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joined 2024 August 15 00:28:24 UTC


User ID: 3201



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User ID: 3201

Canada has a similar setup, where the Senate very rarely tosses a bill out. As part of my job, I have read tons of transcripts of debates over various bills, especially subcommittee ones where they get down to the nitty-gritty.

The Senate debates have WAY less political grandstanding and partisan antics. They seem far better at articulating what they are trying to accomplish and whether that lines up with the proposed law. They'll often send the bill back with modifications, and even without those the discussions on what they are trying to do are useful for interpreting the law in the trenches.

Whether this service is worth the costs and downsides of the Senate, I'm not sure, and I have no idea if the UK works similarly. But I've definitely gotten some use out of them.