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User ID: 106



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User ID: 106

It's just really boring. The dialogue is wooden and the actors don't help. They recite lines like "this place is so evil the torches give no heat". The peasants sit in bars and are racist against the black elf. I assume this is so we can learn a Very Important Lesson later on. The action scenes look like video game cutscenes. The elf soldiers wear identical uniforms and bitch about regulations like they're 19th century conscripts instead of immortal warrior aristocrats.

It's not so much that anything about it is actively terrible, it's that there's also nothing good about it. Not because it's not faithful to Tolkien but because the writers failed on their own terms.

Didn't he get Mexico to agree to hold asylum seekers until their cases are adjudicated? That seems like a pretty big one that I'm not sure a generic republican would have done.

They make GPUs that have intentionally crippled crypto currency mining. Could they do something similar for AI? If it's technically feasible I could see that happening, with only universities and tech giants having access to the good stuff.

There are lots of youtube videos for improving your form. Or you can take a lesson specifically for improving your form. I did that before a triathlon and it helped quite a bit. I don't think it's the type of thing where a book would be very helpful.

The victories of the pro migrant parties are permanent and all the right wing parties can do is stem the tide. 25% of the country now has a migrant background so the homogeneous, peaceful society that your grandparents knew is gone. The Sweden Democrats might slow the demographic change while they're in power but they're not going to reverse it. Elections matter and the Swedes have permanently changed their country for the worse. Unfortunately it's a lot easier to wreck a country than it is to fix it.

I think you're right except it was more likely an analysis of Amazon's executives than their audience.

I don't think they're racist in the sense that they hate black people. I think they're racist in that they prefer to live in this type of society that white people made. I have no problem with that, I feel the same, but I think it's fair to rub the hypocrisy in their face that they're making that impossible for everyone else.

That's what happened with Starship Troopers. They had a generic sci Fi action script that nobody wanted to make so they bought the rights to the book and changed a few details to match.

Haven't started season 5 but I've mostly enjoyed the rest minus season 2. Johnny and Daniel are both surprisingly positive portrayals of men that you don't see much of these days so I give it a lot of credit for that.

That's my experience too from reading Spanish language subreddits. The one exception I can think of is that a lot of Mexicans blame the US for the cartels (because we are their biggest customer). Granted neither of those are related to colonialism.

If you're left wing and utilitarian shouldn't you want to abolish the welfare state and send that money to Africa instead? I don't think being a utilitarian really lends itself to following any mainstream ideology today, it usually turns out that the utilitarian thing to do is what you actually wanted to do all along anyway. By pure coincidence I'm sure.

You don't even need the "hot with big breasts" part.

Blocking people fleeing conscription and sending them back so they can fight in the Russian army sounds really dumb. If they want to help Ukraine they should be throwing open the borders to any able bodied Russian between the ages of 18 and 45. Maybe I'm missing something.

Whole language learning sounds more enjoyable so I would stick with that. Does it really matter whether they learn to read at 6 or 7 as long as they get there in the end? Most smart kids will learn at home before they're school aged anyway.

  • -16

Another examples is when the supreme court overturned Roe vs Wade. People were saying it was undemocratic even though all it did was return the power to regulate abortion from the unelected court to elected officials.

It's only a poorly compensated job if you don't count pensions and 3+ months of vacation per year.

It sounds like they're really just banning Zionist speakers, not making "Jewish Free Zones".

If white nationalist speakers are banned then it's perfectly fair to also ban Zionists. I don't understand why wanting to build a Jewish state should be any more acceptable than wanting to build a white one. If I was in charge I would let anyone speak, but since that's not on the table then I applaud them for applying their own rules at least a little bit more equally.

I doubt that was common. If anything smart slaves could learn a trade or a get a cushy job instead of farm labor. Toussaint Louverture comes to mind as an example.

So yes, the idea that someone accused of a sex offense is more likely to identify as trans once in prison solely for the purposes of better accommodations makes a lot of sense to me.

If gender is based on self identity and we're supposed to take people at their word then this doesn't make any difference. The guy who decides he's trans 5 minutes before sentencing and the one who had a sex change 20 years ago both have an equally valid identity. As far as I can tell that's how society wants us to operate in every situation except for looking at crime statistics, for example when assigning people to sports teams or when they decide what bathroom to use. So I don't think it makes sense to change that method only in this scenario. If we're not supposed to interrogate their sincerity or commitment in any other scenario then I don't see why would when looking at crime stats.

Yeah that sounds insane. Mine was $4500 including installation and air handler (the inside part) five years ago, I know there's been inflation but this guy is either getting ripped off or lives in a mansion.

I would get some more quotes. Mine was around $4,500 installed for a larger unit 5 years ago. Might want to look at the lower efficiency options too, not worth spending $10k to save a few hundred dollars a year.

If you know about HBD then it wouldn't it be self defeating to examine applications in a race blind way? And why would black people be ok with that when they have the voting power to force you to hire them anyway?

Those policies were put in place by the Democrats who win 90% of the black vote.

Probably like Brazil, South Africa and Rhodesia in that order. On the plus side we'll be a less attractive destination as things deteriorate.

We have a generous welfare state, no IQ requirements for voting and award jobs and university admissions based on a racial spoils system. Adding a bunch of low IQ people is a complete disaster. If we were a dictatorship with no welfare state then yeah it wouldn't make as big of a difference.