralization campaign. However, I also don't agree with hippies and the New Left from the 1960's, but even I can admit they made a lot of amazing art. If woke people were making good art, I could appreciate it even if I disagree with the messaging. But it's terrible and it's woke so to me it is just absolute dog shit. It's in the same tier as Christian movies like God's Not Dead just with higher production values. Often it's even worse than fan fiction. It's the perfect snapshot of America: trying the same tired ideas over and over again with worse and worse results and with less and less white people.

But I think in theory you can do race swapping well. I used Idris Elba as an example because if they redid the backstory where Bond is a code name and they created an interesting and unique black character it could be good. And I Thought the Miles Morales movie was pretty good even if it's pretty "woke" for lack of a better term. And as much as I don't like it, we do live in a more diverse society so that will be reflected in movies, but at least they could bother to make them decent occasionally.

I've never read a comic book in my life so those could be different. I thought the first movie was pretty good though and I went in expecting to hate it. Also isn't he gay? All I know about him is that movie and people's impression of it and the video game which people seem to really like.

The problem with race swapping is that people (rightfully) associate it with lazy cash grabs. Characters like Miles Morales generally have pretty high approval ratings because he is an interesting character in his own right and they didn't just make Peter Parker black. They actually put them in the same movie in a pretty creative way and I think most people appreciated that they actually put in effort. But when I see a "diverse" character that is just making Ariel black with some woke tropes inserted in the old story then I make the jerk off hand sign until the end of time. I also think people aren't dumb enough to not realize it's anti-white and essentially iconoclasm as part of a coordinated demoralization campaign. But I honestly have no problem with race swapping in theory. I would have probably watched an Idris Elba James Bond for example as long as they made his back story interesting.

Sorry! I initially had a much better comment that would have been top level worthy imo but it got deleted by a cat. I should have posted that one as a response.

I wrote a much better comment a few minutes ago, but one of the cats I'm fostering because my girlfriend foisted them upon me jumped on my keyboard and deleted it. So I apologize in advance if this is a low effort comment.

I think that the distrust of experts on this site goes way too far. 99% of the topics experts agree on or are on places like Wikipedia are true. If you look up something like the Central Limit Theorem on Wikipedia the answer will be more or less correct. But most things are boring. The ideas we focus on that are controversial and we don't trust them on are ones that cause the experts to lose their minds over and lose the ability to be impartial. Some examples are HBD and Covid. But if you open up a biology textbook, you can take most of that knowledge to the bank.

I want to give an example of this guy I know who worked at Best Buy with me in college. He is a Muslim guy and the elusive moderate Muslim. He is more or less progressive on every topic. I saw him recently at a tech meetup in Austin and he more or less sounded like a straight up Jihadist. And I helped this guy get his job at a major networking company after he got his law degree as a project manager, so I can confirm I thought he was a rational and trustworthy person. Which he is, except on the Israel-Palestine issue. He literally can't be rational. I thin for "experts", this is the same thing. They literally can't be rational on a few issues and it causes them to act insane and make people lose trust in institutions.

I'll give a less controversial example. I have a CS degree and I worked for this company that sold software that helped people automate things. We'd get this guy on a call with potential customers after the sales people and sales engineers did their thing and he would just shit on Azure and AWS and how he could do this and that if they switched to Linux and open source and the customers hated it. I had to pull him aside I was like dude we make software that works with Azure wtf are you doing. He was incapable of putting that hammer and nail away. It was like who gives a shit if a company uses Microsoft but he literally couldn't be rational about it.

I think a lot of people default to something similar to Foucault's theories on knowledge and power where knowledge and power are so linked that they end up essentially being the same thing. I completely agree with him, and I think power and knowledge combine to influence, manipulate and create NPCs that don't think. But in the case of experts, I think it is their biases causing this top down gas lighting instead of anything from the regime. The simplest and most likely answer is these people just believe this stuff due to ideology and are incredibly biased on hot culture war issues. It's not a conspiracy, they literally just can't think about these issues rationally.

Is that player known for being dirty? If the guy has no history of being a dirty, I find it pretty hard to believe he'd try to murder a guy in front of thousands of people.

I think it's important to remember that while conservatives and the right have complained about college campuses for a long time, they really didn't do anything to address it until the past few years. Liberals were still in the coping stage of they'll grow up and become more reasonable once they get a job and a family that conservatives had for a very long time. Plus that kind of activism was useful to them. However, now they are in the stage where they are realizing that this is a real problem and are freaking out, but they can't admit the right was right because the Trump threat is looming. Politicians are in the habit of letting things get so bad and continually kicking them down the road until it gets so bad they can't ignore it. I think this is one of those moments for them. I don't think there's much they can do though because this has been a problem since the 1960's. Nobody has the stones to do what would actually need to be done to root this out of our institutions.

There's some truth to that too I think. He comes off as a theater kid doing a bad job playing a character in bad high school play. I think an even better analogy is he is in debate class assigned to argue the right wing side but clearly doesn't truly believe it.

His job is to say things white Republicans can't say.