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joined 2025 February 17 00:17:01 UTC


User ID: 3537



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User ID: 3537

Besides, if I my job was protecting Trump for years and having to stand around in all kinds of weather conditions listening to him ramble for hours, and someone told me that there was a reason to think Trump might be about to get shot, I can easily imagine even as an elite Secret Service operator being like "fuck who cares, I'm tired of all this shit".

Really? If you were a Secret Service agent and your job involved such trivial and predictable hardships as standing around outside a lot and listening to the President talk, then you'd get so bored that you'd just completely ignore reports of an assassin? If this were actually an accurate description of your own level of diligence and not motivated reasoning, then you would be literally and objectively unqualified to hold pretty much any job whatsoever.

Sorry if my first post comes off as a flame, but this is a frankly ludicrous comment and I don't know how else to express it. There are absolutely no circumstances under which a Secret Service agent ignoring reports of a rooftop sniper is even the least bit understandable or excusable. That isn't being "not a super ninja" but rather being completely and utterly derelict to a degree indistinguishable from treason.