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You can get CBD-infused green tea from Harney and Sons' Hemp Division, and I'm sure other providers. CBD doesn't seem to have notable cognitive effects, but does take the edge off.
You may also consider talking to your doctor about beta blockers. They focus on the sympathetic nervous system, with minimal if any cognitive effects, and aren't habit-forming. They're essentially an off switch for the physical symptoms of anxiety, from what I've heard and experienced (some people use them for public speaking, dating, etc.), so if that's a major component of your stress they may help.
Really 1948. It was the Apartheid government that facilitated mass movement of people between black and white areas of SA, because they believed they could keep blacks on the pass system forever.
Apartheid was originally supposed to genuinely divide SA into separate countries, but the white areas wanted the cheap labour to keep flowing. The current momentum for that, such as it exists, is around Cape secession, which would create a plurality Cape Coloured state (mixed-race, Khoisan/White/Indonesian/Xhosa ancestry - also, the official term, none of the connotations of 'coloured' in the US). Generally Cape Coloureds get along with whites, vote for the white liberal party, and local governance is much better, still a fair bit of corruption but more skimming off the top than ruining everything. Huge problems with drugs (mostly methamphetamine and meth cocktails) and gangs in the Coloured community, but more as street crime rather than controlling officials. South African ethnic and political divides can't be fitted into a neat black/white divide, even if it looks that way from the outside.
Booby traps used to be very common in South Africa. Now they're pretty strictly outlawed (by SA standards of law enforcement) after enough cases of guys getting into their car, forgetting to press the right button, and decapitating themselves with their own shotgun trap.
The best book I've found for brevity/pithiness in non-fiction writing is William Zinsser's On Writing Well, if that's of any help.
Which is understandable, given that back then a doctor was a bloke with leeches and a hacksaw. Back in my academic days we occasionally used to joke about how the students in other disciplines getting their PhDs was proof they were jealous of us in the philosophy department.
Politeness requires judgment. If I were to see a doctor in their office, I'd call them "Doctor" because I respect them and the social role they occupy. If I were, by some staggering coincidence, to meet Kim Jong Un in a bar, I wouldn't call him "Respected Comrade General Secretary", because I don't owe respect to that social role. It makes perfect sense to call a trans friend "her" and to call Chris-Chan "him", because I see one has a legitimate claim to my politeness and the other does not. (For an additional analogy, you can go deeper into who deserves to be called "Doctor". Everyone agrees on physicians, I would be happy to call a sufficiently respectable hard scientist "Doctor", but humanities/education/etc. PhDs should be laughed out of the room for asking)
People have mentioned extremely high rates of promiscuity in Africa - cheating, prostitution, men with multiple families, etc. - and dry sex, which is overrated because of its surprising nature. The main reason for high heterosexual HIV transmission rates is both more pedestrian and more unpleasant. Few African women, particularly in urban slums and to some extent in rural areas, have access to appropriate feminine hygiene stuff (period products, vaginal healthcare, etc.), and as a result many develop long-running vaginal infections, UTIs, or other issues. Because HIV is blood-borne, women with infections or open wounds in their vagina are much more likely to pick it up from sex, and similarly for men having sex with HIV-positive women and contacting their blood. Unfortunately, this is a more difficult problem to solve than anti-retrovirals, and I don't really foresee a similar program to PEPFAR creating much improvement in that respect.
I'm told by someone in that world that politicians, particularly Republicans, get specific media training on how to avoid making gestures that look like a Nazi salute (or can look like one with a cherry-picked angle). Elon, presumably, didn't.
This same passage comes up in one of Yarvin's best-known pieces, Technology, Communism, and the Brown Scare.
An organization like the Tony Blair Institute has a presence in over 150 nations with over a thousand employees worldwide. What do they do?
According to NGO-world gossip, large amounts of cocaine. Known for being something of a "party shop" by industry standards.
If you want a really interesting comparison to fit in with those three (particularly assuming you've read the Iliad), I would recommend adding The Song of Roland.
I would say that these hobbies aren't just high-status because they signal wealth, but because they can be used to signal taste, and taste is the virtue of the haute-bourgeois. There are better and worse ways to do each of those, and failing is obviously tacky (e.g. reading Harlequin smut/Star Wars novels, gushing about your holiday to Ibiza/Pattaya/Vegas, idk maybe taylor swift).
I have to admit that I find myself reflexively on guard when I meet someone who makes how many books they read, how many countries they've been to or how many live shows they've seen the center of their personality.
This is your tackiness detector going off.
The alternatives to the high-status pursuits you list are noticeably less legible in terms of taste. Partly this is because they do not, in fact, have the high highs that the people engaging in those high-status activities are seeking. No blog is comparable to a Great Book, etc. But, also, it's because they basically require you to already have deep knowledge about the blogosphere or your local area in order to judge whether or not someone has good taste in those hobbies (TV shows are something of a different matter in the HBO era).
Yes, it's a sign that somebody doesn't read literary fiction, history, or serious philosophy. It's also a result of a culture where serious engagement with text isn't valued in education (or in wider discourse). Even a typical university education will have a lot of surveying intended to give you a paragraph-length summary of some great work in your head, and the problem is worsened for autodidacts who aren't forced to spend serious time with any texts, unless they get obsessed with one. Needless to say, this results in a wider culture where people think what matters is getting a lot of summarized versions of other thinkers in their heads, then bouncing those legible, easily-digested summaries off each other in blog posts and podcasts. It's particularly amusing in philosophy when people try to summarize thinkers who really can't be boiled down into a paragraph-length take, ending up in a sort of Existential Comics-esque collection of caricatures.
This is in large part true re: South African sexual preferences. However, poor urban South Africans eat an extremely unhealthy and fattening diet, consisting mostly of the cheapest carbs available fried in the cheapest oil. Township food will fatten you up fast if you can afford it, and it's so nutritionally unsatisfying I'd guess even those with a little cash eat a lot of it. I suspect the men are significantly likely to do high-calorie-burning manual labour or be alcoholics/drug addicts, which probably explains a lot of the obesity gap in the urban poor.
For anyone inspired by @MaiqTheTrue's AAQC, I can vouch for my friends' tshirts at High Gothic Casual. I'm not even Christian, but they gifted me one (which they did not ask me to shill, I'm doing this because the shirts are good and they're super nice). It looked so good I immediately bought three more. The gold in particular really pops (but shouldn't go through the dryer, in my experience), and the men's fit is very flattering if you're an athletic type. NB that they are all-polyester if you don't like that, something to do with how all-over printing works.
For both 1 and 3 of your augmentation question, you will get excellent returns far quicker by working on your posture and flexibility. Do yoga/pilates, buy a massage gun and use it regularly (particularly on shoulders and hips). You can expect to gain at least an inch of effective height and much broader shoulders, and it will probably do more for your confidence than either.
I also notice you didn't mention fashion and dress. Particularly in the NYC area, and if you're making good money, this will take you a long way. Follow some tasteful instagram accounts or lurk styleforum to ensure you aren't unintentionally making yourself look ridiculous, though.
Not sure how to make money on this though.
Neither is the airline industry.
I can't speak for the current quality of Claude, but if you are struggling with the context of a philosophical work and would like a lucid, analytic-inflected explanation of how academic philosophers see it, your best bet is generally the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - hope that is helpful.
(PS - SEP does reflect the mainstream academic interpretation of philosophers, which comes with its own biases, such as the ludicrous claim that Nietzsche did not have a political philosophy. Think of it as a good teacher's opinion rather than gospel truth)
Do these people want to come? I'm not sure they do.
From my experience talking to Anglosphere doctors, you would instantly collapse British, Canadian, South African, and probably Australian/New Zealand healthcare if you opened up the American medical system. (Don't laugh about the South Africans, they turn out some incredible doctors.) The big issue I've heard from them is less about the objective difficulty of getting US certified, and more that you're sacrificing even more years of your youth on a particularly pointless altar.
I mean, it's the classic Freddie DeBoer progressive name cycle, right? Progs come up with some name for themselves that's a shifting, colloquial term, it's then used as a pejorative by conservaboomers (making it kludgy and cringe pretty much out of the gate), then progs deny that there was ever a core meaning behind the term when they used it. See also "SJW".
I see your point that it already existed in progressive circles, but these terms only get pinned down and reified once the boomer-right gets to them. The kludginess is inherent because those types don't really understand the social and memetic characteristics of progs and of different prog types. Compare, for instance, "bugman", "cuckservative", "chapo", and other terms from the internet-native right. These don't have the kludginess and don't go through the same cycle, because they were created on the right and designed to cleave online social reality at particular joints.
Historically, a great deal of American politics has been fighting over labels. Once these labels make it into mass politics, they quickly get reified as simply meaning "good" and "bad", and the conflict shifts to who gets to own the Good Label and hit their enemies with the Bad Label. Occasionally you really see how empty these labels are - for instance, in the careers of both Roosevelts, with Teddy jumping dexterously between identifications as the Good Label of his time shifted, and FDR redefining "liberal" to claim the Good Label while inverting its meaning. I suspect that boomers and other institutionbrained people these days are particularly bad at navigating this dynamic (compared to people from the newspaper age or internet natives), not being able to tell the distinction between label and meaning. That's how you get these very shallow and unconvincing arguments that "Democrats are the real racists" or "the hard right are the real Woke", scrabbling together a bunch of similarities meaningful and superficial, real and imagined, because the people making them are mired in the ostensible content of a label without understanding the meta-level dynamics at play.
"Woke Right" is just a terrible term. "Woke" was always a kludge term to describe cringe leftists, then it got made cringe in its own turn by boomers, then, finally, the most out-of-touch hermits, sheltering in the ruins of the IDW, finally heard about it. Then, they had a great idea - why don't we call our right-wing enemies "woke"? That will- guys? Is anyone listening? Guys?
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Thanks, was hoping you would comment on this for the medical perspective. I take them a couple times a year for heart stuff, so never really had a chance to notice side effects, and my friends who use them off-label also do it very infrequently.
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