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joined 2025 February 03 14:43:27 UTC


User ID: 3518



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 February 03 14:43:27 UTC


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User ID: 3518

Working on Feersum Endjinn. It's a pity that it's such a slog, but it really is. Mainly because much of it is written in a quasi-phonetic script. It's just far enough from English that I can't just immediately run my eyes over a sentence - I have to stop and focus on individual words. My kingdom for an English translation...

I keep finding myself going 'wait, is this what functional illiteracy feels like?'.

Wait, it gets worse. It appears to have escaping problems even inside code tags? For reference, the source of the prior comment was:

`test` test  
`\test\` \test\  
`/test/` /test/  
`test` test  
`~test ` test  
`test ` test~~

...assuming pre works, at least.

EDIT: nope, pre doesn't work either...

You're assuming people can only disagree in six areas.

It may well be that the underlying value-set that shows A-C (but not D-F) also expresses !G, whereas the underlying value-set that shows A (but not B-F) also expresses G - and the person in question values G highly.

This goes doubly so when G vs !G is something that is unlikely to be publicly visible for one reason or another.

(This assumes there is only one such value-set. In actuality it's more like "is heavily correlated with".)

On a side note (deliberately avoiding the morality-side discussion):

It is interesting to watch the back-and-forth between "everything social you do is potentially publicly visible forever" and various attempts to allow social contact without said permanency.

In this case, you can view this as an attempt at "you can't share this publicly without running afoul of explicit content laws". Not a particularly successful one.

Other attempts I can think of offhand (not from Kanye West in particular, just in general):

  • Always wearing the same outfit. (Daniel Radcliffe did this a fair bit IIRC.)
  • Loudly playing copyrighted music so recordings get copyright-striked. (copyright-struck?)
  • Sending voice calls instead of text to make it more difficult to search through after-the-fact. (This one is rapidly becoming dated.)
  • Sending videos of text instead of text; ditto.
  • Copyrighting your name or likeness and then suing if someone uses it to refer to you in a negative light. (Doesn't tend to work, but the act of suing even if it doesn't win is often a deterrent.)
  • Deliberately including PI in communications and then using GDPR if necessary.

It may not apply to Canada. It does, however, apply to other countries that use Canada as a point of entry into the US economy.

There are a fair number of "made in Canada" products where the final transformation is done in Canada with the rest of the processing chain being overseas.

(Ditto Mexico.)