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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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1 follower   follows 11 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 550

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Yes this is how the deep state / PMC lie.

They were careful to tell technically the truth while still creating the impression in the media that this was Russian disinformation. Providing cover for the various social networks to limit / censor the story. They certainly would have known the claimed provenance of the laptop as being abandoned by Hunter at a repair shop. I don't recall their letter rebutting this very directly. Maybe this just means Hunter is a Russian agent leaking his own emails and dick pics.

I'll admit I've very little generosity left for these people. They're the same sort to produce 'intelligence' about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or Russia blowing up their own pipeline, etc.

You can see that new populations have replaced existing populations in archeological DNA.

The manner or method of replacement is likely lost.

Wiseacre or wisenheimer

"maybe we should think pragmatically and build a better system that actually cares about the needs of non-elites

I'm hopeful this would be the eventual outcome after all the patricians are dead.

I agree it doesn't seem to be on offer, currently.

seems like the news media, social media, Blinken, and the former intelligence officials mostly or entirely sincerely believed it had a good chance of being Russian disinformation

You believe this is more likely than the deep state and political actors working in unison to protect their preferred candidate from the truth?

Have any of the 'intelligence officials' retracted their letter?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your meaning.

As I read it, your main concern of Trump winning is that if he loses he'll claim he won and Kamala only won via fraud.

“having their fun” and then turning around and telling you not to have yours

This is based on a misperception.

The sin and degeneracy I was mired in for a decade wasn't really fun, if it were I wouldn't have needed to be so drunk to do it.

The truth is I was deeply unhappy and unfulfilled. I wouldn't tell you not to have fun, I would tell you that sexual degeneracy alcohol and drugs are a false fun. They cannot lead to a lasting happiness, peace or fulfillment. They're distracting and numbing.

It's not just that the employees are less skilled, they're less capable.

Seleting for someone higher skilled may also select for someone capable of stretching. A competent person can be competent in many situations and scenarios with minimal training.

School used to do a better job of selecting for competence, graduation rates were much lower but graduates could pass competency exams.

Afghan bug out

Was this an example of success?

The difficulty is the 'decision makers' have often moved on before the pigeons come home to roost.

Even highly repeatable processes will often have edge cases / or odd failure modes that while rare if the process is very frequent will throw errors often enough to cause problems.

Also these jobs tend to suck which presents other challenges.

I'd rather interact with someone competent than an idiot with a checklist. I'm sure there's an appropriate Idiocracy clip.

government competency crisis

It's not just government. Lots of orgs have tried to replace expertise / experience / competency with process and procedure.

You can sometimes see how well this works in practice. It's like when you've a cashier that can't make change and you try to give them 2¢ so you get $1 and not 98¢ in change.

Poaching deer sure. Squirrel and racoon may not even be poaching. Some states have no limits on varmit animals though you'd need permission from the landowner on private property.

It doesn’t seem like a big stretch that it would be, the locals were saying it was, and Trump repeated their reports.

This seems the most likely to me. Combined with the Canton women who ate the cat.

If the claim were Europeans are using cat pelts as a traditional remedy for arthritis?

Trump would (allegedly) collude

Do you believe this claim? I believe we've high quality evidence that this was manufactured at the behest of those working if not on behalf of the Clinton campaign, working independently while also working for the Clinton campaign.

This still sounds like boo-outgroup. That dastardly Trump is the sort to collude with Russia to win.

Poor Hatians would never eat a cat.

At best I'm reasonably confident a Hatian in Springfield, OH hasn't eaten a cat it the trailing 6 months. I would be less confident that no Hatian has never eaten a cat anywhere.

You seem particularly upset by the Haitians in Springfield eating pets story. We're you also upset by the Russian collusion, or pee dossier stories?

I think there were a couple elements to the Hatian story that gave it the legs it had. There was a woman arrested while apparently eating a cat, though in Canton not Springfield and she isn't Hatian. There was a 911 call reporting 4 Hatians stealing geese from a park. There was a viral Facebook post purporting to describe 3rd or 4th hand about a lost cat found field dressed hanging from a tree. The memes of Trump saving kittens and ducks were sharable because cats and the internet.

It seems to me that this is one of those misinformation stories that's only horrible when it's my evil out-group doing it. When it's the righteous and good in group repeating Russian collusion, pee dossier or Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, disinformation it's OK.

@Stellula Having had this experience I was sent on my way with a summons to appear and produce the license in court.

Upon appearing with my license the case was dismissed but I was admonished for not having my license while driving.

I hadn't considered that it was the Classic / New Country mix of 105.1 FM in the 80's that led me to marriage, family and church ~30 years later. I owe a debt to Uncle Dave and Lisa K in the mornings.

Pop-country isn't a genre I've much experience with. Any recommendations of songs or artists that encourage young women to ditch school, marry young and have children? Or that are popular amongst the cohort of women that do?

I'd expect schools to need to push hard amongst non-responders.

I suspect it's horrendous in an absolute sense and average, maybe low average in a peer group sense.

I think it would go down well and I'm always keen to read first hand accounts of peoples day jobs.

Though I'd ask horrendous compared to what, horrendous compared to someplace that actually exists in current year?

Since beginning food. He'd refuse to eat and demand milk. He's 9 now.

He's unpleasant (more than usual) when he's not eaten, though so are many people. Longest he's gone recently is 36 hours or so, when he finally ate some toast. He's specific about the french fries too, no ketchup, only salt.

He's also complained and avoided the Fanta here in Germany saying it tastes different. Sprite has been less ubiquitous and he's not liked the alternative lemon / citrus soft drinks. Doesn't like the UHT milk.

Our other kids have not had any trouble finding things they like on menus or trying new things.

Lego Land, Play Mobil Fun Park, the local trampoline park all serving beer in the food court / canteen. Most museum cafes too. Unlike the USA when you do find beer at these sorts of places it will be something mass market and expensive for a .33 l can, here it tends to be something local and cheap in a .5 l bottle.