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Nuclear levels of sour

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joined 2022 September 05 18:38:19 UTC


User ID: 675


Nuclear levels of sour

23 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 18:38:19 UTC


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User ID: 675

First, the value of the Second Amendment is not that AR-15s prevent government oppression via Sic Semper Tyrannus. To be clear, it almost certainly can do that if it has to, but it's very expensive and avoiding it is strongly preferable. The value is that the Second Amendment and the AR-15s it protects form a coordination mechanism for resistance to government overreach generally, and that this coordination provides better protection for liberty than many, many actual shootings of tyrants. The existence of the Second Amendment has decisively shaped the form and nature of our society's ongoing collapse, and thus what is likely to emerge from the wreckage. My assessment is that it is strongly preferable to any plausible alternative.

Second, from a Red perspective, there is zero reason to seek any common ground on the subject of criminal violence under present conditions. Nor is there any reason to entertain any argument about whether gun control might or might not improve rates of violent crime. The correct response is to make it clear that there is no grounds for any discussion on this subject at all. Blue Tribe deliberately generated the largest increase in violent crime ever recorded, explicitly in pursuit of partisan political advantage. There is no plausible mechanism by which any practicable amount of gun control could outweigh even a fraction of the harm they caused. They have accepted zero responsibility for the vast and appalling harms generated by their deliberate and protracted campaign of social vandalism caused, and to the extent that they are now attempting to use the crime wave they created as an excuse to strip Red Tribe of its rights, the correct response is, at the most charitable, contemptuous silence.

To the extent that Blue Tribe may be able to unilaterally impose destruction of Red Tribe human rights, the correct response is to destroy the social mechanisms that allow such illegitimate impositions. Either we control federal law, or there is no federal law; this is the evident position of Blue Tribe, and it should be our position as well. Defiance and nullification are the correct stance; either they will be sufficient to solve the dilemma, or we will need to escalate further.

Do you believe that the UK has a functional right to self-defense?

I wonder how many guns involved in crime are originally purchased by shady elements versus upstanding citizens who turn into shady elements.

This question seems malformed.

My understanding is that the large majority of guns involved in crime which begin their involvement in crime immediately after purchase are purchased by either criminals or by the criminally-adjacent for those criminals, and that almost no guns are bought by upstanding citizens who then subsequently turn to crime with their legitimately-purchased firearm. But this excludes the guns that were purchased by upstanding citizens for legitimate use, used legitimately, and are then stolen or otherwise transferred years or decades later, unwittingly, to criminals for use in crime.

Hitler's view of "socialism" as a concept was - and I'm only roughly paraphrasing - "if it's good for the Volk, it's socialist."

This is not appreciably different from Stalin's view of "socialism", or Mao's, or Pol Pot's, to my understanding. I've seen no historical examples where theory was actually load-bearing in any sort of grand sense. Like, there's nothing actually in Marx that requires lysenkoism or any other specific evolution. Stalin beats trotsky and bukharin not because he has a better understanding of Marxist theory, but because he's crueler, more paranoid, and more vicious, and these are in actual fact the traits that Marxism rewards. The theory is word-game Calvin-ball; you can get from Das Kapital to whatever arbitrary power-structure you prefer, there are no actual constraints beyond momentary, relative expedience.

To quote more directly the historian Richard Evans said that Nazism was akin and different to Bolshevism in that racial struggle held primacy instead of class struggle.

"We know how to solve all our problems. Problems that aren't solved are the fault of specific people with names and addresses." It does not seem to me that "Class Struggle" is appreciably more real in any meaningful sense than "race struggle", and they both boil down to fixing everything by purging the bad people. That's the obvious commonality between the two, and between them and the French Revolution as well.

if you have any doubts, feel free to message the post to me or one of the other mods privately first. Looking forward to it otherwise.

Was curious what it looks like with something other than the bright-colored textures from the last commit.

Nope, those are the diffuse maps. They're pretty dreadful without any additional mapping and texture.

Thanks for the link. I'm gonna try to get the freighter into the game next, and try to get something better on it than the raw diffuse color.

pending a more substantive reply, can you do it in a way that doesn't sound like a SOE advertisement? We ban those on sight, but if you want to describe what you're doing and invite people to join like an actual human, I'd imagine that would probably be okay.

I've been making a bunch of spaceship models, but so far all of them have been fairly rough concepts. I've done some simple material coloring for the concepts, and I did some very simple UV-work and flat-color diffuse mapping for the frigate and the cruiser we got into the game, but they looked like complete ass. So last week, I took a couple days off work... and promptly got super sick, and spent my vacation days and the weekend also in a fever haze.

But on the way down and the way back up, I decided to finally dig in to Blender's normal-baking systems. The freighter is the next ship up, so I took one of the simple cargo container modules, and modeled up a high-poly version, and baked it down to a normal map for the low-poly version. I'm working on figuring out how to bake down ambient occlusion as well, and that should improve the diffuse maps dramatically. actually modelling out high-detail versions of the ships will be its own challenge, but one step at a time.

The only reason she was ever notable was because of her position and platform. Those remain unchanged. Scott paid significant personal costs for his opposition to her. What evidence is there that she has paid any cost? In what sense is she "losing" in any objective sense?

This was my thought as well, but then it's notable that she still has an audience and a platform. That a problem can be identified does not mean that the problem is solved. Scott decried her during the fight over the soul of progressivism. To the extent that he had a side, they lost that fight, and Marcotte and her allies won.

Absence of stable families correlates strongly with all this awful stuff. Stable families correlate with the opposite of all this awful stuff. We know a considerable amount of the variance in family stability is cultural, because we've seen the rates change dramatically within living memory due to cultural changes.

Ditto for the crime rate generally; We've had it lower, and we've had it higher. What we have is what we've collectively chosen.

It would be phenomenally stupid to demand the extradition of citizens of your security guarantor over a crime which isn't illegal in that country, so you have to expect that the UK foreign ministry will stop things from getting to that point.

"demand" implies one party trying to secure something from an unwilling second party. What we have already seen a number of times is "friendly" nations laundering hostile actions against their own disfavored citizens through their allies. I'd agree that it's unlikely to look like an extradition order against Musk for hate speech, but the federal government offering prompt cooperation on trumped-up charges or absurd fines targeting central examples of first-amendment-protected speech seems probable, if it hasn't happened already.


I use a program called Silo for the base modelling, but I save them as .objs, import to blender to handle normals and UV-mapping, and export from there for freespace. I think I was adding _EXPORT as a tag to mark which models were which in my archive.

That poem is reflecting the elite/prole equilibrium in a high-trust, high-cohesiveness, homogenous society with decent state capacity, to name a few of the variables that no longer obtain. Applying it to societies with enough trust that credit cards work is unwise.

I can dig it. Sorta like an 18-wheeler being run in a stable corporate environment, versus the same truck being lived out of long-term by the driver and his family... Pure transport, versus transport/utility/shipyard/mining base/fuel depot. So less clean containerization, more signs of repurposing and jury-rigging for short-term needs?

And sometimes its just so satisfying to see white supremacist rhetoric about certain groups turned back on them this eloquently.

Alternatively, your moral resistance to racism observably diminishes so long as it's aimed at the "correct" race. Suppose the Count is wrong on the particulars, and an examination of the statistics reveals that, in fact, migrants in the UK are "worse", by whatever standards you are now flirting with, than the native underclass (and note the obvious dishonesty of comparing all immigrants to only the worst of the natives). If it turns out the natives are in fact better, does that mean the white supremacists had a point all along, or does it just prove that your entire interest in the topic begins and ends with its utility toward bashing the outgroup?

Between this and the luria-posting last week, Hlynka continues to age like fine wine.

however that doesn't mean it's any less stupid to do this when there is an alternative reasonable interpretation that makes you look very stupid.

Your alternative interpretation is not, in fact, reasonable. Neither the recorder nor his audience nor you nor I are at all confused about the meaning of the gesture. Pretending otherwise is just another example of waging the culture war.

Tramp Freighter

"A bare-bones hull designed to transport cargo as cheaply and efficiently as possible. Weak engines and an unshielded, externally-mounted jump drive give it poor maneuverability and long jump times in emergency situations. Completely unarmed, it relies on escorts for protection from hostiles."

Turntable concept here

One of the last requests was for a transport for use in our first scenario. So here we go: a flying block of cargo containers. The ship proper is little more than a heavy tug mated to a cargo frame, with a bargain-basement jump drive mounted externally out front. The goal was "cheap" and "utilitarian"; I kinda think it could use some cargo-handling cranes or something similar to give it a bit more visual interest.

@ArjinFermin - Man, I haven't touched spaceships in a while. it's a pity I didn't do any more on them; life just got too crazy there for a couple months. Where'd I even leave off...?

Buffering posts:

  • new fighter
  • picket ship
  • strike ship
  • freighter
  • battleship
  • heavy cruiser
  • weapon turrets
  • probably other stuff I forgot, like half the stuff on this list I found today while looking for the other half...

That's valuable data. My point is that "this competitor is a man, men have an unfair advantage" should cash out in observable lopsided results, so appealing to the results should trump raw priors. My impression is that it generally does, but more data either way is a good thing for my confidence in that argument.

In the discussion of women's sports, there's a meme that women athletes are overmatched by male athletes: Womens' national soccer team vs 14-year-old boys and Serena Williams vs Male tennis players are two instances that pop up with some frequency here.

In the Trans sports debate, there's a meme that allowing trans athletes in combat sports is a super bad idea, because biological males overmatch females in this way.

It seems relevant to the discussion to ask how dominant a particular trans athlete is. If they've been defeated by biological women, then obviously their particular advantage is not as overwhelming as the standard male vs female athletes meme would suggest. A lot of the description of this event is pretty clearly claiming overmatch. If this competitor has lost to normal female competitors before, then I don't think overmatch is supportable.

thanks. replaced it with another source of the same chart, should be working now.