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Spirituality is entirely fake until you make it real


User ID: 1884



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 17 22:26:19 UTC


Spirituality is entirely fake until you make it real


User ID: 1884

No, I think most people will consider the idea that blacks have a lower IQ than whites to be racist, even though they probably couldn't explain exactly why they think that.

The truth cannot be racist

I think he needs to argue why more explicitly. There's no particular reason the truth can't have negative repercussions, such as lowering the status of black people, which I think most would agree would be racist.

Which is not an argument for censorship in my view, whatever can be destroyed by the truth should be, and so on. But it's a tricky bullet to bite, in this environment where preserving the clout of certain groups is oh-so-important.

"we want to make vague and incoherent demands so that we have an excuse to exercise power over you".

That's what alignment looks like, no? I don't think AI researchers or AI itself should have power over AI.

Why would academia cancel the researchers? Is believing in X-risk from AI cancellable?

Cool username BTW, have you tried lucid dreaming with cholinergics?

Thanks, and nope, never heard of that.

Btw, in that article, the source listed for the claim of peptides being miracle cancer drugs was written by an undergrad. Do you have a better source? I found that particular bit very interesting.

Was that essay on metaculus written by you, and do you have a blog?

No, I don't think so, there are likely way too many edge cases that all require genuine understanding to solve.

But that's the thing, it isn't capable of accomplishing all sorts of goals as seen in this thread, because it lacks understanding. It will need that understanding to ever get to a point where it becomes an X-risk.

Does it have to be actual far-right? To the woke, non-woke is far-right, and there's ample firepower and facts there.

I seem to recall Thomas Kuhn claimed evolution was not science but "a metaphysical research program", but I can't find the quote or his thoughts on evolution for that matter. Does anyone what I'm talking about, and if so, point me to what Kuhn thought about evolution?