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joined 2022 September 06 14:23:00 UTC


User ID: 858



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 14:23:00 UTC


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User ID: 858

That flub made me realize that Halle Berry would have been a much better Tinkerbell than Julia Roberts.

Genetics testing companies use ethnicity to refer to descent.


The Doctor Strange movies?

Olives are peerless as a snack with drinks and they make martinis fun!

Can’t say how the Navy works, but people who wash out from some Air Force specialties end up in jobs like postal worker or supply staff, and I suspect this might have to do with the time and budget allotted for training and what other technical school is located near the first training option. Postal was adjacent to my school, thus, washouts went right to postal.

“Running a snack bar” seems weird, since that’s usually a civilian position for local staff or military spouses/teen kids.