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User ID: 106



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User ID: 106

All of those positions predate global warming as a salient issue. The Population Bomb was written in 1968. Orwell complained about vegetarians taking over socialism in the 1940s. Sociologists have been slagging car centered suburbs since they were built after WW2.

in fact, these are prone to being vilified by far left activists for being insufficiently radical

Right, because the activists (the people who matter) have more important goals than cutting emissions.

Historically women did not act as gatekeepers. Marriages we're arranged by the parents either directly or by making sure that your daughter only ever came in contact (socially) with acceptable matches.

Make land acknowledgments legally binding. Microsoft says their campus is built on rightfully Suquamish land? Shame on you Microsoft! The county recorder has transferred the title to their tribal elders, please have all of your furniture out by end of day.

It's more than a little suspicious to me that every solution to climate change is something the left already wanted to do for other, unrelated reasons. What a coincidence that to fight climate change we have to become vegetarians, have fewer kids, demolish the suburbs, redistribute wealth to minorities and abolish capitalism.

There are at least 6 million refugees and the overwhelming majority are women and children. Even if the fertility rate goes up there are going to be far fewer women of child bearing age left. Some will come back but that portion will only drop with time as they put down roots abroad and the situation in Ukraine deteriorates. I think Ukraine is screwed in the long run. The EU no longer has the economic vitality to build them up like they did Poland.

Do the data entry and call center jobs pay well?

Roman aqueducts combine elegance and practicality in a way that I really like. St Peter's Basilica is on the other end of the spectrum but easily the most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen.

About that.

Mills’ office said the goal is to figure out the best way to harness the economic potential of New Mainers and it has set a target of attracting 75,000 new workers by 2029.

Fifty years ago you would have all of western Europe, now you're saying it's just down to Iceland and Denmark. Running away to increasingly remote places every few years isn't a winning strategy.

Agent Burk again indicated that he needed air and said, “Call an ambulance, I’m asking for an ambulance.” However, when Officer Fihe told Agent Burk that they already had a medic coming, Agent Burk then said that he did not need a medic.

When you say you're sick so you can stay home from school but mom calls your bluff

She's majoring in Kinesiology according to LinkedIn. No idea if that's rigorous or not.

Dissident right

OkCupid was really good back in the day. It was the golden age of online dating where it was mainstream enough to draw a crowd but hadn't yet been completely optimized for revenue. I got at least a couple of in person dates a week from it and eventually met my wife there. I see those graphs where people have thousands of swipes, dozens of messages and a handful of dates and it's just depressing.

I'm not following. The difference between white schools and black schools is the people that go there.

Will we reach a point where slavery is far enough in the past that blacks and whites will be the same then? People have been predicting that for a long time. When do you expect the process to be complete?

Move a Finn to America and within 5 years he'll fit in. When he has kids you won't be able to tell them apart from anybody else. Move a black person to America and 400 years later they're culture is still wildly divergent and they have different outcomes from white Americans on every measure you could think of.

Anyway I think you're overestimating how much in common you have with black people. Try sending your kid to a 90% black school and ask them how easy it is to fit in because everyone eats peanut butter.

With Europeans you have deep similarities and superficial differences, with other races you have deep differences and superficial similarity.

It's ironic that, after so many years of dismissing conspiracy theories, the government is telling us that the Russians are shooting energy beams at their brains. Maybe they could wear tinfoil hats to protect themselves.

If you work for the CIA or State Department and ever experience fatigue or headaches there is now a huge financial incentive to blame the Russians for it:

the Biden Administration signed into law the Havana Act, which provides six-figure compensation for confirmed victims of AHIs.

Lenzi, his wife, son, and daughter, were all medevaced from Guangzhou, China in early June 2018 after they each failed brain injury tests. According to Lenzi, he and his family have been compensated by the U.S. government with “more than a million dollars because of our diagnosed traumatic brain injuries” in a combination of civil litigation settlements and Havana Act payments.

I was being snarky trying to portray the mindset of the type of people who put off kids to pursue mundane careers, but I should have been clearer. I don't think working in HR is better or more important than being a parent.

Reminds me of a passage from one of Tolkien's letters to his son:

No man, however truly he loved his betrothed and bride as a young man, has lived faithful to her as a wife in mind and body without deliberate conscious exercise of the will, without self-denial. Too few are told that – even those brought up ‘in the Church’. Those outside seem seldom to have heard it. When the glamour wears off, or merely works a bit thin, they think they have made a mistake, and that the real soul-mate is still to find. The real soul-mate too often proves to be the next sexually attractive person that comes along. Someone whom they might indeed very profitably have married, if only –. Hence divorce, to provide the ‘if only’. And of course they are as a rule quite right: they did make a mistake. Only a very wise man at the end of his life could make a sound judgement concerning whom, amongst the total possible chances, he ought most profitably to have married! Nearly all marriages, even happy ones, are mistakes: in the sense that almost certainly (in a more perfect world, or even with a little more care in this very imperfect one) both partners might have found more suitable mates. But the ‘real soul-mate’ is the one you are actually married to.

One problem is that a job doesn't just provide money, it provides social status. Being a stay at home mom is just dull, repetitive drudgery but working in HR for $40k/yr is an exciting and challenging Career. Paying women to stay at home and have kids won't be enough if they'll be more respected for working a job. There needs to be a cultural change that makes having kids high status. I doubt there's a western government in existence that has the will and ability to make that happen though, maybe not a government anywhere given that Japan/China/Korea are doing even worse.

Another problem is that don't just want people to have kids, you want the right people to have kids. In the US we get a $2k/yr tax credit per child. That's a negligible amount of money if you're middle class and up so it really only incentivizes the poor. I'd prefer a deduction instead of a credit and make the amounts much, much higher so that a single income family with kids can have more or less the same lifestyle as a DINK family.

I agree. I think I'll be fine until retirement but I worry what it's going to be like when my kid grows up. The best path forward is to either get a government job and stay there for life or go into a field where the government limits competition via licensure, like medicine, the skilled trades or law. For everything else there are so many immigrants that you're going to be left fighting for scraps with the entire population of Asia and Africa like the Canadians are doing now.

Seems like the simplest solution would just be to stop making it illegal to buy drugs from abroad. Then if drug companies tried to jack up prices in the US we'd just buy them from the Germans for a much smaller markup. I didn't have insurance coverage in college and ordered a drug I needed from a sketchy online pharmacy in Canada for around 1/4 the price that I would pay in the US. The disadvantage was the risk that it would get stopped at customs and confiscated, but that's an entirely self inflicted problem.

They also aren't eating homemade cornbread and fried chicken every day. My bet is that beer, soda and french fries have a lot more to do with it than regional cuisine.

The Voting Rights Act puts all sorts of restrictions on how elections are run.

But the cable networks are still there and there are a half dozen big streaming services to choose from as well. Plus no yearly contracts, you can subscribe for a couple months and then switch when you're bored. This is way better for consumers than the cable days.

Started construction in 2016 with a budget of $50 million, delays caused construction to drag into 2019 (?) with a cost of $100 million and now we have to leave. That was money well spent.