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joined 2024 February 20 22:01:34 UTC

Whatever happened? A breach in the very unity of life, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Life had overshot its target, blowing itself apart. A species had been armed too heavily – by spirit made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being. Its weapon was like a sword without hilt or plate, a two-edged blade cleaving everything; but he who is to wield it must grasp the blade and turn the one edge toward himself.



User ID: 2895



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 February 20 22:01:34 UTC


Whatever happened? A breach in the very unity of life, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Life had overshot its target, blowing itself apart. A species had been armed too heavily – by spirit made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being. Its weapon was like a sword without hilt or plate, a two-edged blade cleaving everything; but he who is to wield it must grasp the blade and turn the one edge toward himself.



User ID: 2895

Not having read your article

this seems like a bad-faith article

classic stuff.

Actually, thinking about it, I think there's a pretty easy way to differentiate on a policy level: criminal record. People down on their luck, the "have nots", won't have meaningful criminal records. The anti-social, criminal drug addicts, the "will nots" or "can nots", will. Where I live, pretty much everybody who ever gets arrested for criddler shit already has a significant record of violent crimes. You'll see a news story about "man arrested for charging after somebody with a machete", and when you google them they've got years of arrests for similar crimes. A massive amount of the west coast's homeless problems could be solved by simply keeping those people in jail, and it would be easy to deny those people access to resources like free housing if they have any arrests in the last five years (I'd be open to excluding victimless crimes like simple drug possession).

What a profoundly shameful and mindless thing to say.

As with most things, the ability to identify the groups is hard

No, it isn't. It may be difficult to do at scale in a way that is legally/bureaucratically acceptable, but you can tell the difference between a "I'm in a bad situation and need a little help to get back on my feet" and a "meth just feels better with a machete in your hand" in about two minutes of conversation.

Human suffering is not a solvable problem.

Especially and particularly the suffering of people caused by their own decision making. You can't solve people fucking their own life up without preventing them from having the freedom to control their own lives.

I can see, perhaps, an argument for benefit to social stability by everyone having buy in. "Stupid, terrible things will happen if enough people can be convinced they should happen, and that's the value of democracy," seems like the strongest argument against democracy.

That being said, it seems like the trend line for social stability is pointed in only one direction, so the argument that we should have democracy to keep things stable is looking pretty weak these days as well.

I don't have any particular knowledge of methane infrastructure, but I am an engineer with some relevant general knowledge.

You are incorrect.

Leakage is an unavoidable part of any fluid system, and the larger the system, the more leakage you can expect. Shit leaks, especially on an industrial scale. Your domestic gas lines are very small and minimally manipulated, gas systems in industrial systems are very large, involve lots of things that can break, and are manipulated regularly.

That is neither him shitting himself nor him trying to sit on imaginary furniture.

Can i get receipts for the imaginary furniture and shitting himself, please?

Another day, another Jew post from SS.

From whence springs this obsession? What got you to this point? How does one become a single-issue jewposter? It's a surprisingly common (what I view as a) failure mode for people like you and I and the other people on this board, but I don't really understand what the process is that gets you to this point. What's your story?

Also, something I've wondered for a while: Are you a nazi? By which I mean: do you openly self-identify as a nazi? The username, the holocaust denial, the jew posting, it all pretty obviously points in one direction, but I'm curious about both your view of yourself and the choices behind your presentation on the this board.

Like I said, I read the whole wikipedia page. I understand that as saying "we'll retaliate against anyone who attacks us, even european countries", not "we'll retaliate by nuking even the people who supported us." How would the latter make sense at all? What could there possibly be to gain by nuking your own allies?

I just read that whole article, nowhere does it say that israel has nuclear weapons targeted at its allies' cities.

Why in the world would you think that?

"Don't drive into a crowd of screaming people."

"How unreasonable! You can't expect me to be an expert at everything!"

Yes, my argument is exactly that: Perry should have been smarter and he had plenty of opportunity to avoid what happened.

Ffs people, don't feed the trolls.

You don't have to do what google maps tells you to, you're still responsible for driving your car. If a road is flooded, or there's an accident, or there's a blockade of armed, screaming people...go around even if your phone doesn't tell you to. Obviously.

Are you kidding?

  • -13

My argument is not a moral argument, it is a practical argument. Did you not read that I said I would acquit?

It wasn't worth it. He accomplished nothing of value and severely damaged his own life. He even damaged his tribe by stepping into the villain role that the blues laid out for him, the same way J6 protesters did (Yarvin is completely right about this).

Of course the same argument applies to Foster, any reasonable reading of the facts utterly condemns him.

That doesn't mean Perry was in the right. They were two retards with guns on a collision course and it ended terribly and predictably.

To be clear, I have no sympathy for Foster at all.

It was not his job to drive through a road blockade.

  • -13

Just in case you didnt know, the tv show "the pacific" is vased chiefly on that book and is very, very good.

I (very much a "gun guy" and an avid motorcycle rider) feel the same way about armed self defence as I feel about motorcycling:

People often get in motorcycle accidents and say "it wasn't my fault!" Maybe technically you're right, and by the laws of the road it wasn't "your fault". Maybe a car failed to yield to you, or ran into you at a stop light, or just merged into you. All clear violations of the law. Congradulations, you're still in the hospital or dead. There are steps that you could have taken to prevent this outcome, and you're paying the price for not taking them. You can be "right" or you can be upright.

There are hundreds of off ramps to almost every violent confrontation, and when it comes to guns, everybody is as vulnerable as a motorcyclist is on the road. Sure, they had no right to block the freeway. Sure, its real fucking sketchy to have one of them come up to your car with a rifle in his hands. Sure, you're probably legally and ethically justified in shooting, so long as you keep the frame of reference constrained to the immediate circumstances. But our ethical lives are not constrained to the immediate circumstances, and Daniel Perry made a series of dumbfuck decisions that led him to the moment his car was being approached by a guy with an AK. I don't think he should be convicted of murder, I would have acquitted, and I also think he is an irresponsible dipshit. His refusal to take the obvious pragmatic precautions like avoiding the protest altogether led to this nightmare, and the retarded culture warrior convictions that led him there were not to his or anyone's benefit.

That is an AA-12 fully automatic 12 gauge shotgun, actually.

Thank you, I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see someone questioning the basic validity of this whole story. I swear to god e-girls are the real mind killer, not politics.