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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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User ID: 550



1 follower   follows 11 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 550

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I can have empathy for gay men

I can have sympathy for all sinners. All are tempted by sin. None of us has lived a perfect life. Yet we are commanded to turn away from sin and repent, while bearing our burdens.

Unrepentant sinners can be treated as pagans or tax collectors. If I'm not expected to have fellowship them why would I be expected to endorse a society or cultural belief that this behavior is fine. Where we will not be heard, we should shake of the dust and move on, our pearls are not for swine. We should not give what is holy to dogs the unrepentant dressed as dogs or cartoon animals as part of degenerate sexual role play.

The idolatry and love of sin is the problem, not lack of empathy.


I'd rather see it all on fire than more of that kind of 'win'.

because it's better than the alternative

Is the alternative burning it down? A quick hot fire can lead to renewal.

Isn't this a bit, stated preference vs. revealed preference?

It's nice to be noticed. 🙂

doubt the SAHM thing will be an option

I know what you mean.

During the maternity leave for our 2nd it gave us a glimpse into what it could be like.

The loss of income has impacted our lifestyle. We're not jetting around anymore as much. Though we did manage 3 weeks abroad this year with the children.

Generally I think we're happier. I don't think the locum roles were intrinsically rewarding or fulfilling.

It scales a bit. After reasonable success with the first one, the 2nd was different but less anxiety producing. The 3rd and 4th even less so.

We had been DINK for some time. After the 2nd there was a move so my wife could be a SAHM. I don't think we'd have 4 if we were still both working in demanding careers shuttleing the kids between creche / daycare and school etc.

I would think that applying the gender-transition model to cancer would be for cancer patients to identify as a Cancer-person and advocating for Cancer-person pride.

In my mind applying the cancer model to gender dysphoria would be targeted treatment to realign the misperception of their gender with their anatomy. Restoring their natural anatomy to health.

wants to ban transgenderism in adults

Not just adults, kids too. I'd also like to ban cancer in adults, or treat transgenderism as we do cancer.

Is buying blood of teenage boys better than other 'fluids'?

Like Springtime for Hitler?

I don't think Richard Spencer's endorsement matters, but I think his motivation may.

It reads to me like the 'Sex traffickers for Harris' yard signs I saw. Mocking.

Extra votes for my in-group.

Married men, with children born of the marriage get extra votes for their children, provided they're not drawing state benefits.

Isn't this for accelerationist reasons?

forgotten about or never heard of

It gave us this:


They're doing it so after communists leftists burn the Reichtag Capitol and Hitler Trump suspendeds civil liberties they can say we told you so.

Why all at large and not two at large and one from each district?

The other potential takeaway is that the media lied about Hitler the same as they lie about Trump.

Just vote for Trump and move on with your day.

Already priced in.

You could go talk to a recruiter about your diagnosis and see what they say. You need to do more things in general and talking to a recruiter is an easy goal to set and accomplish.

Trades can damage your health but it's not a given. Sitting in an office all day does it's own sort of damage.

Were you working on a useful degree?

There are super successful individuals that help pull up the median. If you land in the bottom quintile of the distribution the value is less certain.

Have you considered a trade? You'd be developing the relationships and interdependence that may help you with motivation to improve your attendance.

Did you take the ASVAB? Have you talked to a recruiter, perhaps the military would provide the structure you need.

consumers generally

These are the same people that were renting their landline phones from the phone company, are renting their cable modems / firewalls from their ISP and own a timeshare.

Maybe everything doesn't need to be connected to the internet?

Or you live in a time where tech advances quite rapidly and so a ten year old car is qualitatively different and arguably inferior to the new versions

Do we live in this time now?

I've not seen any recent technology advances in cars that I'm willing to pay a premium for.

software as a service thing

This is the model software companies use now. This hasn't always been so. There are still many use cases (mostly offline specialized stuff) that is seldom updated. It was feature complete when it shipped.

Software publishers like SaaS as it improves their revenue. I preferred the previous business model.

There's a cohort that largely already owns nothing, they don't seem very happy. Must everyone own nothing for them to be happy?

Renting / leasing may be more cost efficient if your the sort that updates on a regular cycle. New phone every year, new car every 1 - 3 years, etc. If you're the sort to buy a good 10 year old used car and drive it until it dies or is un-economical to repair in 12+ years, you've already optimized this as much as possible. Unless you only have a car and don't need a car, people living in cities who rarely drive etc.